Title: Integer Programming
1Integer Programming
- Introduction to Integer Programming (IP)
- Difficulties of LP relaxation
- IP Formulations
- Branch and Bound Algorithms
2Integer Programming Model
- An Integer Programming model is a linear
programming problem where some or all of the
variables are required to be non-negative
integers. - These models are in general substantially harder
than solving linear programming models. - Network models are special cases of integer
programming models and are very efficiently
solvable. - We will discuss several applications of integer
programming models. - We will study the branch and bound technique, one
of the most popular algorithm to solve integer
programming models.
3Classifications of IP Models
- Pure IP Model Where all variables must take
integer values. - Maximize z 3x1 2x2
- subject to x1 x2 6 x1, x2 ³ 0, x1
and x2 integer - Mixed IP Model Where some variables must be
integer while others can take real values. - Maximize z 3x1 2x2
- subject to x1 x2 6 x1, x2 ³ 0, x1
integer - 0-1 IP Model Where all variables must take
values 0 or 1 . - Maximize z x1 - x2
- subject to x1 2x2 2 2x1 - x2
1, x1, x2 0 or 1
4Classifications of IP Models (contd.)
- LP Relaxation The LP obtained by omitting all
integer or 0-1 constraints on variables is called
the LP relaxation of IP. - IP
- Maximize z 21x1 11x2 subject to
7x1 4x2 13 x1, x2
³ 0, x1 and x2 integer - LP Relaxation
- Maximize z 21x1 11x2 subject to
7x1 4x2 13 x1,
x2 ³ 0 - Result
- Optimal objective function value of IP
Optimal objective function value of LP relaxation
5IP and LP Relaxation
7x1 4x2 13
6Simple Approaches for Solving IP
- Approach 1
- Enumerate all possible solutions
- Determine their objective function values
- Select the solution with the maximum (or,
minimum) value. - Any potential difficulty with this approach?
- -- may be time-consuming
- Approach 2
- Solve the LP relaxation
- Round-off the solution to the nearest feasible
integer solution - Any potential difficulty with this approach?
- -- may not be optimal solution to the original IP
7The use of binary variables in constraints
- Any decision situation that can be modeled by
yes/no, good/bad etc., falls into the
binary category. - To illustrate
8The use of binary variables in constraints
- Example
- A decision is to be made whether each of three
plants should be built (Yi 1) or not built (Yi
0) - Requirement Binary Representation
- At least 2 plants must be built Y1 Y2 Y3
? 2 - If plant 1 is built, plant 2 must not be built
Y1 Y2 1 - If plant 1 is built, plant 2 must be built
Y1 Y2 0 - One, but not both plants must be built Y1
Y2 1 - Both or neither plants must be built Y1
Y2 0 - Plant construction cannot exceed 17 million
- given the costs to build plants are 5, 8, 10
million 5Y18Y210Y3 17
9Capital Budgeting Problem
- Stockco Co. is considering four investments
- It has 14,000 available for investment
- Formulate an IP model to maximize the NPV
obtained from the investments - IP
- Maximize z 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4
- subject to
- 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 14
- x1, x2,,x3, x4 0, 1
10Fixed Charge Problem
- Gandhi cloth company manufactures three types of
clothing shirts, shorts, and pants - Machinery must be rented on a weekly basis to
make each type of clothing. Rental Cost - 200 per week for shirt machinery
- 150 per week for shorts machinery
- 100 per week for pants machinery
- There are 150 hours of labor available per week
and 160 square yards of cloth - Find a solution to maximize the weekly profit
11Fixed Charge Problem (contd.)
- Decision Variables
- x1 number of shirts produced each week
- x2 number of shorts produced each week
- x3 number of pants produced each week
- y1 1 if shirts are produced and 0 otherwise
- y2 1 if shorts are produced and 0 otherwise
- y3 1 if pants are produced and 0 otherwise
- Formulation
- Max. z 6x1 4x2 8x3 - 200y1 - 150 y2 - 100y3
- subject to
- 3x1 2x2 6x3 150
- 4x1 3x2 4x3 160 x1 M y1, x2 M
y2, x3 M y3 - x1, x2,,x3 ³ 0, and integer y1,
y2,,y3 0 or 1
12Either-Or Constraints
- Dorian Auto is considering manufacturing three
types of auto compact, midsize, large. - Resources required and profits obtained from
these cars are given below. - We have 6,000 tons of steel and 60,000 hours of
labor available. - If any car is produced, we must produce at least
1,000 units of that car. - Find a production plan to maximize the profit.
13Either-Or Constraints (contd.)
