Training On Demand - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Training On Demand


Triangulating a Fire Compass Triangulation Transfer Your findings to the map Taking a bearing to an object Magnetic Declination Plotting bearings on a map ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Training On Demand

Topo Map Familiarization
  • Training On Demand

What is a Topographic Map
  • A topographical map is a representation of the
    Earth, or part of it.
  • The distinctive characteristic of a topographic
    map is that the shape of the Earth's surface is
    shown by contour lines.  
  • Contours are imaginary lines that join points of
    equal elevation on the surface of the land above
    or below a reference surface such as mean sea
  • Contours make it possible to measure the height
    of mountains, depths of the ocean bottom, and
    steepness of slopes.

What is a Topographic Map cont.
  • A topographic map shows more than contours.  
  • Maps includes symbols that represent such
    features as streets, buildings, streams, and
  • These symbols are constantly refined to better
    relate to the features they represent.
  • A topographic map tells you where things are and
    how to get to them.
  • In our case, they assist with the location and
    verification of wildland fires.
  • They show the distance between any two places,
    and they also show the direction from one point
    to another.

Distances How far is that?
  • Maps are made to scale that is, there is a
    direct relationship, between a unit of
    measurement on the map and the actual distance on
    the ground.
  • If 1 inch on the map represents 1 mile (which
    converts to 63,360 inches) on the ground, the
    map's scale is 163,360.
  • A convenient way of representing map distance is
    by the use of a graphic scale bar. 
  • Most USGS topographic maps have scale bars in the
    map margin that represents distances on the map
    in miles, feet, and kilometers. 

Map Legend Info
  • Scale indicates 124ooo
  • Map is complete with scale bar to measure
  • Contour interval as indicated is 40 ft.

Contour How High is that?
  • Contour lines are a method of depicting the
    3-dimensional character of the terrain on a
    2-dimensional map.
  • Contour are lines drawn on the map represent
    equal points of height above sea level.
  • On multi-colored maps, contour lines are
    generally represented in brown.
  • The map legend will indicate the contour
    intervalthe distance in feet (meters, etc.)
    between each contour line.
  • There will be heavier contour lines every 4thgt or
    5th contour line that are labeled with the

Contour How High is that cont.
  • Contour maps give us the grounds topography by
    the way the lines interact with each other as
    seen here.

Other General Map References
  • Black - man-made items
  • Blue - water
  • Brown - contour lines
  • Green - substantial vegetation
  • White - little or no vegetation
  • Red - major highways
  • Purple - features added to the map since the
    original survey.

Practical Map Usage
  • Topo maps are used for two main purposes in the
    fire service
  • Triangulate the location/ boundaries of a fire
  • Or
  • Identify the location of fire resources in the
  • Both operations require the use a way to gauge
  • Latitude/Longitude or the Public Land Survey
    System defines locations on a map
  • Both require useful knowledge of compass

Know Your Compass
What Is Public Land Survey System?
  • The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a way of
    subdividing and describing land in the United
  • All lands in the public domain are subject to
    subdivision by this rectangular system of
    surveys, which is regulated by the U.S.
    Department of the Interior
  • The PLSS is used to divide public domain lands,
    which are lands owned by the Federal government
    for the benefit of the citizens of the United
  • The original public domain included the land
    ceded to the Federal Government by the thirteen
    original States,
  • It encompasses major portions of the land area of
    30 southern and western States.
  • Since the original PLSS surveys were completed,
    much of the land that was originally part of the
    public domain has been transferred to private

Public Land States
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • North Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

How PLSS works
  • Land is divided into 6-mile-square townships,
    which is the level of information included in the
    National Atlas.
  • Townships are subdivided into 36 one-mile- square
    sections. Sections can be further subdivided into
    quarter sections, quarter-quarter sections, or
    irregular government lots.
  • Most PLSS surveys begin at an initial point, and
    townships are surveyed north, south, east, and
    west from that point.
  • This line is perpendicular to the Principal

Township and Ranges
  • Township N S
  • Range E W
  • Each 6 miles squares
  • Fire in T3N R2E

  • 1 mile square
  • 640 acres
  • Numbered within
  • Township/Range

Section 10
Section Subdivisions
  • ½ Sections, ¼ Sections divide the section number
  • Identified by cardinal direction location
  • Ie. SW ¼ of Section 10.

How does this Apply to me?
  • Fires are now most often located by Latitudinal
    and Longitudinal coordinates
  • Devices utilizing satellites easily gather
    coordinates for easy reference
  • Devices must be set to DATUM NAD83 to provide to
    correct information
  • PLSS acts as a secondary way of indicating the
    location of a wildland fire.
  • PLSS will make conversion to Latitude and
    Longitude easy
  • By identifying a fires location it can be
    determined who must be notified

Triangulating a Fire
  • Triangulation has become a generic term for the
    process of measuring to two or more known points
    to determine - using geometry - the location of
    an unknown point.

Compass Triangulation
  • To map a fire, firefighters should always
    triangulate to insure the most accurate possible
  • Align the base plate with an imaginary line
    between two points on the map.
  • Turn the compass dial until the north lines align
    with the north lines on the map.
  • Read the bearing set on the compass dial.

Transfer Your findings to the map
Taking a bearing to an object
  • Hold the compass flat.
  • Sight from an object you can identify on the map
  • Move the dial to match north
  • Remember to account for magnetic declination
  • Read and document the bearing
  • Move to your next landmark

Magnetic Declination
  • Grid North
  • Where the grid on your map is pointing. Since
    grid lines on the map are all parallel, they
    never meet in one point.
  • Magnetic North
  • Where the magnetic needle points. These wavy
    lines depend on iron magma in the earth that
    changes each year
  • According to the NOAA Frisco CO has a 9 E
    Magnetic Declination in 2012
  •  9E means we rotate the base plate's orienting
    arrow 9 E of 0/N to compensate for the 9
  • Not a big deal when we are close, but over
    distance it can lead to significant inaccuracies.
  • Topo maps should indicate a declination chart on

Plotting bearings on a map
  • Set the bearing on the compass dial.
  • Lay the long edge of the compass on the known
    point (where the bearing was taken from).
  • Turn the compass plate so that the north lines
    align with the north lines on the map.

Taking bearings off a map
  • Align the base plate with an imaginary line
    between two points on the map.
  • Turn the compass dial until the north lines align
    with the north lines on the map.
  • Read the bearing set on the compass dial.
  • Be aware then of magnetic declination and whether
    your compass is measuring magnetic north or has
    been adjusted to grid north.

  • Topo maps and navigation for the purpose of
    locating wildland fires is not difficult.
  • However, it is a skill that needs to be practiced
    on a frequent basis to remain proficient
  • Utilize what you have learned and practice your
  • Once you are re-familiarized with finding
    bearings on a map, you will remember how
    triangulation works
  • Practice these skills as a company
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