Best Practices for English Learners - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Best Practices for English Learners


Best Practices for English ... coming from a home where a language other than English is spoken. ... for kindergarten and how parents can help students learn. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: KimA167


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Best Practices for English Learners

Best Practices for English Learners
  • Odyssey 2014
  • Oregon Dept. of Education

Introductions (5-10 minutes)
  • Who are you?
  • Where do you work?
  • What is your job title/responsibilities?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Choose one of these locations to go on vacation
  • Theme park
  • Stay at home
  • Beach
  • Snow lodge

  • To share English learner best practices from
    districts in Oregon.
  • To collaborate with other district staff on
    services for English learners.
  • To inform the State specific areas of need for
    future professional development and guidance.

Group activity one (10-15 minutes)
  • Find your favorite color group
  • Using the chart paper
  • Make a list of all the areas you have questions
    about for English learners.
  • Prioritize the list by number once listed.
  • 3 minute rotate with current color group
  • Read the list in order of priority use your
  • Star agree with priority level
  • Dash- lower the priority level
  • Plus raise the priority level

Group revisit
  • Return to your original poster and reflect
  • Feedback from other groups.
  • Other group ideas.
  • Any additions to be made?
  • Choose person to report out.

Did you agree with the State?
  • SPED/EL identification
  • SPED/EL service models
  • SPED/EL proficiency
  • LEP programs models
  • Recent arrivers
  • Early Childhood
  • Promoting/exiting
  • Instructional practices
  • ELPA 21
  • ELP standards
  • Instructional Materials
  • TAG/EL
  • Kindergarten Assessment

Group report out
  • Please report out any areas that were not on the
    State list of priorities.
  • Any Group ah-has when seeing other lists?

  • Now lets
  • DIVE
  • into some of these topics

  • Recent Arrivers
  • Add an element that you can search for identified
    recent arrivers in your district student
    information system
  • Include in this element an expiration date when
    the student is past the 3 year timeline.
  • This will allow for ease in searching for the
    students who are Recenrt Arrivers and make
    submitting easier.
  • If your district receives an Immigrant grant you
    will know which students and families the grant
    must support

  • LEP Flag
  • Consider changing the LEP flag from YES to NO the
    school year following a students exit from the
    ELD program.
  • Discuss with a partner what could happen if this
    change doesnt occur?

  • Exiting Waiver Students
  • Consider testing waiver students first in the
    district ELPA testing cyclescores will come back
    first and you can proceed with exit portfolios
  • Why?
  • These students arent served, thus it may take
    longer to pull content level work samples
  • The ELD teacher will need to review the samples
    for linguistic errors.
  • Classroom teacher input will be critical.

SPED/ EL Testing
  • Have the Special education teachers take the ELPA
    practice test prior to having discussions on ELPA
    domain exemptions or participate in ELPA testing
    as a test administrator.
  • Discussions on ELPA exemptions will be informed
    based on the ELPA tasks the students must

SPED/EL testing
  • Each spring there are IEP meetings for the
    following years Kindergarteners. If any of
    these students are English learners, then the IEP
    team must include a language specialist.
  • ELD program of service must be discussed and
    written into the IEP.
  • ELPA participation must be discussed and written
    into the IEP.
  • Typically state assessments are not addressed at
    this grade level as most state assessments begin
    at 3rd grade.

SPED/EL Exiting
  • What is the Billion Dollar Question?
  • What is English proficiency for a student with a

So what do we look at?
  • Find your favorite place to go partners and
    discuss, record your thoughts on chart paper.
  • Reminder Choose one of these locations to go on
  • Theme park
  • Stay at home
  • Beach
  • Snow lodge

SPED/EL exiting
  • Students who are dual identified in special
    education and ELL who have a documented learning
    disability or communication disorder may never be
    able to score a composite score of 4 or 5 on ELPA
    due to their disability.
  • In such circumstances a large gap between the
    oral and written domains typically exists, and
    will do so for a number of years.
  • In such circumstances, a student could be
    considered for promotion out of ELL services when
    they have consistently demonstrated proficiency
    according to their individual circumstances or in
    the domains that are not affected by their
    disability, and it is deemed by the ELL teacher,
    in consultation with the parent and the IEP team,
    that continuing in ELL services will no longer
    benefit the student. The regular promotion
    process will be followed with the addition of a
    special education representative present at the
    team meeting use the required forms.

  • In your group discuss pros/cons of the wording
    in the plan add in any additional items you
    would consider after reading this proposal

Group share
  • Round Robin each group will share 1 pro and 1
    con they discussed until all are on the group
  • Then each group will share 2 items they would
    consider reviewing for exiting an SPED/EL as

SPED/EL Identification
  • Lots of questions abound on identifying English
    learners who are non-verbal coming from a home
    where a language other than English is spoken.
  • Title III participated in a joint agency meeting
    in July with Title I, School Improvement and
    SPED, guidance was provided at that meeting.
    Lets take a moment to read and discuss as a

SPED/EL Program of service
  • Once an English learner is identified as Special
    Education and has an IEP, the instructional
    program must be written on the IEP. ELD teachers
    must participate in IEP meetings.
  • ELD Program options
  • ELD by ELD teacher (group or individual)
  • ELD by SPED teacher(group or individual) with
    consultation from ELD teacher

Early Childhood
  • One recommendation is that the district reach out
    to local early childhood groups and provide
    training/support in
  • language acquisition
  • Bilingual family support
  • Training parents what students need to know for
    kindergarten and how parents can help students
  • There has been a few cases where ELs in Early
    Childhood programs are identified as
    communication disordered because they doe not
    progress in English as fast as their peers.

Kindergarten Assessment 10 minutes
  • Time to move again
  • Find your color group
  • Discuss what your district did that worked -
    didnt work and what will do differently this
  • Prepare to share out.

Kindergarten group share
  • One district set up a one on one appointment for
    each student for assessment.
  • Then they had three days where only 1/3 of the
    class attended school, as an orientation.
  • Finally on the 4th day the entire kindergarten
    class was there.
  • The district reported a smooth transition for
    students and families.

Kindergarten assessment
  • One district shared that some of their students
    were far behind the academics of the kindergarten
  • They developed their own checklist to see each
    students actual level of knowledge and compared
    that data fall and spring.
  • This extra growth measure gave the district one
    more way to look at student achievement and
    teacher effectiveness.

Instructional practices
  • Scaffolding
  • Districts are being more diligent on having
    sentence frames available for students to use
    during instruction.
  • Recommendation leave the common dialogue
    starters up for the entire year.
  • I agree with______
  • I disagree with ____________

Now its your turn
  • Think about one thing you are doing that is
    working well for your ELs or ELD program.
  • Share it out so we can capture it for other

And now Homework.
  • Please give the State, homework
  • Go back to your vacation group discuss with
    them what you want the State to work on.
  • We cant promise more money or more time for you
    and we cant change the laws/rules overnight.
  • As a group fill out the Purple form to turn in.

Ticket out the door
  • Please fill out the feedback form
  • If you have burning questions/needs please add
    that to the back of the form and we will be in
  • Thanks for coming..
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