Computational Complexity of Approximate Area Minimization in Channel Routing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computational Complexity of Approximate Area Minimization in Channel Routing


Title: LEDS: Providing Location-Aware End-to-End Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks Author: S. A. AHSAN RAJON Last modified by: S. A. AHSAN RAJON – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Computational Complexity of Approximate Area Minimization in Channel Routing

Computational Complexity of Approximate Area
Minimization in Channel Routing
  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
  • Bangladesh University of Engineering and
    Technology, BUET.
  • Student ID 0409052006

  • Area minimization is the key objective of channel
  • Since the problem of minimizing area in two layer
    and Three layer channel routing are known to be
    NP-Hard, several heuristics for area minimization
    have been proposed which generate routing
    solutions for several standard benchmark channels
    within a small number of tracks more than the
    optimal number required to route the channels.
  • TAH is an algorithm that computes optimal or
    nearly optimal results for several well known
    benchmark channels.
  • Even though most of these heuristics run in
    polynomial time, it is not known whether there
    exists a polynomial time algorithm that computes
    a routing solution for the given instance of
    channel routing problem within a constant number
    of tracks more than the optimal number required
    for that instance.
  • Such an algorithm is called Absolute
    Approximation Algorithm.

Overview contd.
  • There are very few NP-Hard optimization problems
    that whose absolute approximation can be
    calculated in polynomial time.
  • One problem is that of determining the minimum
    number of colors needed to color a planer graph.
  • Determining if a planer graph is three colorable
    is NP-Hard.
  • However all planer graphs are four colorable.
  • Another problem is the maximum programs stored
  • Assume that we have n programs and two storage
    devices, say disks.
  • Let li be the amount of storage needed to store
    the i-th program.
  • Let L be the storage capacity of each disk.
  • Determining the maximum number of there n
    programs that can be stored on the two disks
    without splitting s program over the disk is
  • However by considering the programs in order if
    non-decreasing storage requirement li, we can
    obtain a polynomial time absolute area
    approximation algorithm.

Overview contd.
  • The NP-Hardness of computing absolute area
    approximation for a problem depicts
  • the degree to hardness of the problem.
  • The result of NP-Hardness of absolute area
    approximation problem derived in this chapter
    depict the channel routing is indeed a very hard
    computational problem.
  • Computational problems become easier to solve for
    simpler inputs and consequently proving
    intractability results become harder.

Overview contd.
  • A natural question is whether the absolute area
    approximation problem is NP-Hard for channels
    with bounded degree nets.
  • A net with a bounded number of terminals is
    called a bounded degree net.
  • NP-Hardness of the Absolute Area Approximation
    Problem for channels with nets having a maximum
    of five terminals per net have been proved.
  • It has been also proved that computing an
    absolute area approximation solution is NP-Hard
    in the two dogleg routing model for channels with
    two terminal nets under a certain restriction.

Overview contd.
  • The restriction imposed is that, nets must be
    assigned to tracks in pre-specified groups.
  • The motivation for such restriction of groupings
    of nets in their assignment to tracks seems from
    practical design issues in VLSI, where it is
    preferable to group certain nets into the same
    track provided their spans do not overlap.
  • All the problems considered above for the two
    layer VH routing model remain NP hard even in the
    three layer HVH routing model.

Absolute Approximation for Two Layer No-Dogleg
Routing is NP-hard
  • It is to prove that Absolute Approximation for
    Two Layer No-Dogleg VH Routing is NP-hard.
  • Reduction from the well known problem TNVH of
    computing the minimum number of tracks for a
    given instance of two terminal nets of the
    Channel Routing Problem.
  • Consider the following approximation problem
  • Given a channel specification of multi terminal
    nets compute a two-layer no-dogleg routing
    solution whose number of tracks is at most one
    more than
  • the minimum number of tracks required for that
    given instance.
  • In other words, we want to compute a 1-absolute
    approximate solution for two layer no-dogleg
  • We show that, the problem MNVHAA1 is as hard as
    the problem TNVH by a polynomial transformation
    from TNVH to MNVHAA1.

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard
  • Proof
  • TO show that MNVHAA1 is NP Hard, we consider the
    following reduction from TNVH to MNVHAA1.
  • We construct an instance I/ of MNVHAA1 from any
    instance I of TNVH using a polynomial time
  • Let t be the minimum number of tracks required
    for a given instance I.
  • We constyruct the instance I/ in such a manner
    that the minimum number of tracks required to
    route I/ is 2t1.
  • Since 2t1 tracks are sufficient are sufficient
    for routing I/,the absolute area approximation
    question for I/ can be stated as computing a
    routing solution for I/ within 2t1 tracks.
  • We show that, I has a t track solution if and
    inly if I/ has 2t2 tracks solution, thereby
    showing that, MNVHAA1 is as hard as TNVH.

