Title: Potencijal geolo
1Potencijal geološkog skladištenja CO2 u Hrvatskoj
kao jedna od mjera za dekarbonizaciju
stacionarnih energetskih i industrijskih
izvora Potential of CO2 Geological Storage as a
Measure for Reducing Emissions from Energy
Production and Industry Sources in Croatia
Bruno Saftic
FP6 EU GeoCapacity Prof. Bogdan Goricnik Prof.
Josipa Velic Doc. Domagoj Vulin V. asist. Iva
Kolenkovic Dragutin Domitrovic
2Mehanizmi vezanja ugljicnog dioksida u
podzemlju fizicki kapilarni kemijski
mineralni CO2 trapping mechanisms structural
residual dissolution - mineralisation
3Carbon Capture and Storage system (CCS)
Dense supercritical CO2 phase (gt 31C at 73 bars)
5- Where?
- 7 power plants
- 1 NGPP
- Whos CO2?
- Possible impact?
6(Prelogovic, 1993)
(Velic Velic, 1993)
7Pannonian-Pontian turbiditic lobes, slumps, delta
front mouth bars, barrier bars, and delta plain
channel fills Ottnangian-Pannonian breccias
/ conglomerates Badenian limestones and
tuffaceous sandstones Basement rocks with
secondary porosity
(Saftic et al., 2003)
9- Capacity estimates
- area
- effective thickness
- average porosity
- storage coefficient
10Capacity estimates in deep saline aquifers
Structure Area (m2) Thickness (m) Net/gross ratio Porosity () CO2 density (t/ m3) Storage efficiency factor () Total estimated CO2 storage Capacity (Mt)
Drava 1353234016 1000 0.60 25 0.373 3 2271.038
Osijek 41085959 2500 0.70 20 0.418 3 180.460
Sava Central 517134191 1700 0.32 18 0.450 3 691.780
Sava West 314735506 1500 0.33 17 0.401 3 321.745
Dugi Otok 1135546278 1170 0.20 10 0.755 3 601.652
Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) Total estimated CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers (Mt) 4066.675
11Capacity estimates in hydrocarbon fields
12CO2 emissions and storage capacity estimates (EU
GeoCapacity, 2009)
CO2 emissions CO2 emissions Year(s) Average CO2 emissions (Mt)
CO2 emissions from large point sources in database CO2 emissions from large point sources in database 2003 5
Total CO2 emissions Total CO2 emissions 2003 23
CO2 storage capacity Pyramid class Conservative estimate (Mt) Estimate in database (Mt)
Storage capacity in aquifers Theoretical 2710 4067
Storage capacity in hydrocarbon fields Effective 189 189
Storage capacity in coal fields N/A - -
Total storage capacity estimate Theoretical 2899 4256
13CCS Options for Croatia
- Depleted hydrocarbon fields might be effective
- Storage potential in regional aquifers is only an
approximation theoretical - Most of effective capacity is in PBS and half of
point source emissions occur in coastal parts - Small is beautifull
- Customers in the neighbourhood