Title: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
1CNS Other Infections
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Emory
University Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta
2Aseptic Meningitis
- Viral, atypical bacteria, fungal, TB
3Etiologies Viruses and Bacteria
- - Adenovirus
- - Arbovirus
- - Enteroviruses
- - Herpesviruses
- - HIV
- - Influenza A/B
- - Japanese encephalitis
- - Measles
- - Mumps
- - Rubella
- - Rabies
- - Lymphocytic choriomeningitic virus
- - Bartonella henslae
- - Bordetella pertussis
- - Borrelia burgdorferi
- - Brucella spp.
- - Chlamydia spp.
- - Ehrlichia, Leptospria spp.
- - Mycobacteria spp.
- - Mycoplasma spp.
- - Rickettsia spp.
- - Treponema pallidum
4Etiologies Fungal and Others
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Blastomyces dermatitidis
- Candida spp.
- Crytococcus neoformans
- Coccidioides immitis
- Histoplasma capsulatum
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Acanthamoeba
- Trichinella
- Naegleria
5TB Meningitis
- Most serious complication of TB infection
- Fatal without effective treatment, significant
morbidity even with treatment - In children CNS involvement occurs during primary
infection (rather than reactivation) - Usually results from hematogenous spread from a
primary focus (lungs) - Variable presentation, but usually onset is
insidious - More rapid in infants and young children
6TB Meningitis
7Clinical Staging
Stage Signs and Symptoms
Stage 1 (Early) Days to weeks Fever, HA, malaise Lethargy, behavior changes No neuro deficits No alteration of consciousness
Stage 2 (intermediate) Weeks to months Meningeal irritation Minor neuro deficits (CN)
Stage 3 (late) Months to years Abnormal movements Convulsions Stupor or coma Severe neuro deficits
- Isolation or identification of mycobacterium is
the gold standard for diagnosis - Possible in about 80 of cases
- PCR, ADA, ELISA have varying degrees of accuracy
- Typically 10-500 WBCs, with predominance of
lymphs - CSF glucose lt40, protein moderately elevated
(150-200) - CSF can be normal in children with unruptured
tuberculomas - Neuroimaging will be very helpful
- Look for the primary TB site
- Typically requires at least 3 or 4 drug therapy
- Isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide /- ethambutol
or streptomycin - WHO recommends at least a 4 month course for TB
meningitis - Steroids have been shown to significantly reduce
the neurologic sequelae of TBM - They often require a shunt for hydrocephalus
- Prognosis varies but depends on clinical stage
at the time treatment is started
10Encephalitis and Myelitis
- Refers to inflammation of the brain parenchyma
- Pathology shows
- Inflammation and destruction of neurons
- Pathogen detection by direct visualization,
staining, etc - Referred to as postinfectious encephalitis when
in temporal association with viral infection or
immunization - ADEM when it includes spinal cord
- Can cause significant alterations in sensorium
and seizures - Many patients require ICU
- In neonates, the most common etiology is HSV
(usually type 2), but also entero- and adenovirus - In older children arthropod-borne viruses
(arboviruses) and enteroviruses are the most
common - Arbo EEE, WEE, St. Louis, West Nile, JE
- Entero polio, echo, coxsackie, etc
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is a now
rare complication of measles infection - Tick borne bacteria can also be implicated
- Borrelia, Rickettsia, ehrlichiosis
- Once a virus crosses the epithelium (usually at
a mucosal surface) viral replication occurs,
followed by viremia - Viruses can penetrate the CSF from the blood,
or by spread from peripheral neurons (rabies and
HSV) - Once in the CNS the virus attaches to host
cells - Viral genome replication takes over, affecting