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard
  • Here is a schematic presenting the constructed
    instance I/ of multi-terminal nets, where ai ? A
    is the sink net and bi ? A is the source net.

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard contd.
  • Let the number of nets in I be n and the length
    of the channel in I be m.
  • We construct I/ by duplicating the channel
    specification of I into two groups A and B, each
    group containing n nets.
  • Group A consists of one copy of I having n two
    terminals nets in the first m columns of I/ .
  • The construction of I/ is such that, in any
    routing solution for I/ , any net of group A is
    assigned to a track above the track to which any
    net of group B is assigned.
  • In order to achieve this separation, we add one
    additional net s called the separator net as

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard contd.
  • For each net ai of A and bi of B 1 i n, we
    could have introduced vertical constraints (ai,
    s) and (s, bi) in order to achieve the
  • However it is sufficient to introduce such
    vertical constraints for nets ai of A whose
    corresponding nets in I are sink vertices of A
    and for nets bi of B whose corresponding nets in
    I are source vertices of B.
  • Let g(h) be the number of such sink(source) nets
    in I.
  • Therefore, introducing only gh new columns in
    the I/ can we can realize the required
  • So, I/ has 2t1 nets and 2mgh columns.
  • This completes the construction of I/ .

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard contd.
  • Now show that, the instance I has a two layer
    no-dogleg solution of t tracks if and only if the
    instance I/ has a two-layer no-dogleg routing
    solution of 2t2 tracks.
  • Suppose there is a t-track two layer no-dogleg
    routing solution for the channel specification of
    n-two-terminal nets in I.
  • We show that there is a two layer no dogleg
    routing solution S for I/ using 2t2 tracks.
  • Since I can be routed within t tracks, the nets
    of group A in I/ can be assigned within the
    topmost t tracks.
  • From the construction of I/ we know that, the
    separator net s must be assigned below the nets
    of group A.
  • So, s can be assigned to the (t1)th track from
    the top.
  • The nets of group B in I/ must be must be
    assigned below s, within the next t tracks.
  • This gives a 2t2 track routing solution for I/,
    where the bottommost track in S is an empty stack.

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard contd.
  • Suppose there is a 2t2 track routing solution S
    for I/ .
  • We show that, there is a t-track two-layer no
    dogleg routing solution for I/ .
  • Note that, according to the construction of I/ ,
    we have the followings-
  • Vertices corresponding to the sink nets in group
    A are immediate ancestors of the vertex
    corresponding to the separator net s.
  • Similarly the Vertices corresponding to the
    sourcenets in group B are immediate descendants
    of the vertex corresponding to the separator net
  • So, from the routing solution S for I/ , no net
    of group B can be assigned to a track above the
    track to which the net of group A is assigned.
  • Moreover in S, all the nets of group A are
    seperated by the separator net s from all the
    nets of group B.
  • Therefore either the nets of group A or the nets
    of group B use only t tracks.
  • Hence we can compute a two layer no dogleg
    t-track routing solution for the channel
    specification of the n two-terminal nets ion I.

MNVHAA1 is NP Hard contd.
  • So far we have proved that, the problem MNVHAA1
    is NP-Hard.
  • In similar manner we can show that, the problem
    MNVHAAK is also NP Hard.
  • We pose the problem as follows,.
  • Given a channel specification of multi terminal
    nets compute a two-layer no-dogleg routing
    solution whose number of tracks is at most k for
    any fixed Kgt1 more than the minimum number of
    tracks required for that given instance.
  • In other words, we want to compute a k-absolute
    approximate solution for two layer no-dogleg
  • We show that, the problem MNVHAA1 is as hard as
    the problem TNVH by a polynomial transformation
    from TNVH ro MNVHAAK.

MNVHAAk is NP Hard
  • Proof
  • TO show that MNVHAAK is NP hard, we use a
    polynomial time transformation similar to that of
    used in the proof of T7.1.
  • We construct an instance I/ of MNVHAAK for any
    instance I of the TNVH by making a k1 copies of
    the channel specification of I and using k
    additional separator nets.
  • As in the proof of T7.1 we use the separator nets
    to ensure that, all nets of one one copy are
    separated from all other nets of another copy in
    any routing solution of I/ .
  • This can be realized by introducing vertical
    constraints between the sink nets of the i-th
    copy and the i-th separator net, and between the
    i-th separator net and the source nets of the
    (i1)-th copy. 1ik of I/ .

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