A Historical Look at Bioterrorism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Historical Look at Bioterrorism


A Historical Look at Bioterrorism Christine Chung Aaron Little Angela Serrano Laurie Wallis – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Historical Look at Bioterrorism

A Historical Look at Bioterrorism
  • Christine Chung
  • Aaron Little
  • Angela Serrano
  • Laurie Wallis

  • Bioterrorism is a growing concern in social,
    political, and scientific communities globally
  • Historically, Category A Select Agents, as
    identified by the CDC, have been used or acquired
    with intent to disseminate
  • Category A Select Agents are those with high
    morbidity or mortality combined with high
    transmission rates including Anthrax, Botulism,
    Plague, Smallpox. Also included is Category B
    Agent, Salmonella because of the relative ease of
    acquisition and historical use.
  • Note Follow hyperlinked buttons in the timeline
    to view Select Agent information.

Biological Weapons Timeline
  • 1346 Plague victims are catapulted over city
    walls during the Tarter siege of Kaffa.
  • 1746 British army distributes smallpox infected
    blankets to Native Americans during the French
    and Indian War
  • 1925 The Geneva Protocol is signed, banning the
    use of BW in warfare
  • 1932 1945 Japan uses BW against China and
  • 1942 British test weaponized anthrax on sheep
    on Gruinard Island, Scotland leaving the island
    under quarantine for 48 years.

Biological Weapons Timeline
  • 1969 US President Richard Nixon announces that
    the US will never use BW under any circumstances
  • 1972 The Biological Weapons Convention is
    signed. There are currently 163 signatories to
    the BWC.
  • 1975 US signs the Geneva Protocol
  • 1979 Anthrax is accidentally released from BW
    production facility in Sverdlovsk, USSR.
  • 1984 The Rajneeshees deliberately contaminate
    salad bars in Oregon with salmonella bacteria.
  • 1992 Russian President Boris Yeltsin reaffirms
    Russias commitment to the BWC after disclosing
    the existence of Biopreparat, a major clandestine
    BW program

Biological Weapons Timeline
  • 1995 Larry Wayne Harris obtains vials of plague
    from ATCC.
  • 1995 Aum Shinrikyo develops and attempts to
    disseminated botulinum toxin and anthrax.
  • 1998 All US Armed Service personnel must be
    vaccinated against anthrax.
  • 2001 Genetic manipulation significantly
    increases virulence of mousepox virus (similar to
  • 2001 Letters containing weaponized anthrax are
    sent through the US postal system.
  • 2002 Polio virus is artificially synthesized
    within laboratory
  • 2009 and beyond Advances in biotechnology
    create countless benefits, but introduce new
    proliferation threats

Bacillus anthracis Toxin
  • Disease Caused
  • Anthrax
  • Produced by Bacillus anthracis
  • Related to B. Cereus and B. thuringiensis which
    do not produce capsules and not infectious to
  • Large gram-positive rod
  • Capable of endosporulation, particularly in high
    CO2 (gt5) concentration
  • Spores can survive in soil and harsh conditions
    for decades
  • Zoonotic disease primarily infects cattle,
    horses, goats, sheep
  • Natural transmission is extremely rare
  • No human to human transmission

Bacillus anthracis Toxin
  • 89 known strains, including
  • Ames strain of 2001 attacks
  • Vollum strain of 1935 WWII Gruinard bioweapon
  • Sterne strain for vaccines
  • Pathogenicity is via poly-D-glutamyl capsule and
    3 factors
  • Edema Factor (EF)
  • Protective Antigen (PA)
  • Lethal Factor (LF)
  • LD50 varies greatly within species
  • Rat 1,590 colony-forming units/kg
  • Monkey 7.5 million units/kg
  • Human estimated 8,000 units/kg

