Title: MAGO
1MAGO Monitoring All Grid Objects Anna Jannace,
Carmine Spizuoco, Francesco Adinolfi, Giovanni
Bracco Consorzio Campano per lInformatica e
lAutomazione Industriale (C.R.I.A.I.), f.adinolf
i, a.jannace, c.spizuoco_at_criai.it
- This poster describes the CRESCO subproject 1.2
MAGO Monitoring All Grid Objects of CRESCO.
This High Performance Computing system was
installed to provide the required computing power
to the CRESCO project applications and to
integrate CRESCO HPC system into ENEA-GRID
infrastructure. - This project is the result of the collaboration
between ENEA and C.R.I.A.I. - Consorzio Campano di Ricerca per linformatica e
lautomazione industriale. - The process of Monitoring Discovery resources
is needed in HPC system to find and solve the
malfunctions arising in the infrastructure. - MAGO aims to realize an innovative tool to
monitor ENEA-Grid resources. - The main ENEA-GRID software components are
- Multi-site resource manager LSF Multicluster,
- OpenAFS distributed file system,
- Kerberos 5 authentication,
- GUI based on CITRIX technologies.
- After a technological survey, the Information
System model was chosen in according to the GLUE
Schema standard (http//glueschema.forge.cnaf.infn
One of the peculiarities of the environments is
the capability to be decentralized, allowing
availability and robustness, also in case of
crash involving specific computers. It was chosen
in this work to create a centralized and
hierarchical structure, because the system
monitors Grid resources, but it does not manage
them, and because such approach allows to
minimize maintenance on single host.
The set of mature technologies, which belong to
the infrastructure ENEA, allows to place MAGO as
a tool for monitoring of activities carried out
from Grid infrastructure.
MAGO Monitoring All Grid Objects
Usage of different technologies made it possible
to implement a flexible, modular, scalable, fault
tolerance monitoring tool. To understand this
complexity is important to observe what and how
many objects constitute the system, then in which
way they interact with each other.
- Configuration
- Viewing Alarms
- Inclusion of new metrics
- Query on database
- Container of source code, application, script
- Saving configurations for each site and host
- Storing Metrics
- Decrease of collected metrics by the demons of
Gmetad Ganglia - MAGO environment automatic installation
- on Host
- Information Transfer on the server site
- Fetch and decoding input metrics
The core of MAGO is a distributed three level
based architecture
The path shows the information flow from Server
Site origin to Master Server destination
- Robustness
- Reliability
- Modularity
- Scalability
- Fault tolerance
- The MAGO Web Application has an user interface
providing the following features - Configuration of each subsystem
- Access to the system through a secure connection
on a CRESCO front-end host - Usage of capabilities provided by AFS and LSF
systems already available in ENEA-Grid
MAGO project extends the functionalities offered
by Ganglia package
URL APPLICATION http//www.afs.enea.it8080/Mago/
DOCUMENTATION REFERENCE http//www.cresco.enea.it/
LA1/cresco_sp12_criai/ CRIAI www.CRIAIIT ENEA h