the other functions of the cell - Interferon in particular inhibits viral
penetration, replication, translation, and
assembly - The inflammatory process may turn on the host
14Clinical Manifestations
- Varies depending on affected site, severity,
and host factors - May or may not involve meninges (rabies)
- Nonspecific symptoms in neonates
- May not have maternal h/o HSV
- Older children have acute onset of fever, HA,
seizures, behavior changes, AMS, or coma, /-
prodrome - Depends on site of involvement
- May have paralysis or paraplegia if spinal cord
involved - Look for rashes (erythema migrans)
- CSF findings are non-specific
- Cells and protein may be normal or slightly
elevated - May see predominance of lymphs
- May get a diagnosis from culture, antigen
detection, PCR, or antibody titers - PCR stays positive for months, highly sensitive
and specific - EEG can help distinguish focal from
generalized encephalitis - HSV has characteristic periodic lateralized
epileptiform discharges (PLEDs)
Etiology Site of involvement on MRI
HSV Inferomedial temporal and frontal lobes
Japanese encephalitis Bilateral thalami and basal ganglia
Rabies Hippocampal, cerebellar, mesencephalic areas
Eastern equine encephalitis Disseminated brain stem and basal ganglia
- Children with suspected encephalitis warrant
ICU monitoring - Antimicrobial therapy is appropriate until
bacterial meningitis has been ruled out - Antiviral therapy should be started when
appropriate - HSV acyclovir
- CMV ganciclovir or foscarnet
- Flu A/B amantadine/rimantadine (A only),
oseltamivir (A and B) - No specific therapy for entero- and arboviruses
- Consider IVIG in immune compromised patients
18HSV Encephalitis
- HSV is the most common cause of fatal
encephalitis in childhood - Mostly HSV-1 after neonatal period
- Encephalitis can result from both primary and
recurrent HSV infection - Primary CNS if via olfactory and trigeminal
nerves - Disseminated HSV in the neonate affects the CNS
by hematogenous spread
19HSV Clinical Presentation
- Skin vesicles, scarring
- Eye involvement (chorioretinitis, optic atrophy)
- Brain (microcephaly, encephalomalacia)
- Disseminated disease (sepsis, ARDS, MODS)
- Older children have typical symptoms of
encephalitis - Behavior, personality, and speech changes are
particular to HSV - Progression may still be rapid and fatal in
- Swabs from conjunctiva, nasopharynx, rectum,
skin lesions - MRI may show temporal or frontal involvement
- PLEDs on EEG
- HSV PCR is 95 sensitive and 100 specific
(gold standard) - Please dont do a brain biopsy
21HSV Treatment and Prognosis
- ACYCLOVIR 20 mg/kg q8h for 14-21 days in
neonates - 10 mg/kg q8h in older children
- Need a negative CSF PCR before stopping therapy
- Steroids have not been proven in children
- Early treatment reduces morbidity and mortality
- Relapse occurs in 12 of adult patients
- Disseminated neonatal disease has 50 mortality
and 50 of survivors have significant sequelae
- Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
23ADEM Introduction
- ADEM is an inflammatory demyelinating disorder of
the CNS - Mostly seen in children and young adults
- Can be multiphasic (must distinguish from MS)
- Often preceeded by respiratory or GI viral
illness - Has also been reported after immunizations
- MMR and rabies vaccines
24ADEM Clinical Presentation
- Mean age of presentation is 7 years, slightly gt
males - Fever, HA rapidly progresses to AMS and
multifocal neuro deficits - Evolution may occur over a few days
- Deficits depend on affected areas
- White matter, spinal cord, optic nerves
- Ataxia and extrapyramidal symptoms are common
- UMN signs in affected limbs
- Fulminant presentation with rapid deterioration
is rare, but usually occurs in children lt 3 yrs
