Pertemuan 10 Sebaran Binomial dan Poisson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pertemuan 10 Sebaran Binomial dan Poisson


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pertemuan 10 Sebaran Binomial dan Poisson

Pertemuan 10 Sebaran Binomial dan Poisson
  • Matakuliah I0134 Metoda Statistika
  • Tahun 2005
  • Versi Revisi

Learning Outcomes
  • Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa
  • akan mampu
  • Mahasiswa dapat menghitungpeluang, rataan dan
    varians peubah acak Binomial dan Poisson.

Outline Materi
  • Sebaran Peluang Binomial
  • Nilai harapan dan varians sebaran Binomial
  • Sebaran peluang Poisson
  • Nilai harapan dan varians sebaran Poisson

Binomial and Poisson Probability Distributions
Binomial Probability Distribution l Consider a
situation where there are only two possible
outcomes (a Bernoulli trial) Example u
flipping a coin head or tail u rolling a
dice 6 or not 6 (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Label
the possible outcomes by the variable k We
want to find the probability P(k) for event k to
occur Since k can take on only 2 values we
define those values as k 0 or k 1 u let
P(k 0) q (remember 0 q 1) u something
must happen so P(k 0) P(k 1) 1
(mutually exclusive events) P(k 1) p 1
- q u We can write the probability
distribution P(k) as P(k) pkq1-k
(Bernoulli distribution) u coin toss define
probability for a head as P(1) P(1) 0.5
and P(0tail) 0.5 too! u dice rolling define
probability for a six to be rolled from a six
sided dice as P(1) P(1) 1/6 and P(0not a
six) 5/6.
  • l What is the mean (?) of P(k)?
  • l What is the Variance (?2) of P(k)?
  • l Suppose we have N trials (e.g. we flip a coin
    N times)
  • what is the probability to get m successes (
  • l Consider tossing a coin twice. The possible
    outcomes are
  • no heads P(m 0) q2
  • one head P(m 1) qp pq (toss 1 is a
    tail, toss 2 is a head or toss 1 is head, toss 2
    is a tail)
  • 2pq
  • two heads P(m 2) p2

discrete distribution
we don't care which of the tosses is a head so
there are two outcomes that give one head
l If we look at the three choices for the coin
flip example, each term is of the
form CmpmqN-m m 0, 1, 2, N 2 for our
example, q 1 - p always! coefficient Cm
takes into account the number of ways an outcome
can occur without regard to order. for m 0
or 2 there is only one way for the outcome (both
tosses give heads or tails) C0 C2 1 for m
1 (one head, two tosses) there are two ways
that this can occur C1 2. l Binomial
coefficients number of ways of taking N things m
at time 0! 1! 1, 2! 12 2, 3!
123 6, m! 123m Order of occurrence
is not important u e.g. 2 tosses, one head
case (m 1) n we don't care if toss 1
produced the head or if toss 2 produced the
head Unordered groups such as our example are
called combinations Ordered arrangements are
called permutations For N distinguishable
objects, if we want to group them m at a time,
the number of permutations u example If we
tossed a coin twice (N 2), there are two ways
for getting one head (m 1) u example
Suppose we have 3 balls, one white, one red, and
one blue. n Number of possible pairs we
could have, keeping track of order is 6 (rw, wr,
rb, br, wb, bw) n If order is not important
(rw wr), then the binomial formula gives
number of two color combinations
  • l Binomial distribution the probability of m
    success out of N trials
  • p is probability of a success and q 1 - p is
    probability of a failure
  • l To show that the binomial distribution is
    properly normalized, use Binomial Theorem

  • Mean of binomial distribution
  • A cute way of evaluating the above sum is to take
    the derivative

  • Example Suppose you observed m special events
    (success) in a sample of N events
  • u The measured probability (efficiency) for
    a special event to occur is
  • What is the error on the probability ("error
    on the efficiency")
  • The sample size (N) should be as large as
    possible to reduce certainty in the probability
  • Lets relate the above result to Lab 2 where we
    throw darts to measure the value of p.
  • If we inscribe a circle inside a square with
    sides then the ratio of the area of the circle
  • to the rectangle is

we will derive this later in the course
  • So, if we throw darts at random at our rectangle
    then the probability (ºe) of a dart landing
    inside the
  • circle is just the ratio of the two areas, p/4.
    The we can determine p using
  • p 4e.
  • The error in p is related to the error in e by

