Title: Modular Arithmetic
1Modular Arithmetic
2Modular Arithmetic
Def a ? b (mod n) iff n(a - b) iff a mod n b
mod n.
3Modular Addition
Lemma If a ? c (mod n), and b ? d (mod n) then
ab ? cd (mod n).
4Modular Multiplication
Lemma If a ? c (mod n), and b ? d (mod n) then
ab ? cd (mod n).
1444 mod 713
1243 mod 713
Why is a number written in decimal evenly
divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its
digits is a multiple of 9?
Hint 10 ? 1 (mod 9).
Why is a number written in decimal evenly
divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its
digits is a multiple of 9?
Hint 10 ? 1 (mod 9).
9Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Greatest common divisor
d is a common divisor of a and b if da and db
gcd(a,b) greatest common divisor of a and b
Smallest positive integer linear combination
d is an integer linear combination of a and b if
dsatb spc(a,b) smallest positive integer
linear combination of a and b
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
10Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
For example, the greatest common divisor of 52
and 44 is 4. And 4 is a linear combination of 52
and 44 6 52 (-7) 44 4 Furthermore, no
linear combination of 52 and 44 is equal to a
smaller positive integer.
To prove the theorem, we will prove
gcd(a,b) lt spc(a,b)
gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
spc(a,b) is a common divisor of a and b
spc(a,b) lt gcd(a,b)
11GCD lt SPC
12GCD lt SPC
3. If d a and d b, then d sa tb for all s
and t.
Proof of (3) d a gt a dk1 d b gt
b dk2 sa tb sdk1 tdk2 d(sk1
tk2) gt d(satb)
Let d gcd(a,b). By definition, d a and d
Let f spc(a,b) satb
By (3), d f. This implies d lt f. That is
gcd(a,b) lt spc(a,b).
13SPC lt GCD
We will prove that spc(a,b) is actually a common
divisor of a and b.
14SPC lt GCD
We will prove that spc(a,b) is actually a common
divisor of a and b.
First, show that spc(a,b) a.
- Suppose, by way of contradiction, that spc(a,b)
does not divide a. - Then, by the Division Theorem,
- a q x spc(a,b) r and spc(a,b) gt
r gt 0 - Let spc(a,b) sa tb.
- So r a q x spc(a,b) a q x (sa tb)
(1-qs)a qtb. - Thus r is an integer linear combination of a and
b, and spc(a,b) gt r. - This contradicts the definition of spc(a,b), and
so r must be zero.
Similarly, spa(a,b) b.
So, spc(a,b) is a common divisor of a and b, thus
by definition spc(a,b) lt gcd(a,b).
15Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
This is a very useful theorem. Now we can
translate gcd(a,b) into an expression and back.
Corollary Every linear combination of a and b
is a multiple of gcd(a, b) and vice versa.
3. If d a and d b, then d sa tb for all s
and t.
(gt) gcd(a,b) sa tb. so every linear
combination is a multiple of gcd(a,b).
(lt) gcd(a,b) sa tb for some s and t.
so multiple of gcd(a,b) is also a linear
combination of a and b.
16Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
Lemma p prime and pab implies pa or pb.
Cor If p is prime, and p a1a2am then
pai for some i.
17Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
Lemma p prime and pab implies pa or pb.
pf say p does not divide a. so gcd(p,a)1. So
by the Theorem, there exist s and t such that
sa tp 1 (sa)b
(tp)b b
Cor If p is prime, and p a1a2am then
pai for some i.
18Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
Lemma. If gcd(a,b)1 and gcd(a,c)1, then
19Linear Combination vs Common Divisor
Theorem gcd(a,b) spc(a,b)
Lemma. If gcd(a,b)1 and gcd(a,c)1, then
By the Theorem, there exist s,t,u,v such that
sa tb 1 ua vc 1
- Multiplying, we have (sa tb)(ua vc) 1
- saua savc tbua tbvc 1
- (sau svc tbu)a (tv)bc 1
By the Theorem, since spc(a,bc)1, we have
20Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Every integer, ngt1, has a unique factorization
into primes p0 p1 pk p0 p1 pk n
Example 61394323221 3337111137373753
21Unique Factorization
Claim There is a unique factorization.
