Title: Hanover-Bates Chemical Corporation
1Hanover-Bates Chemical Corporation
- Sean Gleason
- Melaina Brown
- Craig Hopkins
- Frank Roberts
- Benjamin von Wurmb
- Leading producer processing chemicals for the
chemical plating industry - 40 sales reps (7 districts)
- Compensation
- 33k to 45k
- Benefits- 15 salary
- Commission- .5 sales volume (1 for sales in
excess of quota) - Minimal quality difference between firms
- James Sprague- new NE sales manager
- Urged to improve profit performance
- Analyzed poor gross profit
- Used North-Central (District 7) as benchmark
- Hank Carver
- Senior sales rep
- Passed over for Spragues position
- Threatens to quit after perceived insult from
4Statement of Problems
- District Profit Performance Low
- District 3 Gross Profit Quota poor
- Sales efforts misallocated
- Conflict between Carver Sprague
- Carver passed over for DM position
- Carver sees Sprague plan to improve as personal
attack, not as constructive business strategy - Spragues credibility qualifications in
5(No Transcript)
6Analysis of Problems
- High quota setting unattainable goals
- No incentive to improve gross profit
- Focus currently on dollar volume
- C accounts lowest returns
- Not capitalizing on potential accounts
- Sprague new, young DM
- Must gain respect of employees
- Improve for entire company
7Doing Less With More
- High costs incurred for account coverage
- Selling Expenses 552,541 in 2001
- Exceeded District 7s expenses by approx. 100k
- Profit of District 7 over 100k more than
District 3 on 451,500 less sales.
- Carver is going to retire in 3 years
- No additions to the product line expected
- There is no variation in quality
- Advertising is strictly regulated
- For calculation purposes, list price and gross
margin will increase at a constant rate, relative
to the container size
9Alternative 1 Fire Carver
- Advantages
- Eliminate morale problems
- Unload high salary (51,750, without commission)
- Must hire new, trainable associate
- Can mold to new company vision
- Save approx. 13,800 with associate sales rep
10Alternative 1 Fire Carver
- Disadvantages
- Lose most experienced sales rep
- Possibility of mutiny
- Carver was influential
- Create job uncertainty
- Training costs of new rep
11Alternative 2 Fire Sprague
- Positives
- Very experienced
- Increase employee morale motivation
- Negatives
- Maintaining status quo not effective
- Possibly lose customers faithful to Carver
- New reps not familiar with Carvers accounts
12Alternative 3 Refocus Coverage
- Too much emphasis on C accounts
- Small accounts, with low margins
- Sales calls wasted on smaller accounts
- Increase focus to larger accounts
- Push high-margin products
13Alternative 3 Refocus Coverage
14Alternative 3 Refocus Coverage
- Advantages
- Profit potential increases
- Disadvantages
- Lead to alienation of smaller accounts
- Sales force struggle to meet quotas
- Further sales rep problems a possibility
15Alternative 4 - Combination
- Make amends with Carver
- Explain proposed plan
- Use his experience to motivate the team
- Change in compensation plan
- Focus on increased profit performance
- Reward sales of high-margin products accounts
- Initiate new training program
16Alternative 4 - Combination
- Advantages
- Utilizes Carvers knowledge and experience
- Establish trust in Sprague
- Bottom up method to involve Sales Force
- Addresses problem of margin
- Disadvantages
- High cost of training
- Possible disengaging of Carver and Senior Sales
- Sprague must reestablish credibility with the
staff - Carver should be made to feel like an important
member of the organization - The Northeast districts profit performance must
- All alternatives were carefully considered
- Three points were kept in mind when evaluating
the alternatives - Productivity and Profit
- Sales force moral
- The need to change both sales methods and
19Recommendation Solution 4
- Talk the Talk
- Bottom up Approach
- Get Carver on your side as an opinion leader and
Mentor - Seek Carvers help with training and motivating
the Sales Force
- Walk the Walk
- Use district 7 as a guide to change operating
procedures - They spend less and do more
- Restructure quotas with a focus on profit margin
per product sold - Implement point system
- 1.0 for ZBX, CBX, NBX
- 1.25 for SPX and BUX
- 1.75 for CHX
- Employee training program fully prepare sales
- Everything starts with the sale
- Get Carver on your side
- Implement a margin driven quota
- Train your staff to succeed
- We are confident that if Hanover-Bates implements
solution 4 they will successfully resolve the
problems they are currently facing
Greg W. Marshall Oklahoma State University
Mark W. Johnston Rollins College
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Sales Force Management Seventh Edition McGraw-Hill