  • Pathogenic B. anthracis requires a capsule to
    mediate the invasive stage and a multicomponent
    toxin to mediate the toxigenic stage
  • poly-D-glutamate polypeptite coating nontoxic,
    protects against complement, and phagocytosis and
    bactericidal components of macrophages
  • construction requires pX02 plasmid, obtained from
  • Protective Antigen (PA) acts as the binding (B)
  • Edema Factor (EF) acts as an active (A) domain,
    homologous to the alpha domain of adenylate
  • Lethal Factor (LF) acts as an active (A) domain,
    a Zn dependent protease and member of the MAPKK

  • Mechanism
  • PA, EF, and LF combine to form an A-B enzymatic
    binding structure
  • cause edema, attracting leucocytes to the area
  • impair macrophage and neutrophil phagocytosis
  • PAEF elevates cAMP levels, reducing permeability
  • also depletes ATP, required for engulfment
  • PALF act to disrupt cell signaling pathway not
    entirely understood
  • septicemia causes death from oxygen depletion,
    secondary shock, increased vascular permeability,
    respiratory failure, cardiac failure sudden and
    unexpected after 3-10 days

  • Routes of infection
  • Cutaneous boil, then eschar, then necrotic
    ulcer painless minor lethality
  • Gastrointestinal severe gastrointestinal
    irritability highly lethal route
  • Pulmonary induces flu-like symptoms most lethal
  • Treatment
  • Vaccination for potential contact, given yearly
    and at least 4 weeks prior to exposure
  • Antibiotics (eg penicillin) for inhalation
    victims, given within 24 hours
  • Cutaneous inoculation has minor lethality,
    usually none with antibiotics
  • Cleanup
  • Spores are hardy, resistant to dessication, heat,
    extreme chemicals, and natural decay
  • CDC and BW protocol recommend steam sterilization
    or burning for at least 30 minutes
  • other approved chemicals may not destroy them all

Anthrax in Bioterrorism
  • Location More than 60 sites in the US
  • Perpetrator Bruce Ivins, suspect
  • Objective Unknown
  • Organism
  • Bacillus anthracis spores
  • Dissemination
  • 4-7 letters sent through postal system
  • 22 confirmed cases of anthrax
  • 11 Cutaneous
  • 11 Inhalational (5 Deaths)
  • Outcome FBI Named Bruce Ivins of USAMRIID as
    suspect. Ivins committed suicide before he could
    be tried.

Back to Timeline
  • Organism
  • Yersinia pestis (formerly known as Pasteurella
  • Location Africa, former Soviet Union, the
    Americas, Asia, and the Middle East
  • Types of Plague
  • Sylvatic plague in wild rodent populations
  • Urban plague involves rats and is the major
    source for human endemics
  • The WHO (World Health Organization) reports
    1,000-3,000 cases of plague worldwide each year,
    with an average of 5-15 in the western U.S.
    probably an underestimate
  • Highest incidence in Africa (gt90 of cases
  • 90 of U.S. cases in New Mexico, Arizona,
    Colorado, and California

Urban Plague
  • Bubonic Plague
  • Infection of lymphatic system
  • Occurs within a week of infected flea bite
  • Known as Black Death as multiplication of
    bacteria produces buboes (swollen, painful
    lymph nodes)
  • 75 mortality rate
  • Up to 15 of bubonic plague victims develop
    secondary pneumonic plague
  • Pneumonic Plague
  • Infection of respiratory system
  • Occurs in crowded conditions when contaminated
    respiratory droplets are expelled by infected
    humans and directly inhaled by others
  • Characterized by shorter incubation period and
    greater mortality (90)
  • Septicemic Plague
  • blood-poisoning form
  • Can result from bubonic and pneumonic plague when
    bacteria enters the bloodstream from the
    lymphatic and respiratory systems
  • Least common form of plague, characterized by
    high fevers, purple skin patches and vomiting
  • Can cause DIC (disseminated intravascular
  • Almost always fatal (near 100)

