3. Governing Society: We Know Who You Are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3. Governing Society: We Know Who You Are


Title: A Novel Approach to Politics Author: Mash Family Last modified by: zangle Created Date: 12/30/2006 12:44:06 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 3. Governing Society: We Know Who You Are

3. Governing SocietyWe Know Who You Are
  • What is meant by We know who you are?

Controlling the Behavior of Others
  • One of the key differences between realists and
    idealists is the way they view human nature.
  • Idealists
  • Tend to believe that humans are basically good
    and care for others.
  • Consequently, governments and their leaders
    should be judged by these ideals.
  • Realists
  • Tend to believe that human beings care only about
    maximizing their own self-interests.
  • They expect no more from their leaders.

Controlling the Behavior of Others
  • The study of how governments need to control
    individuals is a realist approach.
  • When examining politics, this perspective asks
  • Who benefits?
  • How do they benefit?
  • The answers to these two questions will usually
    provide a solid first step toward unraveling the
    political puzzle.
  • Often, the best line is Show me the power.

Controlling the Behavior of Others
  • It can be argued that all leaders, regardless of
    the types of governments they head, try to
    maximize their self-interests.
  • What individual benefits might leaders pursue?
  • Power
  • Wealth
  • Prestige
  • The goals might be selfish or altruistic, but the
    concept of leadership benefits is a powerful
    explanatory tool.

  • Which is the most important to you? Explain why.

Leadership Benefits
  • The greater the benefits to be gained from the
    leadership position,
  • the more willing people are to take risks to
    achieve the position
  • and the greater the lengths to which the leader
    will go to hold on to it.

The Panopticon
  • One of the fundamental mechanisms leaders use to
    control large populations is based on the concept
    of the panopticon.
  • The concept is based on an eighteenth-century
    prison design by Jeremy Bentham.
  • The prisoners could be watched at any time, but
    they never know when they are being watched.

Plan of the Panopticon 1843 (originally 1791) The
Works of Jeremy Bentham, vol. 4, 17273.
The Panopticon
  • The only way for the prisoners to avoid
    punishment was to police their own actions and
    serve as their own guards.
  • Michel Foucault noted that the panoptic control
    of a few guards over hundreds of prisoners is
    similar to how governments control large

The Panopticon
  • Think of the way traffic laws are enforced.
  • The vast majority of times there are no police to
    be seen.
  • However, there always could be a police officer
    around any bend in the road.
  • Self-policing allows a few hundred police
    officers to control thousands of drivers.
  • Leaders use this same concept to prevent revolt
    and maintain control.

Collective Action, Revolution, and the Use of
  • Government is essentially an institutionalized
    mechanism for collective action.
  • Revolutions are collective actions with the aim
    of tearing down and replacing the current

Collective Action, Revolution, and the Use of
  • Those at the top of existing social hierarchies
    are driven by self-interest to oppose actively
    any collective effort to overthrow the system.
  • They employ a variety of techniques to prevent
    revolutionary groups from forming.

  • When people are isolated they are kept from
    forming a group that could threaten a leaders
    hold on power.
  • At the most extreme, a leader would want to
    prevent anyone from forming any kind of personal
    bond with another.
  • To accomplish this, leaders use two important
  • Peer policing
  • Preference falsification

Atomization Peer Policing
  • Peer policing is having people police each other.
  • Leaders need to encourage citizens to engage in
    peer policing against potential revolutionaries.
  • Leaders might make it a crime to not report
    someone elses efforts to form a revolutionary
  • This works particularly well if people believe
    that government agents will test individuals
    willingness to turn in others.

Atomization Peer Policing
  • Governments and their leaders can handle
    individual isolated revolutionary actions, but
    mass action may overwhelm a governments policing
    and enforcement mechanisms.
  • Peer policing happens in democracies as well as
    in totalitarian states.
  • Can you think of examples of peer policing?

Atomization Preference Falsification
  • Preference falsification is hiding the way you
    truly feel while publicly expressing what those
    in power want to hear from you.
  • As long as peoples true feelings are hidden, how
    can potential revolutionaries even know if there
    are others who share their view?

Limits on Forceful Control
  • The level of force leaders must use to maintain
    control is related to the level of
  • When dissatisfaction is low, less force is
  • When dissatisfaction with unresolved problems
    becomes high enough, desperation may overcome
    fear, and force may no longer be enough.
  • When pushed too far, people will stand up to a

Legitimacy and Government Control
  • Instead of relying on force, threats, and
    punishments, leaders can maintain control by
    pursuing legitimacy.
  • Legitimacy is the voluntary acceptance of
  • Pursuing a path of legitimacy can be an expensive
    long-term proposition.
  • It is generally far cheaper in the short term to
    use force.

Legitimacy and Government Control
  • Governments can achieve or lose legitimacy in
    many ways
  • By staying in power a long time
  • By getting the blessing of a legitimate past
  • By convincing people that God sent the leaders to
  • By winning popular elections
  • Electoral democracies institutionalize revolt by
    giving citizens the power to keep or replace the

Legitimacy and Conflict within Groups
  • After World War I, researchers believed that
    conflict was something horrible and that conflict
    should be eradicated.
  • Georg Simmel and later Lewis Coser pointed out
    that the complete elimination of conflicts could
    be equally bad, because conflict serves
    constructive functions.

Legitimacy and Conflict within Groups
  • When a group is engaged in a conflict with
    another group, self-identification with the group
    increases and support for the leadership
  • Intragroup conflict (conflict within the group)
    can serve as a safety valve, reducing tensions
    caused by frustration.

Crosscutting Cleavages
  • If there are a variety of conflicts, divisions
    over them do not always coincide.
  • People who disagree on one issue may agree on
  • This prevents society from dividing sharply over
    a single issue.
  • People will be less hostile toward those they
    disagree with on one issue if they agree on other

Conflict as a Source of Legitimacy
  • Such conflict facilitates the resolution of the
    underlying cause of disagreement resolving small
    issues can keep them from growing into large
  • Such conflict also provides a foundation for
    developing compromises.

Conflict as a Source of Legitimacy
  • Resolving conflict within the group enhances the
    publics willingness to accept the group and its
    structures voluntarily.
  • This enhances the legitimacy of the group and its
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