Title: Geo Math Results (as of April 20, 2004)
1Geo Math Results (as of April 20, 2004)
- Thanks to everyone who turned in their lessons!!!
Thanks to everyone who generated the lessons!!!
2Thus Far
of teachers participated 50 of school
districts involved 24 of cities represented
18 of lessons piloted 62
3Thus Far
of students participated 2,671 of ESL
students involved 233
4Thus Far
students free/reduced lunch 30.7
5Thus Far
Pre Test Average 46.37 Post Test Average
69.78 Improvement 23.41 Statistically
6Thus Far
7Thus Far
8Thus Far
Demonstrated Mastery in Geography
63.07 Demonstrated Mastery in Math 60.79
9Thus Far
Teacher Prior Comfort Average 3.21 Teacher
After Comfort Average 3.53
10What teachers had to say
- Strengths
- Simple, fun, all found success
- Very well done
- It was fun, they enjoyed thinking about the
tasks - Great practice using the same math skill
- I enjoyed teaching it
- Awesome Lesson!
- Students loved using the inflatable globe
- The lesson engaged student interest
11What teachers had to say
- Other Comments
- Very Interesting!
- Great activities, will use again
- Excellent 3rd grade lesson
- A fun way to introduce making a map key
- Students enjoyed the lesson and wanted to do it
- Students loved this lesson!!!
- All can be successful
- I loved this lesson
12Thanks for your time and all your hard work!!!