CHAPTER 15 Abnormal Behavior Section 15Q1 Common
Psychological Disorders Mr. Freccia, NHS Glencoe
2Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- Abnormal refers to a deviance from the norm,
inability to adjust, or poor mental health - Psychological Disorder is a harmful
dysfunction in which behavior is judged by
mental health professionals to be - atypical (plus behaviors below)
- disturbing (for the time period/culture)
- maladaptive (harmful to self/others)
- unjustifiable (not rational to others)
- Example - Smoking is a disorder/homosexuality is
3Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- Historically Perceived Causes
- movements of sun or moon
- evil spirits/demon possession
- Ancient Treatments
- harsh/ineffective - exorcism, caged like
animals, beaten, burned, castrated, mutilated, - blood replaced with animals blood
4Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
Mental patients were restrained as a humane way
to regain sensibility
Admission fees were charged to observe mentally
ill at St. Marys hospital (1700s)
5Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- Prior to 1980 disorders were classified as
either neurosis or psychosis - Neurotic Disorder (term seldom used today)
- usually distressing but person thinks rationally
and functions socially - less debilitating than a psychosis
- Psychotic Disorder
- person loses contact with reality
- experience irrational ideas and distorted
perceptions - Similar to living out a daydream
6Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- DSM-IV American Psychiatric Associations
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (4th Edition) - the system for classifying psychological
disorders - describes but does not explain the cause of
psychological disorders - critics argue these labels are too arbitrary and
misused - labels may cause more harm than good for the
7Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- Anxiety Based Disorders can cause excessive
worrying, mood swings, and fear - Generalized Anxiety Generalized apprehension
or feeling that one is in danger - Physical symptoms include muscle tension,
inability to relax, indigestion, diarrhea - Phobias Fear of an object or situation that is
out of proportion to the actual danger - (Acrophobia/Heights)
- (Nyctophobia/Darkness)
- (Social Phobia/Embarrassment)
- Panic Disorders Sudden unexplainable attacks
of intense fear and impending doom
8Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
9Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Causes unwanted
anxiety driven thoughts/actions - Obsession Uncontrollable, repetitive pattern of
thoughts caused by anxiety - Compulsion Irrational actions that are
repeatedly performed to reduce anxiety
10Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
11Abnormal Psychology (15Q1)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Long-lasting
anxiety caused by a traumatic event - Overwhelms a persons sense of normal reality
and ability to cope with the world
CHAPTER 15 Abnormal Behavior Section
15Q2 Additional Disorders Mr. Freccia,
NHS Glencoe Publishers
13Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Somatoform Disorders Anxiety based physical
ills with no apparent physical cause - Conversion Disorder Emotional difficulties
converted into loss of physical function - Examples include deafness, partial paralysis,
blindness, numbness, ghost pain - La belle indifference Person accepts the
physical loss with relative calm
14Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Hypochondria Person in good health becomes
preoccupied with imaginary ailments - Occurs mainly during young adulthood, equally
common to men and women
15Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Dissociative Disorders Involves a disturbance
of a persons conscious experience - Psychogenic Amnesia Loss of identity - possible
attempt to escape lifes problems - Psychogenic Fugue Amnesia that is coupled with
active flight to a new environment - Multiple Personality Person assumes two or more
distinct and separate identities - Eve White, a famous example, displayed 24
personalities no more than 3 at a time
Movie 3 Faces of Eve
16Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
Mood Disorders
17Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Mood Disorders Exaggerated happy or depressed
moods hamper ability to function - Depressive Disorder Deep sadness, anxiety,
fatigue, with reduced ability to interact - Single Episode Depression Strikes deeply and
seriously in one dramatic episode - Recurrent Depression An extended or cyclical
pattern of serious depression
18Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
19Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Canadian depression rates
20Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Few people who talk about suicide attempt it but
most who attempt it have talked about it (warning