22Unique Factorization
Claim There is a unique factorization.
pf suppose not. choose smallest n gt1 n
p1p2pk q1q2qm p1?p2??pk q1?q2??qm
can assume q1 lt p1 so q1 ? pi all i
now p1n, so by Cor., p1qi . so p1 qi with
i gt1. so p2pk q1q2qi-1qi1qm
and q1 ? p2
23Extended GCD Algorithm
Example a 259, b70
24Extended GCD Algorithm
25GCD Algorithm
Example a 899, b493
26GCD Algorithm
Example a 899, b493 899 1493 406 493
1406 87
406 487 58
87 158 29
58 229 0 done, gcd 29
27Extended GCD Algorithm
Example a 899, b493 899 1493 406 so
406 1899 -1493 493 1406 87 so
87 493 1406
-1899 2493 406 487 58
so 58 406 - 487
5899 -9493 87 158 29
so 29 87 158
-6899 11493 58 229
0 done, gcd 29
28Extended GCD Algorithm
Example a 899, b493 899 1493 406 so
406 1899 -1493 493 1406 87 so 87
493 1406
-1899 2493 406 487 58 so
58 406 - 487
5899 -9493 87 158 29
so 29 87 58
-6899 11493 58 229 0
done, gcd 29
s -6, t 11
29Multiplication Inverse
The multiplicative inverse of a number a is
another number a such that a a 1 (mod n)
Does every number has a multiplicative inverse in
modular arithmetic?
30Multiplication Inverse
Does every number has a multiplicative inverse in
modular arithmetic?
31Multiplication Inverse
What is the pattern?
32Multiplication Inverse
Theorem. If gcd(k,n)1, then have k
kk ? 1 (mod n). k is an
inverse mod n of k
33Multiplication Inverse
Theorem. If gcd(k,n)1, then have k
kk ? 1 (mod n). k is an
inverse mod n of k
pf sk tn 1. So tn 1 - sk This means n 1
- sk just let k s .
So ? (mod n) a lot like . main diff cant
cancel 42 ? 12 (mod 6) 4 ? 1 (mod 6)
No general cancellation
Cor If ik ? jk (mod n), and gcd(k,n) 1,
then i ? j (mod n)
35Fermats Little Theorem
If p is prime k not a multiple of p, can cancel
k. So k, 2k, , (p-1)k are all different (mod
p). So their remainders on division by p are all
different (mod p).
This means that rem(k, p), rem(2k,
p),,rem((p-1)k, p) must be a permutation of 1,
2, , (p-1)
36Fermats Little Theorem
Theorem If p is prime k not a multiple of p
1 ? kp-1 (mod p)
37Fermats Little Theorem
Theorem If p is prime k not a multiple of p
1 ? kp-1 (mod p)
Proof. 12(p-1) rem(k,p)rem(2k,p)rem((p-1
)k,p) ? (k)(2k) ((p-1)k) (mod p) ?
(kp-1)12 (p-1) (mod p) so 1 ? kp-1
(mod p)
A permutation
38Chinese Remainder Theorem
Theorem If n1,n2,,nk are relatively prime and
a1,a2,,ak are integers, then
x ? a1 (mod n1) x ? a2 (mod n2) x ? ak (mod nk)
have a simultaneous solution x that is
unique modulo n, where n n1n2nk.
39Proof of Chinese Remainder Theorem
40Proof of Chinese Remainder Theorem
N1 n2 n3
N2 n1 n3
N3 n1 n2
Since Ni and ni are reletively prime, this
implies that there exist x1 x2 x3
N1x1 ? 1 (mod n1)
N2x2 ? 1 (mod n2)
N3x3 ? 1 (mod n3)
a1N1x1 ? a1 (mod n1),
a2N2x2 ? a2 (mod n2),
a3N3x3 ? a3 (mod n3)
Let x a1N1x1 a2N2x2 a3N3x3
x ? a1 N1x1 (mod n1)
Since n1N2 and n1N3,
x ? a1 (mod n1)
Since N1x1 ? 1 (mod n1),
x ? a2 (mod n2)
x ? a3 (mod n3)