Medical Math - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medical Math


Medical Math for Healthcare Professionals – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Medical Math

Medical Math
  • for Healthcare Professionals

Medical Math
  • All health care workers are required to perform
    simple math calculations when doing various
  • Knowing basic math calculations are essential for
    all health care professionals to be successful.

  • Numbers are expressed in different forms
  • Whole numbers are the counting numbers and zero
    they do not contain decimals or fractions
  • Nonwhole numbers are numbers that have decimals
    ex 12.25
  • Mixed numbers are whole numbers and a fraction
    ex 12 ½
  • Percetages the whole or all of something ex

  • Numbers that have more than one digit are defined
    by their place value. For ex
  • The number 7777
  • Place value
  • 7 (thousands)
  • 7 (hundreds)
  • 7 (tens)
  • 7 (ones)
  • This number is described by saying seven
    thousand, seven hundred seventy-seven
  • Numbers are written with a comma placed to the
    left of every third digit. 7,777

  • Numbers indicating less than a whole number are
    placed to the right of a decimal.
  • The number 7,777.255 is given the following place
  • Place value
  • 7, (thousands)
  • 7 (hundreds)
  • 7 (tens)
  • 7. (ones)
  • 2 (tenths)
  • 5 (hundredths)
  • 5 (thousandths)
  • It is written 7,777.255 and described as seven
    thousand, seven hundred seventy-seven and two
    hundred and fifty-five thousandths

  • Additions- the totaling of two or more numbers
  • Subtraction- the opposite of addition taking a
    number away from another number
  • Multiplication- a quick easy way to add finding
    the product of two numbers
  • Division- the opposite of multiplication the
    process of separating into parts

The Metric System
  • The health care worker is expected to measure and
    calculate weights, heights, and volume in metric
    units of measure.
  • Understanding how to convert standard and metric
    units of measure is helpful in various
  • settings

Metric System
  • The health care industry uses the metric system
    for measuring. It is used by 90 of the world
    and is known as the International System of

4 Basic Rules of Metric System
  1. Numbers indicating less than one unit are always
    written in a decimal form, not as fractions. Ex
    1/100.1 or 1/1000.01 or 1/10000.001
  2. When writing decimals, if there is no number
    before the decimal, always write a 0. Ex .1 is
    0.1 or .5 is 0.5
  3. Abbreviations for metric terms are never plural
    they are always written in singular form. Ex
    grams is g, not gs liters is L, not Ls. Always
    capitalize the abbreviation for L for liter to
    reduce confusing the lowercase l with the 1.
  4. Leave a space between the number and the
    abbreviation, as shown in the following ex 8 g
    or 0.1 dm.

Metric Terms and Abbreviations
Term Abbreviations Measures In Place of
Meter m length Inch, foot, yard, mile
gram g weight Ounce, pound
liter L volume Fluid ounce, cup, pint, quart, gallon
Metric Terms and Abbreviations
Term Abbreviations What is Measures
kilo k 1,000 units
hecto h 100 units
Metric Terms and Abbreviations
Term Abbreviation What is Measures
deci d 1/10 or 0.1 unit
centi c 1/100 or 0.01 unit
milli m 1/1000 or 0.001 unit
Using the Metric System to Measure
  • A meter stick can be used to measure length in
    the following units
  • Centimeter (cm)
  • Millimeter (mm)
  • Meters (m)
  • 1 meter is slightly more
  • than 3 ft

  • Measures of Length
  • 1 hectogram 100 meters
  • 1.5 hectogram 150 meters
  • 1 kilometer 1,000 meters
  • 1.5 kilometer 1,500 meteres
  • Measures of Weight
  • 1 hectogram 100 g
  • 1.5 hectogram 150 g
  • 1 kilogram 1,000 g
  • 1.5 kilogram 1,500 g

Using Metric System to Measure
  • Liters, Milliliters and Cubic Centimeters
  • A liter (L) is slightly larger than a quart
  • A milliliter (mL) is 1/1000 of a liter
  • Cubic Centimeter (CC) are interchangeable with mL
  • Scales can be used to measure weight in grams,
    hectograms, and kilograms
  • Celsius (C) and Centigrade- the metric measure of
    heat is Celsius or centigrade, which are the

Changing Ounces to Millimeters and Cubic
Centimeters (cc)
1 oz medicine 1 oz x 30 cc/mL 30 cc30 mL
8 oz water 8 oz x 30 cc/mL 240 cc 240mL
6 oz soup 6 oz x 30 cc/mL 180 cc 180mL
4 oz juice 4 oz x 30 cc/mL 120 cc 120mL
12 oz soda 12 oz x 30 cc/mL 360 cc 360mL
Measuring Devices
  • Health care workers use various types of
    measuring devices to measure liquid.

Changing Pounds to Kilograms and Kilograms to
  • 110 lb changed to kilograms 110 lb x 0.45 kg/lb
    49.5 kg
  • 200 lb changed to kg 200 lb x 0.45 x kg/lb 91
  • 50 kg changed to lb 50 kg x 2.2 lb/kg 110 lb
  • 91 kg changed to lb 91 kg x 2.2 lb/kg 200 lb
  • To change lb to kg, multiply the number of lbs by
    0.45 lb/kg
  • To change kg to lb, multiply the number of kg by
    2.2 lb/kg

Changing Ounces to Grams
  • One ounce (oz) 30 grams (g).
  • To change ounces to grams, multiply 30 g/oz by
    the number of ounces.
  • To change grams to ounces, divide 30 g/oz into
    the number of grams
  • 1 oz changed to grams 1 oz x 30 g/oz 30 g
  • 8 oz changed to grams 8 oz x 30 g/oz 240 g

24 hour/Military Time Clock
  • Medical facilities frequently use the 24-hour
    clock system. The 24-hour clock system clearly
    states time and eliminates confusion on
  • Military time is always expressed in four digits
    and no colons are used to separate hours and
  • Always use a 0 to complete the four digit number
    ex for 100am 0100
  • Remember to state the time in hundreds
  • ex 100 am 0100 zero one hundred hours
    1100 eleven hundred hours (11am)
  • Greenwich time- standard time a 12-hour clock

Military- 24-hour clock
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