Title: Welcome to Year 3!
1Welcome to Year 3!
2Start of the Day
- Children can arrive at school any time between
840 and 9am. We encourage them to come in
independently and to start their early morning
work. This may be correcting mistakes from the
previous days work, trying out a challenge or
reading quietly. - The register starts at 9am and closes at 9.10.
Anyone arriving after 9.00 is marked as late in
the register and after 9.10, the office must be
informed as they will have been marked as absent.
- Swimming
- Children need to bring
- a one piece swimming costume or swimming trunks
(not long shorts) - swimming hat (this is a rule from Abbey pool)
- Towel (no shampoo or shower gel)
- We will be swimming in Summer term.
Kit Children will need - A change of
t-shirt - A change of trousers or shorts - A
change of shoes for outdoor P.E Long hair must
be tied back, so come prepared with a hair band
in kits. Any jewellery must be removed, other
than stud earrings.
Turquoise Class Mrs Brown will take indoor
P.E. on Mondays. Miss Rhodes will take outdoor
P.E. on Tuesdays.
Topaz Class Mrs Brown will take indoor P.E.
on Mondays. Miss Holmes will take outdoor P.E.
on Tuesdays.
Indoor P.E. consists of dance and
gymnastics. Outdoor P.E. consists of invasion
games, net and wall games, athletics and Outdoor
Adventure Activities.
- The children will receive homework each week. To
make sure children adjust to Year 3, we will only
be giving spelling and either English or Maths
each week up until Spring half term. After this
time, to prepare the children for Year 4, they
will receive English, Maths and Spellings every
week. They are also expected to read regularly
and should be encouraged to complete their
reading records. - Homework is given out on a Thursday and is due
in on the following Tuesday. There is a homework
club on Monday lunchtimes. -
- Long term homework will be given out within each
half term. It will be linked to the topic, so
the children are encouraged to do some extra
research at home. The task is often project
based, and requires time and effort. -
- Each half term, the children learn a spelling
rule or pattern. They then take home spelling
words following these rules, and other key words,
for homework. Some of the words will seem strange
and obscure (zombification) but are useful for
helping the children to spot patterns and make
connections. So do not worry too much about the
results of spelling tests instead, support your
child in developing their understanding of the
rules being used.
8Reading Records
- These little white books should be coming home
every day! - It would be lovely if you can fill it in when you
can or encourage your child to complete it
themselves. When we teach - Guided Reading to your
- child we will be checking
- to see if they have read at
- home so please fill them in!
- Snacks
- Snacks are not provided in Keystage Two so
children need to bring their own if they would
like them. - We encourage healthy snacks such as
- Fruit
- Dried fruit or fruit-based snacks such as fruit
yoyos - Cereal Bars
- Vegetables
- Birthdays
- We ask that no food items are brought in to
celebrate birthdays. Other small party bag
gifts, or presents for the whole class to enjoy
such as a book or game would be best.
10Website Letters
11Anything else?
- Both classes are covered by Mrs Brown on Mondays.
- Parent Helpers
- If you have the time to donate a little to your
childs class you will always be gratefully
received! - Current Trips/Visitors
- We are currently in touch with a local poet to
come in and work with the children. Watch out for
further information!
12Anything else?
- Class websites
- Please check websites for information about our
topic, trips and events coming up!