Yersinia pestis
  • Gram-negative coccobacillus (an
    Enterobacteriaceae), non-motile
  • Facultative anaerobe
  • Safety pin appearance in bipolar staining
  • Colonial Morphology grey-white, fried-egg,
    irregularity, hemolytic, grows faster and larger
    at 28C
  • Produces a thick anti-phagocytic slime layer
  • Produces two antiphagocytic components necessary
    for virulence
  • F1 antigen and VW antigens
  • Both produced at 37, not lower, thus not
    virulent in fleas that have body temp. of 25)
  • Expresses vadBC gene, allowing for adherence and
    invasion of epithelium
  • Type III secretion system allows bacteria to
    inject six different substances into macrophages
    and immune cells for cytolysis, apoptosis,
    platelet aggregation, actin microfilament
    disruption (limits phagocytosis by targeting
  • Necessary for virulence

Yersinia pestis (cont.)
  • Bacteria can survive for weeks outside of a host
  • Viable in blood for 100 days
  • Dried blood for three weeks
  • In flea feces for five weeks
  • In infected human bodies for up to 270 days
  • Can survive in soil for some time
  • Fleas act as vectors
  • Mainly rodents are the reservoirs, but hundreds
    of animals can be potential hosts, including
    cats, dogs, rabbits, and squirrels (most
    prevalent vector in the U.S.)

Mechanisms of Action
  • (Pneumonic plague) Can spread between humans
    through sneezing, coughing, and/or direct contact
    of infected tissue
  • Estimated that only 50kg of Y. pestis released as
    an aersol in a city of 5 million would infect
    150,000, of which 36,000 would die
  • Most carnivores, except cats, are resistant to
    plague infection
  • Epidemiology
  • Occurs in urban and/or wild rodent populations
  • Humans acquire primarily via infected fleas
  • Y. pestis multiplies in flea intestinal tract
  • Known mechanisms
  • Sites of Entry and Exit
  • Incubation period 1-3 days (pneumonic) 2-6 days
  • Infection spreads from lymph nodes near the bite
    site where swelling occurs, then spreads to other
    organs such as the spleen, liver, lungs, skin,
    mucous membranes, and the brain (but usually not
    the kidney)

Current Researchon Mechanisms, etc.
  • The CDC considers an average of one flea per
    rodent as the maximum threshold to reduce the
    risk of Y. pestis transmission to humans.
  • A reduction of rodent and/or flea populations is
  • Chitin synthesis inhibitors used to reduce flea
    populations effectively on certain species of
  • Type III secretion of Y. pestis targeted for new
  • Interleukin-10-deficient mice are resistant to Y.
  • Heterozygotes also able to survive high doses of
    IV infections
  • Two substrains of 129 mice resistant to high-dose
  • Resistance is not recessive
  • 129-derived genomic DNA near IL-10 confers
    resistant to Y. pestis KIM5
  • Ail (Attachment and Invasion locus) protein found
    to be crucial in binding and cytotoxic Yop
    protein delivery into the host cell (type III
  • Single deletion in ail locus severely hindered
    Yop delivery
  • Mice with KIM5 ?ail mutant
  • gt3,000-fold increased LD50
  • 1,000-fold less bacteria in spleens, livers, and

  • Symptoms
  • General malaise pain or tenderness at regional
    lymph nodes septicemia DIC convulsions shock
    headache prostration bacteria in blood
  • Signs
  • High fever (hyperpyrexia) diffuse, hemorraghic
    changes in the skin dark skin at extremities
    that led to the name black death coughing and
    sneezing in the case of pneumonic plague
  • Secondary Illnesses
  • Complications DIC, pneumonia, meningitis
  • Bubonic plague victims may develop pneumonic
    plague, which is contagious through coughing and
    considered the most severe form of the disease

