Title: He himself, the Grinch
1He himself, the Grinchcarved the roast beast.
2Intensive Pronouns
Singular Plurals
myself ourselves
Yourself yourselves
himself, herself, itself themselves
4Intensive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself,
herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
themselves) draw special attention to a noun or
pronoun already named.He himself, the Grinch
carved the roast beast
5I _______ am tired of doing homework.The
president _______ appeared at the rally.The
CAVs ________ are making Cleveland stand out!
6Intensive pronouns emphasize the antecedent BUT
are not necessary. They can be removed and you
still have a complete sentence.I myself am
tired of doing homework.I am tired of doing
7hisself and theirselves are NOT words! Use
himself and themselves