25ADEM Diagnosis
- The Brighton collaboration has published a very
complicated clinical definition of ADEM - Based on varying levels of diagnostic certainty
histopathology, imaging, presentation, etc - CSF is not helpful in making a diagnosis of ADEM
- May show pleocytosis or be normal
- 10 of cases have oligoclonal bands
- Myelin basic protein may be increased
- EEG may show focal or generalized slowing
27ADEM Treatment
- Mainstay of treatment is methylprednisolone 20-30
mg/kg/day for 3-5 days - Taper over 3-6 weeks
- Plasmapheresis and IVIG have also been used
- Considered when meningoencephalitis cannot be
excluded - Concern that steroids would worsen possible
infection - Combing either of these with steroids show no
added benefit
28ADEM Prognosis
- Most children with mild to moderate illness and
appropriate treatment achieve good recovery - Acute mortality is rare
- Fulminant cases are at higher risk of mortality
- 1/3 of cases have residual deficits
- Motor, visual, autonomic, developmental, epilepsy
- Relapses may occur during the steroid taper
- Recurrent attacks can occur after full recovery
29Brain and Spinal Cord Abscess
30Brain and Spinal Cord Abscess
- May occur as a primary infection or as a
complication of bacterial meningitis (more rare) - Rogers says that intensivists like them because
they are a serious, potentially fatal infection
that requires immediate intervention
31Abscesses Etiologies
- Most common pathogens include anaerobes, GNs,
streptococci, and staph - Neonates most commonly get GNs Citrobacter,
Enterobacter, Proteus - In other populations the organism depends on
predisposing factors - CHD a-hemolytic strep
- Endocarditis strep, S. aureus
- Post-trauma staph
- Otitis/sinusitis strep, Bacteroides fragilis,
Proteus spp., pseudomonas, H.flu
32Abscesses Pathogenesis
- May occur via hematogenous or direct spread
- Cyanotic heart disease is the most common
underlying condition (esp. TOF) - Polycythemia ? higher viscosity ? microinfarcts
- Bacteria love it!
- Chronic pulm infection, bacterial endocarditis,
and immune compromise also increase risk - Direct spread may occur from chronic otitis,
mastoiditis, sinusitis, trauma, NS procedures - Meningitis is a rare cause if treated
appropriately - Except in neonates with GN meningitis
33Abscesses Pathogenesis
- Bugs localize at the gray-white junction ?
cerebritis - Stage 1 Early cerebritis (Day 1-3)
- Leukocyte infiltration, focal edema, no clear
demarcation - Stage 2 Late cerebritis (Day 4-9)
- Central liquefaction necrosis (yum!), fibroblast
infiltration, capsule formation - Stage 3 Continued capsule formation
- Stage 4 Late capsule formation (2 weeks out)
- Dense fibrous capsule, marked edema
34Abscesses Pathogenesis
- Entire process may take 4-6 weeks
- May progress faster or rupture into ventricular
system - Sites of infection vary but cerebral are most
common - Kids with CHD get them in MCA distribution
- Otitis can spread to unilateral temporal lobe or
35Abscesses Diagnosis
- LP would be contraindicated in a patient with
brain or spinal cord abscess - ButCSF may show pleocytosis, ? protein, normal
glc - Blood cultures and cultures from other potential
foci would help - Get imaging
36Abscesses Imaging
37Abscesses Imaging
38Abscesses Treatment
- Surgical drainage or excision is required in many
cases - Usually under CT guidance
- Smaller abscesses may be manageable with
antibiotics alone - Empiric therapy is usually a 3rd/4th gen
cephalosporin metronidazole - Add vanc if staph is suspected
- Tailor therapy once an organism is defined
- IV therapy for at least 6 weeks
39Abscesses Prognosis
- Mortality is high in several groups
- Newborns, young infants
- Children with multiple large abscesses and CHD
- Intramedullary abscess of spinal cord (vs.
