Title: PROTO-SPHERA Diagnostics
1PROTO-SPHERA Diagnostics
PROTO-SPHERA WORKSHOP Frascati March 18-19,
2The aim of PROTO-SPHERA aim is to test and
maintain for several resistive times a spherical
configuration where the central conductor is
replaced by a current carrying plasma. The size
and characteristics of PROTO-SPHERA plasma allows
to use diagnostic tecniques similar to those used
in tokamak research. For this reason we can use
existing hardware for most of required
-Equilibrium reconstruction diagnostics -Pinch
and electrode diagnostics -Plasma density and
kinetic measurement diagnostics -Plasma
radiation -MHD and fluctuation diagnostics
4Plasma Configuration
The magnetic reconstruction of configurations
such as PROTO-SPHERA is challenging since no
sensors can be located in the hole of the
spherical torus. In this situation is a magnetic
reconstruction still possible? In particular can
the plasma current be measured? This problem has
been addressed by F. Alladio and P. Micozzi Nucl.
Fusion 37 (1997) 1459
5Equilibrium reconstruction on PROTO-SPHERA
-The sensors are located on a sphere -The
magnetic signals were generated with a free
boundary predictive equilibrium code -They were
best-fitted through an iterative equilibrium
solution by a parametrization of the sources of
the Grad-Shafranov equation.
6The results of the analysis can be summarized as
follows A magnetic reconstruction can be
performed with sensors placed around the plasma
sphere only provided that the location, rin, of a
point of the inner magnetic surface can be
obtained from independent measurement. In
particular an accuracy better than 10 can be
obtained if rin is known to within /- 5 mm.
7- To localize the transition layer between the
pinch and the main plasma we take advantage from
the fact that there - a large gradient of temperature and/or density is
likely to occur. - Two different tecniques will be used
- Thomson scattering
- Only a few time points (useful for cross check
with optical measurements) - Light emission profile measurement of selected
lines - Good time resolution
8Optical localization of the transition layer
Looking at selected lines will help to increase
the contrast
9Optical localization of the transition layer
Emission lines considered
Line Wavelength(A) Eion(eV)
Ha 6562 13.6
OII 4416 13
CIII 4647 24
OIII 5592 35
OVI 1032 114
10Optical localization of the transition layer
The optical reconstruction of the transition
layer will be performed by two kind of detectors
Fast CCD array -Good spatial resolution
Multianode photomultipliers -Good spatial
resolution in a restricted area -Excellent time
resolution -Good dynamic range
11The Thomson scattering only requires a suitable
arrangement of the spatial channels around the
transition layer
12Plasma density and kinetic measurements
Components from three diagnostics no longer used
on FTU can be used on PROTO-SPHERA
- Thomson Scattering
- Nd Laser 10 pulses 1.5 J/pulse
- Two colors CO2 Interferometer
- 2 channels in the present configuration
- Good time resolution
- Far Infrared DCN interferometer
- Poor time resolution in the present
configuration. It can be used for Faraday
rotation measurements.
13Pinch and electrode diagnostics
- Cathode and Anode temperature
- IR thermocamera
- Resistivity measurements
- Plasma density and temperature
- CO2 interferometer
- Langmuir probes
- Thomson scattering
- Impurity content
- Visible spectrometer
14Arrangement of IR camera and CO2 Interferometer
15Soft X-ray tomography
Two photodiodes detectors array are installed on
FTU for the tomographic reconstruction of soft
X-ray emission. To install on PROTO-SPHERA a
similar sistem is much easier
16Plasma radiation The radiation emitted will be
measured by Visible spectrometer UV
spectrometer Bolometer
17PROTO-SPHERA Diagnostic Lay-Out Top view
18Summary A fairly complete set of diagnostics is
required to exploit the PROTO-SPHERA physical
program. Usual tokamak diagnostic tecniques can
be used on PROTO-SPHERA An exception is given by
the equilibrium reconstruction, since no magnetic
sensors can be placed in the centre of the
ST. This problem has been investigated in detail
and a satisfactory equilibrium reconstruction can
be performed if constraints from independent
measurements are used. The extensive use of
existing hardware and the favorable layout allows
to minimize costs, keeping them at a small
fraction (20) of PROTO-SPHERA cost.