Title: Music, Math, and Motion with Dr. Arun Chandra
1Music, Math, and Motionwith Dr. Arun Chandra
Dr. E.J. ZitaThe Evergreen St. College
- Fall week 2
- Tuesday 7 Oct. 2008
- Review Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
- Kinematics
- Tension ? Speed of waves
- Force ? Power ? Intensity
- Perception of sound
3Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
4Simple Harmonic Motion sine wave
5Example of SHM Jupiters moons
6Doubting the celestial crystal spheres
7Four lesser stars near Jupiter moved(Brecht
8Positions of Jupiters moons ? time ? longitude!
9Observe moons of Jupiter ? tell time ? determine
longitude (p.217)
As these new astronomical charts enable us to
determine longitudes at sea and so make it
possible to reach the new continents by the
shortest routes, we would beseech Your Excellency
to aid us in reaching Mr. Galilei, mathematician
to the Court of Florence, who is now in
Rome --- From a letter written by a member of
the Genoa Chamber of Commerce and Navigation to
the Papal Legation.
10Example of SHM Acoustic waves
12Tension ? Speed of waves
Tension is a force, with units of Newtons Guess
what the speed of waves on a plucked guitar
string depends on?
Guess what the speed of acoustic waves in air
depends on?
Now consider plucking a magnetic field line.
13Force ? Energy ? Power
Mechanical energy Work Force
displacement Mechanical energy Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy Kinetic Energy ½ mv2 Potential
energy ability to do work
Units of Energy Force (N) Displacement (m)
Joules Nm
Power rate of doing work Energy / time
14Force ? Pressure? Intensity
Pressure Force / Area Intensity Power / Area
rate of energy flow / across a surface
area (typo in Loy (4.34) p.118)
15Perception of sound
Doubling the intensity of sound does not double
our perception of loudness. The human ear
perceives sound intensity nonlinearly. To
produce a sound that seems twice as loud requires
a sound wave that has about then times the
intensity. (Giancoli, Physics for scientists and
Engineers, p.420)
16Perception of sound