Plague in Bioterrorism
  • Location Ningbo, China and Changde, China
  • Perpetrator Japanese secret biological warfare
    research facility (Unit 731)
  • Objective Infect civilian populations
  • Organism
  • Yersinia pestis
  • Dissemination
  • Ceramic bombs full of bubonic plague-carrying
    fleas dropped over Ningbo by the Imperial
    Japanese Army Air Force
  • 80 of fleas survived the bombing to infect
  • Changde plague-contaminated foods were
    distributed to civilians and water supplies
  • Outcome Largely ineffective in comparison to
    distribution as aerosols caused epidemic plague
    outbreaks 400,000 Chinese killed in Ningbo

Back to Timeline
Plague Events(as Biological weapon)
  • Earliest reference to bubonic plague (approx.
    1320 BC) in book of I Samuel
  • 6th Century Plague of Justinian (First Pandemic)
    through Byzantine Empire, greatly weakening the
    Roman empire by reducing the population by
  • 1346 Mongol warriors of the Golden Horde threw
    infected corpses over the walls of the besieged
    Crimean city of Kaffa (in present day Ukraine)
  • 1347-1351 Black Death (Second Pandemic),
    possibly originated in Gobi Desert
  • 1710 Russian forces attacked the Swedes by fling
    plague-infected corpses over the city walls of
    Reval in Estonia (Tallinn)
  • 1855-1950s The Third Pandemic, originated in
    China, spread worldwide via ships
  • WWI the German Army allegedly spread plague in
    St. Petersburg, Russia
  • 1940 Imperial Japanese Army Air Force bomb
    Ningbo with plague-carrying flea ceramic bombs
  • 1941 Unit 731 air-drop plague-carrying fleas on
  • 1944 the Japanese planned on dropping porcelain
    plague-flea bombs on invading Gis to defend their
    airstrip on Saipan, but failed when carrier
    submarine sank before reaching the island
  • Biological warfare generally not used after WWII,
    but challenged by China and North Korea, who
    accuse the U.S. of using disease-carrying insects
    against them during the Korean War.
  • 1953 U.S. initiated disease vector weaponization
    efforts with focus on plague-fleas, etc.
  • Vietnam War plague was endemic among natives
    U.S. soldiers well-protected with vaccines
  • 1995 Discovery of multi-drug resistant (MDR)
    strain of plague in Madagascar
  • 1996 an Ohio man attempted to obtain bubonic
    plague cultures through the mail

  • Y. pestis primarily a rodent pathogen humans are
    accidental hosts when bitten by infected rat
  • Y. pestis grows and multiplies in fleas
    intestinal tract, blocking the fleas
    proventriculus, and loses its capsular layer.
    Several proteins including hemin storage (Hms)
    system and Yersinia murine toxin (Ymt) contribute
    to maintenance of bacteria in fleas digestive
  • Hms genetic loci aggregate in esophagus and
    proventriculus of flea, which ruptures blood
    cells, which inhibits feeding causing the flea to
    feel hungry.
  • Ingested blood is pumped into the esophagus,
    dislodging the bacteria cultivating there and is
    regurgitated and transferred into a new host
    (i.e. humans) when fleas feed
  • Most get phagocytosed and killed by leukocytes in

Pathogenesis (cont.)
  • Few are taken up by tissue macrophages, which are
    unable to kill the bacteria and instead provide a
    protected environment.
  • Y. pestis kills the macrophage in order to enter
    the extracellular environment, resisting
    phagocytosis by the polymorphs.
  • Quickly spread to the draining lymph nodes, which
    are inflamed, giving rise to black buboes.
  • Within hours of the flea bite, the infection
    enters the bloodstream, reaching the liver,
    spleen, and lungs.
  • Human host develops severe bacterial pneumonia,
    releasing large numbers of Y. pestis into the air
    with coughing fits.

