Title: After the Great War
1After the Great War
2How to Find long lasting Peace?
January 1919
3 Paris Peace Conference January 1919
Leaders of England, Italy, France USA
Lloyd George Orlando
Clemenceau Wilson
4Woodrow Wilsons 14-Points
1) Pick the 5 most important points 2) Explain
how they help bring long lasting peace
U.S. President 1913 1921
5Europe after the War 1919
Europe in 1914
6Treaty of Versailles
Some mistakes of the
- Germany was NOT invited
- Germany was punished financially
- forced to accept blame pay reparations
- Italy was left angry
- felt betrayed, was promised the Adriatic Coast
- United States did NOT join the League of Nations
7Europe after the War 1919
Europe in 1914
8Economic Disaster
Only the U.S. had a functioning economy
France, Germany Italy are destroyed
economically emotionally
9Ignored Promises
British had made promises to Jews, Arabs and
the people of India
These promises were ignored!
10Political Cartoon Analysis
- Test Review through cartoons