subdural or epidural spinal abscesses) - Rupture of an abscess can be life-threatening
- Residual defects are common
- Hemiparesis, CN palsies, cognitive defects,
epilepsy - Early decompression improves outcome
40Cerebritis ? Vasculitis
41Shunt Infections
- 2/3 of all shunt infections are caused by staph
spp - Staph epi, aureus, and other coag-negative types
have been frequently isolated in several series - GN enterics (E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus,
Pseudomonas) make up 6-20 - Strep causes 8-10
- Multiple organisms are found in 10-15
- Incidence has declined over the past few years
- 70-85 of infections are within 6 months of
- Shunts are foreign bodies and interfere with
natural host defense mechanisms - Chemotaxis and phagocytosis
- Staph can also form biofilm which increases
bacterial adherence and decreases effect of
antibiotics - Infection may occur through different
mechanisms - Wound or skin breakdown over shunt
- Colonization at the time of surgery
- Retrograde from the distal end of shunt
- Hematogenous seeding (infrequent)
43Clinical Presentation
- Fever, headache, vomiting, lethargy, altered
mental status - Check for wounds and look for cellulitis along
the shunt - Infection may spread to the distal end of the
shunt and cause peritonitis
- Isolation of organisms from CSF or equipment
- Other CSF studies are variable
- If there is associated shunt malfunction there
may be an increase in ventricular size on CT - Distal shunt infections can also cause abdominal
- Antibiotics are a mainstay of treatment
- Some propose shunt removal or externalization
only if there is no response to antibiotics - Associated ventriculitis may clear more quickly
with externalization - Cover staph with cloxacillin or vanc an
aminoglycoside - Rifampin is often added
- Intraventricular therapy is sometimes indicated
46CNS Fungal Infections
- Aspergillus, Cryptococcus
47CNS Fungal Infections
Predisposing Condition Fungal Pathogen
Prematurity Candida albicans
Primary immunodeficiency (CGD, SCID) Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus
Corticosteroids Cryptococcus, Candida
Cytotoxic agents Aspergillus, Candida
Secondary immunodeficiency (AIDS) Cryptococcus, Histoplasma
Iron chelator therapy Zygomycetes
IV drug abuse Candida, Zygomycetes
Ketoacidosis, renal acidosis Zygomycetes (Mucor)
Trauma, foreign body Candida
48CNS Fungal Infections
- Dont forget about the fungi that can cause
disease in a healthy host - Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, Blastomyces,
Coccidioides, Sporothrix - Fungal infections are on the rise worldwide due
to increasing prevalence of HIV
49Fungal Meningitis
- Most common causes are Cryptococcus neoformans,
C. immitis, Candida, and Aspergillus - Fungal meningitis in general has a more insidious
onset than bacterial - Symptoms may develop over days
- Always consider it with subacute/chronic
presentation - C.neoformans may develop more quickly in patients
on high-dose steroids or with HIV
50Fungal Meningitis
- Rhinocerebral syndrome is a major presentation of
zygomycosis - Rhizopus and Mucor spp
- Associated with poorly controlled DM
- Orbital pain, nasal discharge, facial edema,
proptosis - May invade carotids, trigeminal nerve and
adjacent brain structures - May also present with sudden neuro deficit due to
vasculitis - Can rarely cause mycotic aneurysmal bleed
- Have a low index of suspicion in immune
compromised patients with fever and CNS signs - CSF usually has high protein, low glucose, and
20-500 WBCs - Cell count may be LOW (lt20) with AIDS or high
dose steroids - India ink prep can identify gt50 of
C.neoformans cases (up to 80 in AIDS)
- - Cultures are frequently negative
- Candida takes days to grow, histo/coccidio take
weeks - - Methenamine stain of an aspirate or biopsy can
help identify Aspergillus and Zygomycetes, which
can cause tissue invasion and necrosis
Fungus Initial Regimen Second Regimen Other Considerations
Candida Amphotericin B flucytosine x 2 wks Fluconazole x 8-10 weeks Remove shunt if appicable.
Cryptococcus Ampho B flucytosine x 2 wks Fluconazole x 8-10 weeks Repeat LP after 2wks of ampho. Stop steroids.
Coccidio Ampho x 4wks Fluconazole or ampho 4eva Serial monitoring of CSF
Aspergillus High dose ampho excision PO vori or ampho x 1 yr Excision is key.
- Depends on underlying disease process
- Why are they immune suppressed?
- Candida meningitis has a mortality of 10-20
- Only 50 of patients with coccidioidal meningitis
survive initial treatment - Survivors have a high risk of relapse
- A cryptococcal vaccine has been developed, not
sure if it is available yet
55Parasitic CNS Infections
- Neurocysticercosis and Cerebral Malaria
- - Most common parasitic CNS infection.
- Important cause of epilepsy in the tropics.
- - Most cases present with seizures.
- 1/3 present with raised ICP.
- - Endemic in Latin America, Mexico, India,
sub-Saharan Africa, and China. - Including developed countries.