sign) - More Whites Vs Blacks and Men Vs women commit
21Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- Bipolar Disorder
- Person becomes excessively or inappropriately
happy or depressed - Manic-Type Reaction
- Extreme elation, confusion, distraction, with
racing thoughts
- Depressive-Type Reaction
- Overcome by feeling of failure, worthlessness,
22Abnormal Psychology (15Q2)
- PET scans show that brain energy consumption
rises and falls with emotional switches
CHAPTER 15 Abnormal Behavior Section
15Q3 Schizophrenia Mr. Freccia, NHS Glencoe
24Abnormal Psychology
- Schizophrenia Cognitive disorder resulting in a
considerable lost contact with reality - Person is often confused with disordered
thoughts and perceptions, like a dream - Delusions False beliefs maintained contrary to
obvious evidence otherwise - Hallucinations False sensations in the absence
of appropriate stimulation
25Abnormal Psychology
- Schizophrenia is classified into several
subtypes according to exhibited behavior - Paranoid Has delusions of grandeur, or feels
persecuted by people watching them - Catatonic May remain motionless for long
periods, unresponsive to external stimuli - Disorganized Incoherent speech, inappropriate
emotions, (giggle, laugh, cry) - Undifferentiated Primarily hallucinatory and
delusional with scrambled speech - Remissive Symptoms have completely gone away,
but will inevitably return
26Abnormal Psychology
- Schizophrenia is a serious and permanent
disorder normally requiring hospitalization - 1 of population develops schizophrenia
- 17 probability if mother is Schizo
- 48 if both parents are Schizo
- Indicates a strong genetic link
27Abnormal Psychology
Schizophrenia affects about 1 in 100 people
worldwide Genetic predisposition/transmission
found in current research
28Abnormal Psychology
- Dopamine Hypothesis
- Excess dopamine at synapses is related to
diagnosis of Schizophrenia - Difficult to tell if chemical imbalance is the
cause or result of schizophrenia
29Abnormal Psychology
- Family Interaction Hypothesis
- Pathogenic, unhealthy families contribute to
The Osbournes Dysfunctional Family?
30Abnormal Psychology
- Diathesis-Stress Hypothesis Genetic
predisposition plus the environment causes Schizo - Nature Nurture (Genetic/Environment)
debate over the cause of Schizophrenia continues
Dysfunctional Family
CHAPTER 15 Abnormal Behavior Section
15Q4 Personality Type Disorders Mr. Freccia,
NHS Glencoe Publishers
32Abnormal Psychology
- Autism Infantile cognitive disorder child does
not respond normally to outside stimuli - Doesnt respond to people is slow to
communicate has limited interests and behaviors
33Abnormal Psychology
- Personality Disorders Inability to form
meaningful relationships with other people - Antisocial Personality Disorder
- person (usually man) exhibits a lack of
conscience for wrongdoing, even toward friends
and family members (the jerk/thug) - Often aggressive/ruthless/clever con artist
- Includes psychopaths/sociopaths
- Psychopathic cases are rare but do exist
Hannibal Lechter Jeffrey Daumer
Ted Bundy
34Abnormal Psychology
- Personality Disorders are characterized by
inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that
impair social function - Histrionic Shallow attention-getting emotions
in order to gain praise/reassurance (drama queen) - Narcissistic exaggerate self-importance, may
act with rage or shame to any criticism
(cocky/vain) - Borderline unstable identity, emotions (lost
soul) - Personality disorders are fairly common in our
society, and often goes untreated
35Abnormal Psychology
- Drug Addiction Disorder causing physical,
social, and psychological dysfunction
36Abnormal Psychology
- Psychological Dependence
- Users mentally rely on artificial sense of
well-being - Person becomes restless, irritable, and uneasy
when deprived of the drug
37Abnormal Psychology
- Addiction The drug induced state becomes the
bodys normal state - Without the drug the person experiences extreme
physical discomfort/illness
38Abnormal Psychology
- Tolerance Body adapts to the drug so that
increased dosages are required for a high
- Withdrawal physical and psychological upset as
body revolts against the lack of drugs
39Abnormal Psychology
- Alcoholism The countrys most serious drug
addiction problem. There is no cure - Produces psychological and physical dependence,
tolerance and addiction - Delirium Tremens Violent withdrawal symptoms
associated with alcoholism - Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Organization that
helps alcoholics to recover
40Abnormal Psychology
41Abnormal Psychology
- DSM IV Uses five dimensions (Axes I-V) to
describe a persons mental functioning - Axis I Classification Categories
- Axis II Developmental aspects of disorder
- Axis III Physical Dysfunction/medical conditions
- Axis IV Current functioning level
- Axis V Level of adaptation (Social,
Occupational, Leisure) -