Present uses and/orPossible future uses
  • Present treatments/therapy
  • Rapid diagnosis essential
  • Rapid disease progression
  • High mortality rate
  • Bubonic plague 75 mortality in few days
  • Pneumonic plague gt90 mortality within 24 hours
  • Without treatment, fatality rates increase up to
    90 for bubonic plague, 100 for septicemic or
    pneumonic plague
  • With treatment, fatality rate 5-20
  • Rapid treatment crucial to survival rates
  • Antibiotics Streptomycin, chloramphenicol,
    tetracycline, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides,
    ciprofloxacin, and potentially doxycycline or
    gentamicin, etc.
  • Multi-drug resistant strains have been isolated
  • Best laboratory diagnosis is made by PCR, etc.

Present uses and/orPossible future uses
  • Weaponized plague development and Other Current
  • On the list of potential terrorist agents
  • Transmission by aerosols is potentially deadly
    and can spread from person to person
  • Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations,
    Leningrad a weaponized plague center
  • Al Qaeda
  • Roughly 40 al-Qaeda terrorists reportedly died
    from bubonic plague in their Algerian training
  • Late 1990s Osama bin Laden set up 19 chemical
    and biological weapons laboratories in
    Afghanistan, which were stocked with anthrax,
    plague, and botulinum toxins.
  • Possible threats could spread in public by a
    lone suicidal bioterrorist (i.e. in subways), or
    could contaminate self with the plague first to
    conduct a bioterrorist attack
  • Could take up to a week for symptoms to appear
  • 2002 two NYC residents acquired plague from New

Present uses and/orPossible future uses
  • Present research being conducted in the
    maintenance of plague
  • Experiments with genetic engineering of vaccines
    based on F1 and V antigens are underway
  • Bacteria lacking F1 antigen are still virulent
  • These vaccines may not fully protect potential
  • Research suggests that descendants of medieval
    European plague survivors are less likely to
    catch plague
  • Recent research indicates that ongoing outbreaks
    of plague can be caused by viral hemorrhagic
    disease, similar to Ebola
  • A handful of Western laboratories are actively
    conducting research on MDR Y. pestis (resistant
    to at least eight drugs traditionally used to
    treat plague)
  • Should conduct additional research to effectively
    fight MDR strain

Present uses and/orPossible future uses
  • Prevention and vaccination
  • By law, pneumonic plague patients must be
  • Sanitation measures
  • Control of rat populations and elimination of
    fleas etc.
  • Formalin-inactivated vaccine for adults (age
    18-61) at high risk, and continuous booster shots
  • Not very effective
  • May lead to severe inflammation
  • As of the mid-1990s, the vaccine is no longer
    available in the U.S.
  • Research being conducted currently for more
    effective vaccines
  • Scientists hypothesize that a mutation in the
    CCR5 gene, which gives rise to a natural immunity
    to the HIV virus, may also confer immunity to Y.
  • Currently, hospitals are poorly equipped/prepared
    to deal with patients in the case bioterrorism
    may occur.

Back to Timeline
  • Disease Caused
  • Salmonellosis/Gastroenteritis/Enteric Fevers
    (including Typhoid Fever)
  • Gram-negative Bacterium
  • Characterized by O, H, and Vi antigens
  • Ingested in contaminated food and water
  • Zoonotic-worldwide human and animal disease
  • Resilient and capable of survival for several
  • Sensitive to moist and dry heat and many
  • disinfectants

  • Mechanism
  • Bacteria pass through gastric acid barrier and
    invades mucosa of small and large intestines and
    produce toxins
  • Irritation of the small and large intestines
  • Results of Exposure
  • Profuse vomiting and diarrhea
  • Leads to dehydration
  • Can result in death with severe dehydration.
  • Treatment
  • Antibiotics
  • Hydration

Salmonella in Bioterrorism
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
  • Location The Dalles, Oregon
  • Perpetrator Rajneesh Cult
  • Objective Gain control of the Wasco County Court
    by affecting the election
  • Organism Salmonella typhimurium
  • Purchased from commercial supplier
  • Dissemination
  • Restaurant salad bars
  • 751 illnesses
  • Early investigation by CDC suggested the event
    was a naturally occurring outbreak
  • Cult member arrested on unrelated charge
    confessed involvement with the event

Back to Timeline
  • Disease caused by Variola major virus.
  • Humans are the only natural reservoir for variola
  • Originated in Egypt or India over 3000 years ago
  • Eradicated in nature by vaccination programs in
  • Only known stocks of virus at CDC in Atlanta, and
    a Russian repository.
  • Mortality rate of 30
  • Up to 90 mortality for flat and hemorrhagic
    forms of virus.

