Computability and Modeling Computation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computability and Modeling Computation


Computability and Modeling Computation What are some really impressive things that computers can do? Land the space shuttle (and other aircraft) from the ground – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computability and Modeling Computation

Computability andModeling Computation
  • What are some really impressive things that
    computers can do?
  • Land the space shuttle (and other aircraft) from
    the ground
  • Automatically track the location of a space or
    land vehicle
  • Beat a grandmaster at chess
  • Are there any things that computers can't do?
  • Yes, and these are referred to as undecidable
    problems, unsolvable problems, or
    non-computable functions.

Some Difficult Problems
  • For example, could a computer tell us what the
    meaning of life is?
  • Suppose a computer outputs the string "You are
    born, live your life, and then you die.
  • Has that computer given us the meaning of life?
  • The statement may or may not be true
  • Doesn't tell one how to live a happy life
  • Doesn't tell one how to live a successful life
  • Doesn't tell if there is an afterlife
  • The program doesnt arrive at the solution by
  • Point 1 Problems need to be precisely defined,
    before we can determine if they are solvable.

Some Difficult Problems, Cont.
  • Similarly, could a computer tell us if there is
    life after death?
  • Consider the following two programs the first
    simply outputs the string There is life after
    death, and the second simply outputs There is
    no life after death.
  • Note that one of the two programs answers the
    question correctly, but which one? Also note that
    neither justifies or develops its own answer.
  • Point 2 Before we can determine if something
    can be solved or computed, we have to define what
    we mean by compute.

A Formal Model of ComputationTuring Machines
  • Before determining what computers are ultimately
    capable of, one must answer the following
  • What is computation?
  • What are reasonable steps that can be performed
    in a computation?
  • Formally, computation is represented by a
    mathematical model called a Turing Machine.
  • Proposed in 1926 by Alan Turing to model any
    possible computation
  • Churchs hypothesis is that any general and
    reasonable way to compute, or any type of general
    purpose computer can be modeled/represented by a
    Turing machine.
  • Detailed discussion of Turing machines is beyond
    the scope of this course.
  • Other, less computer-like models of computation
    include recursive function theory and predicate

A Less Formal Model of Computation Algorithms
  • Informally, an algorithm is a finite length
    sequence of operations, each of which is
    well-defined and finite. In addition, an
    algorithm must terminate after a finite number of
  • Well-defined means it should be clear at each
    step what is to be done.
  • Compare x and y" doesn't say how x any are to be
  • Finite means each step must involve a finite
    amount of information (i.e., data), which is
    manipulated to only a finite degree.
  • Adding 1 to a number is finite
  • Repeatedly dividing a number by 2 forever is not.

Algorithms, Cont.
  • Intuitively, a well-defined and finite step could
    be performed by a person by pencil and paper in a
    fixed amount of time.
  • Algorithms can be described by a computer
    program, flowchart, pseudo-code, or by some other
    similar method.
  • Example
  • Set x 0 reasonable
  • Let x x 1 reasonable
  • Set y x/0 unreasonable
  • Place an arbitrary question in a memory
    location, wait 2 seconds for the answer,
    and then
    process the answer. unreasonable

Problems to be Solved
  • What kinds of problems are there?
  • Mathematical problems (simple and complex)
  • Logical problems
  • Data processing problems, etc.
  • Consider just mathematical decision (I.e.,
    yes/no) problems
  • Let x be an integer, is x even?
  • Let x and y be integers, is xlty?
  • Are there integers x, y and z such that x2y

Unsolvable Problems
  • Can all mathematical decision problems be solved
    with algorithms?
  • Answer No! (by solved, we mean in all cases)
  • Example of unsolvable problems
  • Let P be a program. Does P contain an infinite
    loop, i.e., will P terminate eventually or loop
  • Let P be a program, and let x be a variable in P.
    Is x ever assigned a value when P is executed?
  • Let P be a program, and let s be a statement in
    P. Is s ever executed when P is executed?

Problems vs. Computational Steps
  • In general, problems fall into one of three
  • Those which are provably solvable
  • Those which are provable unsolvable
  • Those whose status is unknown currently there is
    no algorithm to solve the problem, but it has not
    been proven that none exists
  • Among this last category of problems, there is
    considerable debate as to their ultimate status,
    e.g., is there a program that can understand a
    natural language such as English?
  • Note however, that this is an entirely different
    question from what constitutes a reasonable
    step in a computation, and on that issue there is
    no debate.
  • A reasonable step in a computation is
    well-defined and finite, and can be performed by
    pencil and paper in a fixed amount of time.

Efficiency vs. Inefficiency
  • In addition, solvable problems fall into one of
    three categories
  • Solvable problems which have been proven to be
    solvable efficiently, i.e., solvable in
    (deterministic) polynomial time.
  • Solvable problems which have been proven not to
    be solvable efficiently, i.e., NP-hard or
    NP-complete (NP stands for Nondeterministic
  • Solvable problems for which there is no efficient
    solution, but which have not been proven not be
    be solvable efficiently.
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