- Decision Variables
- x1, x2, x3 number of compact, midsize and large
cars produced - y1, y2, y3 1 if compact , midsize and large
cars are produced or not - Formulation
- Maximize z 2x1 3x2 4x3
- subject to
- x1 My1 x2 My2 x3 My3
- 1000 - x1 M(1-y1)
- 1000 - x2 M(1-y2)
- 1000 - x3 M(1-y3)
- 1.5 x1 3x2 5x3 6000
- 30 x1 25x2 40 x3 60000
- x1, x2, x3 ³ 0 and integer y1, y2, y3 0 or 1
14Set Covering Problems
- Western Airlines has decided to have hubs in USA.
- Western runs flights between the following
cities Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver,
Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York,
Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and
Seattle. - Western needs to have a hub within 1000 miles of
each of these cities. - Determine the minimum number of hubs
15Formulation of Set Covering Problems
- Decision Variables
- xi 1 if a hub is located in city i
- xi 0 if a hub is not located in city i
- Minimize xAT xBO xCH xDE xHO xLA xNO
xNY xPI xSL xSF xSE - subject to
16Additional Applications
- Location of fire stations needed to cover all
cities - Location of fire stations to cover all regions
- Truck dispatching problem
- Political redistricting
- Capital investments
17Branch and Bound Algorithm
- Branch and bound algorithms are the most popular
methods for solving integer programming problems - They enumerate the entire solution space but only
implicitly hence they are called implicit
enumeration algorithms. - A general-purpose solution technique which must
be specialized for individual IP's. - Running time grows exponentially with the problem
size, but small to moderate size problems can be
solved in reasonable time.
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20An Example
- Telfa Corporation makes tables and chairs
- A table requires one hour of labor and 9 square
board feet of wood - A chair requires one hour of labor and 5 square
board feet of wood - Each table contributes 8 to profit, and each
- chair contributes 5 to profit.
- 6 hours of labor and 45 square board feet is
- available
- Find a product mix to maximize the profit
- Maximize z 8x1 5x2
- subject to x1 x2 6 9x1 5x2 45 x1,
x2 ³ 0 x1, x2 integer
21Feasible Region for Telfas Problem
- Subproblem 1 The LP relaxation of original
- Optimal LP Solution x1 3.75 and x2 2.25 and
z 41.25 - Subproblem 2 Subproblem 1 Constraint x1 ³ 4
- Subproblem 3 Subproblem 1 Constraint x1 3
22Feasible Region for Subproblems
- Branching The process of decomposing a
subproblem into two or more subproblems is called
branching. - Optimal solution of Subproblem 2
- z 41, x1 4, x2 9/5 1.8
- Subproblem 4 Subproblem 2 Constraint x2 ³ 2
- Subproblem 5 Subproblem 2 Constraint x2 1
23Feasible Region for Subproblems 4 5
24The Branch and Bound Tree
Optimal solution of Subproblem 5 z 40.05,
x1 4.44, x2 1 Subproblem 6 Subproblem
5 Constraint x1 ³ 5 Subproblem 7 Subproblem 5
Constraint x1 4
25Feasible Region for Subproblems 6 7
Optimal solution of Subproblem 7 z 37,
x1 4, x2 1 Optimal solution of
Subproblem 6 z 40, x1 5, x2 0
26The Branch and Bound Tree
x1 ³ 4
x1 3
Subproblem 3 z 39 x1 3 x2 3,
x2 1
x2 ³ 2
27Solving Knapsack Problems
- Max z 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4
- subject to
- 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 14
- xi 0 or 1 for all i 1, 2, 3, 4
- LP Relaxation
- Max z 16x1 22x2 12x3 8x4
- subject to
- 5x1 7x2 4x3 3x4 14
- 0 xi 1 for all i 1, 2, 3, 4
- Solving the LP Relaxation
- Order xis in the decreasing order of ci/ai where
ci are the cost coefficients and ais are the
coefficients in the constraint - ( Here x1?x2 ? x3 ? x4)
- Select items in this order until the constraint
is satisfied with equality
28The Branch and Bound Tree
29Strategies of Branch and Bound
- The branch and bound algorithm is a divide and
conquer algorithm, where a problem is divided
into smaller and smaller subproblems. Each
subproblem is solved separately, and the best
solution is taken. - Lower Bound (LB) Objective function value of the
best solution found so far. - Branching Strategy The process of decomposing a
subproblem into two or more subproblems is called
30Strategies of Branch and Bound (contd.)
- Upper Bounding Strategy The process of obtaining
an upper bound (UB) for each subproblem is called
an upper bounding strategy. - Pruning Strategy If for a subproblem, UB LB,
then the subproblem need not be explored further. - (Illustrate how to fathom nodes in a search tree
) - Searching Strategy The order in which
subproblems are examined. Popular search
strategies LIFO and FIFO.
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