Title: Vehicle Area Network
1Vehicle Area Network
Zhang Ju 2014- 5-2
- Introduction to Vehicle Area Network
- Protocol stack of VAN
- Performance analysis
- Applications
- The Future
3Introduction to
Vehicle Area Network
local area network in and around a moving vehicle
provide wireless access in vehicular environments
- Classification Inter VAN , Intra (In-Vehicle)
VAN 1 - Technology Bluetooth, WIFI, 3G, Vehicle Ad-hoc
Network , RFID - Standardised in ISO 11519-3
- Spectrum Allocation 5.850-5.925GHZ,
vehicle-to-vehicle safety
high-power, longer-distance communication
6Why is VAN needed ?
Real-time Accurate Efficient
Passenger needs
Traffic congestion
Passenger experience
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Traffic accident
Active road safety applications
Energy consumption
Traf?c ef?ciency and management applications
Infotainment applications
7Intra (In-Vehicle) VAN
- Data communication network of onboard equipment
(OBE) - In-Vehicle Data Collection/Analysis Systems
In-Vehicle Communication Network 1 - Assess a drivers behavior or a vehicles
performance - Assist drivers to respond correctly
- Infotainment
8Inter VAN
- Network of vehicles that interact with one
another and with infrastructure to transmit and
receive data 2 - Include
- vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
- vehicle-to-broadband cloud (V2B )
- vehicle-to-roadside-infrastructure (V2I )
- Provide
- obstacle detection
- navigation data
- weather conditions and accident locations
- Global Internet services
9researches and projects
Partners for Advanced Transit and High-ways
apply advanced technology
increase highway capacity
enhance public safety
reduce traffic congestion
energy consumption
10researches and projects
SafeTrip-21 (Safe and Efficient Travel through
Innovation and Partnerships for the 21st
conduct demonstrations and operational tests
speed up deployment of communication/ navigation
improve transportation safety
improve mobility features
11researches and projects
- Tokyo Smartway project (Japan)
- develop intelligent roads for the 21st century
- enable automated driving using ITS technologies
- Electronic Road Pricing project (Singapore )
- construct a comprehensive road network
12Protocol Stack of VAN
13Architecture of VAN
- ITS projects, architecture and standards of VAN
depend on area 3
OBEOn Board Equipment SDN Service Delivery
Node RSE Road-Side Equipment ENOCEnterprise
Network Operation Center
IntelliDrive ITS architecture(USA)
14Architecture of VAN
V2B communications
In-Vehicle service
V2I communications
V2V communications
US DOT National ITS Architecture 3
15WAVE Protocol Stack
support the communication of data
- manage and maintain the network
- diagnostics, synchronization
- discovery and association of
- neighboring devices
relations and dependencies
16WAVE protocol stack
- Major Involved Organizations
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- IEEE 1609.1
- IEEE 1609.2
- IEEE 1609.3
- IEEE 1609.4
The IEEE Task Group p
ASTM E2213-03
IEEE 802.11p
IEEE 802.11
17WAVE protocol stack
- IEEE 802.11p
- released in November 2010-11
- Based on ASTM E2213-03
- add wireless access in vehicular environments
- support ITS applications
- Apply to V2V and V2I
ASTM E2213-03 standard specification for
telecommunications and information exchange
between roadside and vehicle systems
18WAVE protocol stack
- IEEE 802.11p physical layer 3
VAN Doppler spread up to 2 kHz RMS delay
spread of up to 0.8 µs
prioritization of important safety time-critical
guard interval 1.6 µs Doppler spread 156.25 kHz
enhanced distributed channel access
quality of service (QoS) support
low bit error rates highly reliable communication
19WAVE protocol stack
- IEEE 1069.4 MAC layer
- provide extensions to MAC
- supports multichannel WAVE operations
ACI--importance and urgency of its content 0 --
regular access 1 --non-prior background
Traf?c 2,3 --reserved for prioritized messages
allow prioritization of frames
Scheme of enhanced distributed channel access
20WAVE protocol stack
- IEEE 1609 4
- a family of standards for WAVE
- architecture, organization
- management structure
- communication model
- security mechanisms and physical access
- IEEE 1069.1
- resource manager
- define the communication formats (command
message and data storage formats ) - mobile platforms supported
21WAVE protocol stack
- IEEE 1069.2
- security issues in WAVE
- IEEE 1609 .3
- supports secure message data exchange
- Define Management Information Base(MIB) for the
WAVE protocol stack
22Performance Analysis
23Performance analysis
Architecture of the overhauled IEEE 802.11
implementation of the network simulator NS-2 3
Simulation con?guration parameters
24Performance analysis
Probability of successful message reception when
only one node is sending
25Performance analysis
- Impact of vehicle density
transmission power 20 dBm packet generation
rate5 packets/s
- Impact of transmission rate
vehicle density 96 vehicles/km transmission
power 10 dBm
- Impact of transmission power
vehicle density 96 vehicles/km packet generation
rate 5 packets/s
27Intelligent Transportation Systems
- IVHS of America, VICS of Japan
Efficient communication Intelligent traffic
management information services
28Anti-collision system
- Camera monitor or phone software 5
Anti-collision systems using camera
29Automatic parking
automation steering wheel operation
Detect parking space
Distance 40cm
Ultrasonic sensor
30The Future
31The Future
- combine wireless local and wide area network
technologies - IP-centric devices, sensors, signal processing,
and driver behavior analysis techniques - collect driver/car/ road data
- quickly analyze and share the information
- reliable and informative communication
safe secure pleasant driving environment
1 Miad Faezipour, Mehrdad Nourani, Adnan Saeed,
Sateesh Addepalli. Progress and Challenges in
Intelligent Vehicle Area Networks J.
Communications of The ACM, 2012, 55(2)
46-56. 2 Georgios Karagiannis, Onur Altintas,
Eylem Ekici, et al.Vehicular Networking A Survey
and Tutorial on Requirements,Architectures,
Challenges, Standards and Solutions J. IEEE
13(4) 65-97. 3 Y. L. Morgan. Notes on DSRC
WAVE Standards Suite Its Architecture, Design,
and CharacteristicsJ. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS
SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS , 2010, 12(4) 78-82. 4
Hannes Hartenstein, Kenneth P Laberteaux.
VANETVehicular Applications and Inter-Networking
Technologies M. John Wiley Sons, 2010.
15-46. 5 http//www.iova.com.
33Thank you !