Tools of the Laboratory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tools of the Laboratory


Tools of the Laboratory This lecture will address the types of media used for studying microbes in the lab as well as there basic nutrient needs. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Tools of the Laboratory

Tools of the Laboratory
  • This lecture will address the types of media used
    for studying microbes in the lab as well as there
    basic nutrient needs.

  • All organisms require certain physical or
    environmental conditions to grow. If those
    physical conditions are not met, the organisms
    growth will either be inhibited or it will die.
  • Temperature is an important physical condition.
    There are several different groups of organisms
    that prefer different temperature ranges for
    growth. Microbes that cause disease generally
    prefer a growing temperature equal to body
    temperature (37 degrees C).
  • Psychrophiles A group of cold-loving microbes
    that generally grow at temperatures of -10 to 20
    degrees C.
  • Mesophiles A group of moderate-temperature-lovin
    g microbes that generally grow at temperatures of
    10 to 50 degrees C. Pathogenic microorganisms
    are in this group. Refrigeration severely
    retards the growth of most pathogenic bacteria
  • Thermophiles A group of heat-loving microbes
    that generally grow at temperatures of 40 to 73
    degrees C.

  • pH is another important physical characteristic
    for growth. Remember that the pH scale is from
    0-14. A low pH acidic whereas a high pH basic
    and 7 is neutral.
  • The normal growth range for bacteria is pH 6.5 to
    7.5. Notice that the bodys pH is also within
    that range. (Most bacteria cant grow in orange
    juice because it is too acidic. So why does
    orange juice spoil?)
  • Acidophiles are a small group of bacteria that
    can grow in pH 4 conditions. These organisms
    are non-pathogenic.
  • Molds and yeasts grow in pH 5-6.
  • Have you figured out the answer to the orange
    juice question? It is usually molds and yeasts
    that spoil the orange juice with their metabolic
    by products.

  • Osmotic pressure is used all the time in the food
    industry to for preservation.
  • It is the addition of large quantities of salts
    or sugars to foods that result in shrinkage of
    cells due to the loss of water.
  • Plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall
    which results in inhibition of cell growth.
  • Ex. In food prep salted fish, honey, sweetened
    and condensed milk, pickles
  • All of the items above are preserved because of a
    large amount of salt or sugar.
  • Halophiles A group of organisms that can grow
    in high salt concentrations.

  • All organisms also need some basic nutrients to
    sustain growth.
  • Carbon makes up proteins, lipids, and
  • N, S, P makes amino acids, ATP, DNA, RNA
  • Trace elements iron, copper, molybdenum, zinc
  • Used by enzymes for proper functioning.
  • Organic growth factors needed for growth that
    cannot be synthesized by own enzymes (ie.
    Vitamins in humans)
  • Oxygen, ATP, water
  • If any of these major nutrients are missing then
    the organism cannot function properly and
    eventually stops growing (forms endospore) or

How microbes feed
  • Heterotroph A group of microbes that use
    organic carbon as their carbon source for
  • Autotroph A group of microbes that use
    inorganic carbon as their carbon source, such as
    carbon dioxide.
  • Phototroph A group of microbes that use light
    as their energy source.
  • Chemotroph A group of microbes that use
    chemical compounds for their energy source, such
    as glucose.
  • Photoautotroph
  • Chemoautroph
  • Photoheterotroph
  • Chemoheterotroph
  • Saprobe A group of organisms that use decaying
    matter as its carbon and energy source.
  • Parasite Requires a host to get its carbon and
    energy sources.

Gas Requirements
  • Aerobe A group of organisms that use oxygen for
  • Facultative Anaerobe A group of organisms that
    do not require oxygen for metabolism.
  • Microaerophile A group of organisms that
    require small amounts of oxygen for metabolism.
  • Strict Anaerobe A group of organisms that
    require an element other than oxygen for
    metabolism, such as N, S, CO2.

Ecological Association Among Microorganisms
  • Symbiosis 2 organisms live together in a close
    partnership. There are several different types
    of symbiotic relationships.
  • Mutualism Both organisms benefit from the
    relationship. For example, E.coli found in our
    intestines aids in our digestion and it benefits
    from us because our intestines provide a nice,
    warm, nutrient rich environment for it to grow.
  • Commensalism In this relationship one organism
    benefits and the other is unaffected. For
    example, microbes that feed off of the dead skin
    cells that we shed are benefited by us but we are
    unaffected by them.
  • Parasitism In this relationship one organism
    benefits at the expense of the other. A tape
    worm is an example of this relationship. The
    tape worm attaches itself to the intestine of the
    host. The host provides a nice, warm, nutrient
    rich environment. The tape worm grows and grows.
    It can eventually cause malnutrition or
    intestinal blockages that are harmful to the

  • Synergism This type of relationship is one in
    which there is an added effect by the close
  • An example is found in biofilms. Many of you
    found that many groups of organisms make up a
    biofilm and that when these organisms are in a
    close relationship like that, new genes are
    turned on that benefit the whole group. Those
    genes are not activated when the organisms are
  • Antagonism This type of relationship is a
    competitive relationship between organisms.
  • For example, many organisms make personal
    antibiotics that kill off competitors for
    nutrients. Many of the antibiotics that we use
    today were originally derived from these natural
    antibiotics. Penicillin is one!

