Title: Structure transition of polymer-mediated colloidal crystals
1Structure transition of polymer-mediated
colloidal crystals Chunrui Han et
al. Supervisor Luwei Zhou Department of Physics,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
The self-assembled colloidal crystals with
tunable structures are realized experimentally on
substrates with polymer brushes. Such
polymer-mediated colloidal crystals were found to
experience a series of in-layer structure
transitions including stable columnar,
polycrystalline, mixed square-hexagonal, square
(body-centered tetragonal), hexagonal structures
when the mass ratio of colloidal particles to
free polymers is adjusted from 0.125 to 10. Among
these structures, a large area interfacial square
structure which corresponds to the body-centered
tetragonal (BCT) structure in three dimensions is
first observed in the polymer-mediated colloidal
- Conclusions
- By using free polymers and polymer brushes, we
have experimentally demonstrated a method for
fabricating a class of colloidal crystals with
stable tunable crystalline structures - 2. Such polymer-mediated colloidal crystals
were found to experience a series of in-layer
structure transitions including a stable square
structure when we adjusted the mass ratio of
colloidal particles to free polymers - 3. We have proved that the square structure
is BCT structure in 3-dimensions both in theory
and experiment.
Reflectance spectrum of square and hexagon
Band structure of BCT and FCC lattice