Title: Comparative genomics of adaptive evolution
1Comparative genomics of adaptive evolution
- Toby Bradshaw
- University of Washington toby_at_u.washington.edu
2Microevolutionary genomics
- Understand, at the molecular level, adaptive
evolution in natural populations
3Why study microevolutionary genomics?
- Adaptation is the most stunning manifestation of
evolution by natural selection - Differential adaptation is the principal cause of
reproductive isolation, and therefore the origin
of species and biodiversity
4What are the goals of microevolutionary genomics?
- Identify adaptive phenotypes in natural
Timberline 3050m
Mather 1400m
Stanford 30m
5What are the goals of microevolutionary genomics?
- Find and characterize alleles that produce
adaptive phenotypes - Comparative genomics/candidate genes
- QTL mapping/cloning
- Mutagenesis
- Transgenesis
6What are the goals of microevolutionary genomics?
- Determine the distribution of adaptive alleles
within and among species - Direct complementation by transgenesis
- Comparative mapping
- DNA sequence analysis
7What are the goals of microevolutionary genomics?
- Discover the genes that produce evolutionary
novelties and lead to adaptive radiations
8Questions that could be answered by
microevolutionary genomics
- When different taxa adapt to the same
environment, do they share genetic mechanisms of
adaptation, or does each taxon follow a unique
evolutionary trajectory contingent upon
genes/alleles not found in the other taxa? - Can adaptive genetic variation/differentiation be
assessed directly by examining non-neutral loci,
rather than using neutral loci as a (useless)
surrogate? - Is adaptation portable i.e., will adaptive
alleles from one species function correctly in
other species, or does adaptation really require
coadapted gene complexes? - Does the genetic basis of adaptive radiation
differ in kind, or only in degree, from
ordinary adaptation?
9What is needed to move microevolutionary genomics
- Comprehensive studies of adaptive phenotypes in
natural populations - Increase support for organismal biology
- Increase support for whole-plant physiological
ecology - Improve estimation of species- and
population-level phylogeny - Develop high-throughput measurement of cryptic
phenotypes (e.g., transcript profiling, metabolic
profiling) - Recognize that natural variation is not
necessarily adaptive - Foster interdisciplinary collaboration
10What is needed to move microevolutionary genomics
- Commit to key model systems, and support them
fully with appropriate genomics infrastructure - For a wider phylogenetic range of taxa, develop
resources for comparative mapping e.g.,
pedigrees, inbred lines, stock centers,
ortholog-based markers, physical maps,
whole-genome sequences - Encourage the development of low-cost,
high-throughput genotyping systems - Transformation and mutagenesis/tagging are key
enabling technologies for any model system - Improve bioinformatics for comparative genomics
11Where do we go from here?
Choose evolutionary genomics systems based upon
compelling ecology and phylogeny, not current