Uses of Media
  • Because we understand the basic principles of
    nutrition for living cells, we can use that
    information to study them in the lab.
  • The media that we used in lab to grow
    microorganisms is designed according to the
    metabolic properties of microorganisms.
  • There are three basic properties that are used
    when deciding which media to use for growth of
  • 1. Physical state
  • Liquidbroth in a test tube. (The nutrient broth
    that we use in lab is an example of this type of
  • Semisolid broth that has a little agar added to
    it so that it has a thicker consistency but is
    not solid. (The motility agar that we used in
    our last lab is an example of this type of
  • Solid broth that has enough agar added to it to
    make it solid. (The agar plates that we have
    been using in lab are examples of this type of

  • 2. Chemical composition We can manipulate the
    media to select for the growth of one organism
    and inhibit the growth of another. We can also
    manipulate the media to show us metabolic
    differences between organisms.
  • Complex media is the type of media we have used
    thus far in lab. (Remember we talked about
    chicken broth for microorganisms. It is derived
    from yeast, meat, or plant digests and contains
    all the nutrients that a microbe needs to grow.
    In this type of media the amount of nutrients
    varies from batch to batch and is unknown.
  • Chemically defined media is type of media in
    which the exact chemical or nutrient composition
    is known. Each nutrient is carefully weighed and
    added one by one to the media. In order for this
    media to support bacterial growth an organisms
    nutrient requirements must be known and planned

  • 3. Functional type This category of media
    determines if it will select for the growth of
    one type of organism or if it will show metabolic
    differences between organisms.
  • Selective media This type of media suppresses
    the growth of unwanted bacteria and encourages
    the growth of desired organism.
  • For example, lets say that we have a test tube
    that contains both G and G- bacteria in it. You
    want to study the G. To help you isolate the G
    from the G- bacteria you can use a media that
    inhibits the growth of G- bacteria, leaving only
    the G.
  • Differential Media
  • Differential media makes it easy to distinguish
    different genus and species of organisms.
  • Blood agar is an easy way to distinguish between
    some organisms. It is media that contains sheep
    blood. It is red and solid. You cant see
    through it because of the red blood cell content.
    Some organisms have the ability to break down
    the red blood cells, S. pyogenes. When the red
    blood cells are broken down the media turns
    orange and transparent. Some organisms cant
    break down the red blood cells so the media
    appears unchanged.

  • Enrichment Media
  • Allows for growth of microbes that are not
    normally detected. Some microbes grow in very
    small numbers because their nutrient requirements
    are not optimal. This type of media allows you
    to add the specific nutrient required to select
    for that one type of bacteria and encourage its
    growth so that it can be isolated from the rest.
  • For example, you take a soil sample and want to
    study the organisms found within the sample. One
    of the organisms requires phenol as carbon and
    energy source. That is an unusual growth
    requirement so it has to be added to encourage
    the growth of that particular organism. When it
    is added to the media it will select for the
    growth of the organism you want, while other
    organisms are unable to grow in the presence of

  • Some special culture techniques are used to
    culture hard to grow organisms
  • Ie. Mycobacterium, the organism that is
    responsible for Leprosy and Tuberculosis, has a
    low temperature requirement for growth.
    (Slightly lower than body temperature.) To study
    it in the lab it is grown in armadillos or in the
    foot pads of mice and rats because the body
    temperature is ideal.
  • Some organisms only grow inside cells, such as
    viruses. So special tissue cultures have to be
    grown in order to replicate the viruses.
  • Some organisms still cannot be grown in the lab
    because their growth requirements are not
    understood well enough.

Growth of Bacterial Cultures
  • Bacterial Division Bacteria reproduce through
    binary fission. This produces 2 identical cells
    each time the parent cell divides. See Fig.7.13
    for a great explanation on this concept.
  • The Generation Time of a microbe is the time
    required for a cell to divide and the population
    to double.
  • For example, E-coli doubles once every 20 min.
    10 cells become 20 cells after 20 minutes and 20
    cells become 40 cells after 20 additional
    minuets, etc.
  • The following is the equation used to calculate
    the final population of a bacterial culture
  • nfni(2)g
  • nf is the final population ni
    is the initial population
  • g is the number of generations 2 represents
    the doubling due to binary fission
  • Try calculating the following problem. (Ill go
    over it in lab on Friday.)
  • A culture was inoculated with 10 E-coli cells.
    Then it was put in the incubator for 2 hours.
    What was the final population?
  • Hint first calculate the number of generations
    by figuring out how many times E.coli can divide
    within 2 hours if it has a doubling time of 20

Bacterial Growth Curve
  • 4 basic phases of growth
  • 1. Lag phase New growth medium is added or a
    new culture is made. This period is a time of
    delayed growth while the bacterial cells prepare
    to divide. DNA is replicating, the cell wall and
    membrane or expanding, etc.
  • 2. Log phase (exponential growth phase)
    Cellular division is most active during this
    period. The generation time reaches a constant
  • 3. Stationary phase A state of equilibrium
    where the number of cell deaths equals the number
    of cell divisions.
  • 4. Death phase The number of cell deaths
    exceeds the number of new cells. The nutrients
    are becoming depleted or a change in the physical
    conditions are making conditions unfavorable.
  • Early death phase is when sporulation begins.
  • See Fig.7.15 for a great example of the shape of
    the growth curve.

Preserving bacterial cultures
  • Once we are able to grow our bacteria we want to
    be able to preserve them so we dont have to go
    through the same tedious process to isolate and
    grow them. A couple of the methods that are
    used are
  • 1. Deep-freezing liquid bacterial culture is
    added to liquid glycerin to prevent breaking of
    membrane due to freezing. Then it is frozen at
    temp. ranging from 50 to 72 degrees C.
  • Lyophiliztion (freeze drying) The bacterial
    culture is quickly frozen at temp. ranging from
    54 to 72 degrees C. Then the water is removed
    by a vacuum leaving a powder like residue. The
    powder contains the organisms.
  • Ill post the homework for this lecture on
    Thursday morning. 9/14/06 It will be due on
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