Title: Rockmass Instabilities Induced by Mining Excavations in El Teniente
1Rockmass Instabilities Induced by Mining
Excavations in El Teniente
- F. Alvarez, J. Dávila, A. Jofré, R. Manásevich.
- Center for Mathematical Modeling
- Universidad de Chile.
- March 2005.
- Part I Project overview
- Part II Asymptotic analysis of a limit stress
state. - Part III Differentiation with respect to the
3Part I Project Overview
4The mine
- Worlds largest underground copper mine.
- Located at 2.100 masl and 80 km SSE of Santiago.
- 1.500 km of tunnels and underground excavations.
- 355.000 ton/year.
El Teniente
5The rockmass
Secondary mineral near the surface, soft and
highly fragmented. Poor in copper.
Primary mineral deeper, much harder than the
secondary ore. Rich in copper.
6The caving method
- Panel caving the gravity force helps rock
fragmentation and block extraction
7 Evolution of the cavity
- Excavations induce deformations and high stress
conditions within the surrounding rockmass. - Consequences
- Damages to the surrounding excavations
- Rockmass instability.
- Seismic activity and rockbursting.
9The challenge
To develop quantitative and qualitative mathematic
al tools to assist the determination of mining
- Geomechanical properties of the rockmass
- Dynamical aspects of the mining process.
10The team
Mining Engineers S. Gaete R. Molina
Differential Equations J. Dávila R. Manásevich
Optimization Equilibrium F. Alvarez A. Jofré
11Part II Asymptotic analysis of the limit stress
12Linear elasticity PDE
Equilibrium eqs.
- Assumption elastic, isotropic and homogeneuous
Hookes law
13Mixed boundary conditions
14Shear stress a numerical example
- High stress concentrations at the underminning
15Quasistatic stress evolution
16Limiting process
- Real situation hgt0 - Displacements uh
- Limit situation h0 - Displacements u0
17Limit solution
Singular domain
- u1,u2 are explicit and
- Intensity factors
18 Singular stress
19Analytic vs. numerical solution
20 Asymptotic development for hgt0
x hy
x fixed
21Part III Differentiation with respect to the
22Domain perturbations
Perturbation f(x)
Original domain W Perturbed domain W t f
Perturbed solution
First order estimate for small t
24PDE for u
25PDE for u'
Traction boundary condition
26Derivative of the energy
Elastic energy
Perturbed energy
27Explicit formula
Normal-tangent decomposition
then it is possible to prove that