- gt1000 new cases are diagnosed in the US each year.
57Taenia solium Life Cycle
- Seizures in 70-90 of patients
- 1/3 will have raised ICP
- 4 have focal neuro deficits
- May have encephalitis
- Numerous cysts
- Diffuse cerebral edema
- Poor prognosis
- Rare in children
- Obstructive hyrdocephalous or chronic meningitis
- Spinal involvement
- Radicular pain
- Cord compression
- Transverse myelitis
- Ophthalmic involvement
- Vision deficits
- - Praziquantel and albendazole are both effective
- - But albendazole is better tolerated and
penetrates CSF better. - 15 mg/kg/day x 28 days
- - There are some times to NOT use cysticidal
therapy - Markedly raised ICP inflammatory response will
be bad, give only steroids - Ophthalmic NCC
- Calcified lesions parasite is already dead
- - Use steroids to reduce cerebral edema or if
there is encephalitis - - Repeat CT in 3-6 months to assess lesions
61Cerebral Malaria
62Cerebral Malaria
- Clinical syndrome characterized by CNS
dysfunction associated with Plasmodium falciparum
infection - Becoming more common in developed countries due
to increases in international travel and
migration - Pathophysiology is different in children who grew
up in endemic areas vs. those who are non-immune
- P. falciparum causes almost all life-threatening
malaria. - Transmitted by anopheline mosquitos
- Sporozoites enter the bloodstream and visit the
liver before invading erythrocytes - Trophozoites and schizonts are sequestered in
the microcirculation of vital organs - Obstructs blood flow and impairs function of
parenchymal cells - Thats bad
- Endemic in tropical areas
- Southeast Asia, Central/South America, Africa
- 300-500 million cases and 1.5-3 million deaths
annually - One of the top 3 infectious disease killers
- - Plasmodial infections stimulate monocyte
release of cytokines (TNF, IL-1, IL-6) - - Pathogenesis of cerebral malaria is not well
understood - Likely multi-factorial mechanisms of neuro
dysfunction - May be due to obstruction of microvasculature
- Increased CSF lactate production
- - Global ischemia doesnt seem occur
- - Pathologic hallmark is engorgement of cerebral
capillaries with infected erythrocytes
66Clinical Presentation
- - Suspect it in any child who has visited (or
even landed in an airport!) an endemic area and
develops CNS symptoms. - - Fever, HA, irritability, altered mental status.
- - Seizures are common.
- - Retinopathy (including hemorrhages)
- - Metabolic acidosis
- - Hypoglycemia (associated with poor prognosis)
- In non-immune adults it is from hyperinsulinemia
- In African children it is impaired
gluconeogenesis. - -Hemolytic anemia, may be severe.
- CSF is usually acellular consider other
diagnosis if there is pleocytosis - Protein and glucose are normal, CSF lactate is up
- Associated with GN sepsis
- Parasite count ranges from barely detectable to
gt20 - May not be detectable at first
- Need blood smears q6h x 48hrs to rule out
- - Children with severe malaria need parenteral
therapy - Cinchona alkaloids (quinine, quinidine)
- Artermisinin compounds (not available in N.
America) - - Side effects include cinchonism, but serious CV
effects may occur if drugs are given undiluted or
too fast - Hypotension, arrythmias
- Watch QT during infusion
- - Supportive care is important, many children die
in the first 24 hours. - - Watch glucose, fluid balance, renal function,
HCT. - - Exchange transfusion may be indicated for
parasitemia gt10 or if not responding to therapy. - - Steroids appear to increase bleeding and offer
no benefit.
- Mortality in non-immune patients is 15-26
- Many patients die in the first 4 days from renal
failure or pulmonary edema - African children have similar mortality but they
die in the first 24 hours - Often from herniation, severe hypoglycemia,
anemia - Survivors have significant neurologic sequelae
- No vaccine is available for malaria.
- Prophylaxis is recommended for travelers.
- Mefloquine or atovaqone-proguanil.
- Protection from mosquito bites is also important.
- Repellant, netting, protective clothing.