  • Mechanism
  • Entry through the respiratory mucosa
  • virus migrates rapidly to regional lymph nodes,
    then to spleen, bone marrow, kidneys, and liver
  • virus localizes in small blood vessels of the
    dermis and oropharyngeal mucosa, and evolves into
    skin lesions.
  • Results of Exposure
  • Incubation period 7-14 days
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Development of pustules
  • Treatment
  • None

Smallpox in Bioterrorism
  • Location North America during French and Indian
  • Perpetrator British Forces in North America
  • Objective Infect Native Americans with Smallpox
  • Organism
  • Variola Major
  • Dissemination
  • Blankets used by smallpox patients given to
    Native Americans as gifts during war
  • 50 Native American mortality rate
  • Outcome Smallpox outbreak claimed lives of many
    Native Americans, British leader Jeffrey Amherst
    claimed parts of Canada and the United States in
    war victory

Back to Timeline
Botulinum Toxin
  • Disease caused Botulism
  • Produced by Clostridium botulinum, C. baratii,
    and C. butyricum
  • Multiple types of toxin A, B, C, D, E, F, G
  • Only A, B, E, and F produce human disease
  • Spore forming bacteria is highly stable
  • Toxic protein is degraded by heat and humidity
    relatively stable for a protein
  • LD50 0.001µg/kg
  • The lowest known LD50 of all toxins
  • Found in soil, water, and contaminated food
  • Therapeutic use as a paralyzing agent when highly

Botulinum Toxin
  • Mechanism
  • Neurotoxin degrades the SNARE complex in the
    synaptic bulb.
  • Permanently interferes with the release of
    acetylcholine, preventing nerve stimulation for
    muscle contraction.
  • Results of Exposure
  • Paralysis
  • Respiratory failure
  • Treatment
  • Antitoxin (limited supplies)
  • Supportive care
  • Ventilator machine
  • Extensive rehab

Botulinum Toxin in Bioterrorism
  • Location Tokyo, Japan
  • Perpetrator Aum Shinrikyo Cult
  • Objective Over throw government via targeted
    assassination and pubic dissemination.
  • Organisms
  • Bacillus anthracis
  • Vaccine strain
  • Clostridium botulinum
  • Environmental isolate
  • Avirulent strain
  • Ebola virus
  • Attempted to acquire from Zaire outbreak under
    guise of an Humanitarian mission
  • Dissemination
  • Aerosolization in Tokyo
  • B. anthracis
  • Botulinum toxin
  • Outcome
  • Use of non-virulent strains and ineffective
    dissemination methods resulted in no casualties
    from biological weapons
  • Successful sarin nerve gas attack in subway
  • Leader Asahara was convicted of criminal activity

Aerosolization of Bacillus anthracis and
botulinum toxin by Aum Shinrikyo
Back to Timeline
  • The future threat of bioterrorism is increasing
    with the advances in biotechnology.
  • Increasing ease of acquisition and production
  • Sequencing technology advances and publications
  • Small-scale operations sufficient to incite fear
  • Historical failures decreasing
  • many past attempts failed because of bad science
  • Terrorists gaining required knowledge and skills
  • Political treaties / federal restrictions
    reducing ability of research
  • Biodefense difficulties
  • Vaccines are expensive, and preventative only
  • antibiotics are best line of defense, but select
    agents increasingly resistant
  • Slow spreading awareness of complex topics

Back to Timeline
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