We can estimate how well we can measure p by
this method by assuming that ep/4 (3.14159)/4
This formula says that to improve our estimate
of p by a factor of 10 we have to throw 100 (N)
times as many darts! Clearly, this is an
inefficient way to determine p.
  • Example Suppose a baseball player's batting
    average is 0.300 (3 for 10 on average).
  • u Consider the case where the player either
    gets a hit or makes an out (forget about walks
  • prob. for a hit p 0.30
  • prob. for "no hit q 1 - p 0.7
  • u On average how many hits does the player get
    in 100 at bats?
  • ?? Np 1000.30 30 hits
  • u What's the standard deviation for the number
    of hits in 100 at bats?
  • ? (Npq)1/2 (1000.300.7)1/2 4.6 hits
  • we expect 30 5 hits per 100 at bats
  • u Consider a game where the player bats 4
  • probability of 0/4 (0.7)4 24
  • probability of 1/4 4!/(3!1!)(0.3)1(0.7)3
  • probability of 2/4 4!/(2!2!)(0.3)2(0.7)2
  • probability of 3/4 4!/(1!3!)(0.3)3(0.7)1
  • probability of 4/4 4!/(0!4!)(0.3)4(0.7)0
  • probability of getting at least one hit 1
    - P(0) 1-0.2476

Pete Roses lifetime batting average 0.303
  • Poisson Probability Distribution
  • l The Poisson distribution is a widely used
    discrete probability distribution.
  • l Consider the following conditions
  • p is very small and approaches 0
  • u example a 100 sided dice instead of a 6
    sided dice, p 1/100 instead of 1/6
  • u example a 1000 sided dice, p 1/1000
  • N is very large and approaches 8
  • u example throwing 100 or 1000 dice instead
    of 2 dice
  • The product Np is finite
  • l Example radioactive decay
  • Suppose we have 25 mg of an element
  • very large number of atoms N 1020
  • Suppose the lifetime of this element t 1012
    years 5x1019 seconds
  • probability of a given nucleus to decay in
    one second is very small p 1/t 2x10-20/sec
  • Np 2/sec finite!
  • The number of decays in a time interval is a
    Poisson process.
  • l Poisson distribution can be derived by taking
    the appropriate limits of the binomial

u radioactive decay u number of Prussian soldiers
kicked to death by horses per year per
army corps! u quality control, failure rate
  • u m is always an integer 0
  • u ??does not have to be an integer
  • It is easy to show that
  • ?? Np mean of a Poisson distribution
  • ?2 Np ? variance of a Poisson
  • l Radioactivity example with an average of 2
  • i) Whats the probability of zero decays in
    one second?
  • ii) Whats the probability of more than one
    decay in one second?
  • iii) Estimate the most probable number of
  • u To solve this problem its convenient to
    maximize lnP(m, ?) instead of P(m, ?).

The mean and variance of a Poisson distribution
are the same number!
  • u In order to handle the factorial when take
    the derivative we use Stirling's Approximation
  • The most probable value for m is just the
    average of the distribution
  • u This is only approximate since Stirlings
    Approximation is only valid for large m.
  • u Strictly speaking m can only take on integer
    values while ? is not restricted to be an
  • If you observed m events in a counting
    experiment, the error on m is

ln10!15.10 10ln10-1013.03
14 ln50!148.48 50ln50-50145.601.9
Comparison of Binomial and Poisson distributions
with mean m 1
Not much difference between them!
For N large and m fixed Binomial Þ Poisson
Uniform distribution and Random Numbers
What is a uniform probability distribution
p(x)? p(x)constant (c) for a x b p(x)zero
everywhere else Therefore p(x1)dx1 p(x2)dx2 if
dx1dx2 Þ equal intervals give equal
probabilities For a uniform distribution with
a0, b1 we have p(x)1
What is a random number generator ? A number
picked at random from a uniform distribution with
limits 0,1 All major computer languages
(FORTRAN, C) come with a random number
generator. FORTRAN RAN(iseed) The following
FORTRAN program generates 5 random numbers
iseed12345 do I1,5 yran(iseed)
type , y enddo end
0.1985246 0.8978736 0.2382888
0.3679854 0.3817045
If we generate a lot of random numbers all
equal intervals should contain the same amount of
numbers. For example generate 106 random
numbers expect 105 numbers 0.0, 0.1 105
numbers 0.45, 0.55
  • Selamat Belajar Semoga Sukses.
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