Title: College Public Speaking: SPCH 2215
One Trimester
Course Standards
College Public Speaking SPCH 2215
- How information will be collected to assess
outcomes - Speech Performances and Outlines (50)
- Delivery of various prepared and impromptu
speeches - Written outlines and bibliographies for major
research speeches - Delivery of group presentations
- Daily Work (25)
- Written self evaluation
- Evaluation of another speaker
- Various short writing assignments
- Chapter study guides
- Participation (10)
- Class participation as an audience member
- Participation in a small group
- Daily Attendance
- Exams (15)
becoming a more effective communicator in public
speaking situations.
- What is the process of communication,
communication theories and models? - How can you be aware of the importance of
physical delivery to the success of a speech and
be more comfortable and confident in a public
speaking situation? - What are the skills in listening effectiveness?
- How can you distinguish the difference between
various types of speeches and implement topic
choice, research, support, organization, and
delivery for various speeches? - What are ways to draft outlines and notes to
prepare and present speeches? - How can you use a variety of audience analysis
approaches and techniques including choices of
organizational appeals to apply to specific
speaking situations? - How can you gather research from a variety of
sources to prepare a variety of speeches? - How can you prepare and deliver speeches to
inform., prepare and deliver persuasive speeches
using a variety of coherent appeals both logical
and emotional, prepare and deliver impromptu or
extemporaneous speeches, and prepare and deliver
special occasion speeches?
2College Public Speaking SPCH 2215
Preparedness Respect Teamwork Flexibility
Active Participation Group Work Individual
Presentations Chapter Notes Chapter PowerPoint
Self-Evaluation Peer-Evaluation Video live
streaming Teacher-Evaluation
Delivery Outlining Evaluation Analysis Research
ing Preparation
Forms of Speeches
Getting Started with Confidence
Public Speaking Basics
Presentation Aids
Introductions, Conclusions, and Language
Supporting the Speech
Audience Analysis and Topic Selection
Vocal and Nonverbal Delivery
Organizing and Outlining