Commonalities and differences in older people - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Commonalities and differences in older people


in older people s experience of life passage rituals in Eastern and Western Europe Daniela Koleva, University of Sofia Peter Coleman, University of Southampton – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Commonalities and differences in older people

Commonalities and differences in older peoples
experience of life passage rituals in Eastern
and Western Europe
  • Daniela Koleva, University of Sofia
  • Peter Coleman, University of Southampton

Marking Transitions and Meaning across the Life
Course Older Peoples Memories of Religious and
Secular Ceremonies in Eastern and Western Europe
(RASC) http//
  • Research project supported by the AHRC/ESRC
    Religion Society Programme 2010-2011
  • Ageing, Ritual and Social Change (ed. by Peter
    Coleman, Daniela Koleva, Joanna Bornat) Ashgate,
    forthcoming end of 2012

  • Interdisciplinary gerontology, oral history,
    sociology of religion
  • International UK, Bulgaria, Romania
  • Comparative by design
  • Complexity of national contexts
  • Several thematic axes ageing, religiosity,
  • Religiosity and secular alternatives
  • Object of research constructed in an unusual way

Constructing the research object
  • Focus on individuals, not institutions
    religiosity and its alternatives
  • Focus on the practices the central aspect of
    everyday religiosity are practices (habitus, i.e.
    unreflected practical dispositions) not beliefs
  • Focus on rites of passage link of individual
    life course to the public/social aspects of
    religious practices
  • Focus on changes including secular alternatives
  • Older peoples perspective well-being in old age

Research questions gerontology
  • What have been the changes in use of ritual that
    older people remember and how were they
  • What are the consequent benefits as well as
    losses perceived by those who have witnessed the
    changing trends in ritual?
  • What is the character of alternative secular
    forms of ritual which have produced as meaningful
    sense of occasion for life transitions?
  • What is the remaining attraction of religious
    ritual for those who have little or no explicit
    religious belief and practice?

  • 20 men and women from each country
  • Half of them members of dominant churches, half
    other denominations and non-believers
  • Age 75
  • Urban settings two sites in each country
  • Oral history life stories semi-structured
    interviews, common guide
  • Interviews transcribed and translated into
  • Work with each others interviews case studies,
    typologies (also across countries)

Are you religious? (EVS 2008)http//www.europeanv
How important is God? (support in
Is a church service important to mark
Generational commonalities social normativity
  • Belonging/being useful for others more important
    than authenticity (being true to oneself)
  • Conformity this is how its done
  • Solidarity, responsibility for family and
    friends doing the right thing for
  • Cultural memory and identity thats who we are

Ethos conformity valued
  • It seemed the natural thing to do (Viorel, RO)
  • Even when we went to Easter or services, it was
    because everybody went, I dont know how to say
    this (Florina, RO)
  • Well, I think its a common law. (Dinu, RO)
  • Anyway I think we just carried on. And when you
    wanted to get married you had to belong, you had
    to join a synagogue. We werent religious, I
    wouldnt say we were religious. (Barbara, UK)
  • Its about being decent people (Betty, UK)

Morality solidarity with family and friends
  • There are some things, I don't know. That run in
    your blood, you know? Everybody in our family was
    an orthodox, and I will die also an orthodox.
    (Florina, RO)
  • And especially their parents insisted in keeping
    these traditions, arguing that it is the right
    way ... (Mirela, RO)
  • They parents always observed traditions. In the
    past people always observed traditions. Always.
    (Valentina, BG)
  • I knew that, you know, Id done my duty kind of
    thing by doing the right thing by her, mmm, yeah
    (Polly, UK)

Identity cultural memory and belonging
  • I was not a believer. But it was a custom. I mean
    I cared for respecting these customs. (Florina,
  • This is a tradition. No one can say its his or
    her own. Neither pagans, nor priests. (Diman, BG)
  • I seemed to get the idea that if I wasnt
    confirmed I wouldnt be a fully functioning
    member of British society. (Polly, UK)
  • I wont have a civil marriage only, I wont
    neglect the traditions of our family and of us as
    Bulgarians (Andon, BG)

Religious Contrasts between Eastern and Western
  • Western Europe shows a pattern of declining
    Christian affiliation and church attendance.
  • The USA shows a similar pattern although decline
    began later and from a higher initial level
    (Putnam Campbell, American Grace How Religion
    Divides and Unites Us, 2010).
  • But Eastern Europe shows a different pattern as a
    result of secularization and the persecution of
    religious persons by atheistic communist
    governments, and the recovery of Christian
    affiliation and church attendance after 1989,

Religion and ageing
  • Religiosity traditionally has been expected to
    increase with advanced age because of the
    psychological (security, meaning, belonging in
    face of decline and death) and social benefits
    (role in transmitting ritual and beliefs across
    generations) which it provides
  • Therefore, as religion declines in the West, one
    might expect the well-being of the older
    population to be adversely affected, and those
    belonging to closer religious communities to be
  • It has been argued that welfare policy for older
    people should take more note of religion and
    possible functional alternatives to religion
    (Howse, Religion and Spirituality in Later Life,
    1999, Centre for Policy on Ageing, London).

But does religiosity increase in later life?
  • Difficult to investigate because of cohort and
    selective mortality effects
  • Best evidence from the 35- year Longitudinal
    Study of Generations (Bengtson et al, Univ. of
    Southern California). Shows large degree of
    stability over time, but from lower starting
    points for successive generations.
  • G1 b.1888-1911 slight increase in very late
    in life G2 b. 1914-35 G3 b.
    1945-58 slight decrease from mid to late life G4
    b.1967-86 decline in 20s, rise in 30s.
  • Data from the UK is generally consistent with
    this picture although decline began historically
    earlier (Coleman, Belief and Ageing Spiritual
    Pathways in Later Life, 2011)

Effective transmission of religion Eastern Europe
  • The main factor in the survival of religion is
    its effective transmission. Early socialisation
    appears to be very important to continuing
  • The oldest cohorts in Eastern Europe, those
    socialised before the communist repression of the
    post-war years, are a strongly religious
    generation, more so than in most of Western
    Europe. Strong family influences, including
    especially from grandparents.
  • In our study those in Bulgaria and Romania,
    especially those aged over 85 years at interview
    were more religious, both in belief and practice,
    than their UK counterparts. They had maintained
    their religion despite persecution, often
    marrying and baptising their children in secret
    at home.

The oldest old in Bulgaria and Romania during
  • I didnt lose my faith in God! Not for one .Not
    for one moment. And when they came to my window
    at night because they knew that worked .from
    another I knew they went and harassed women I
    said, God, if thats all I deserve, Your will be
    done! I waited in the kitchen .. Shaking from
    head to toe . (Teodora, RO, 86 years)
  • I do have faith in God and also in the Holy
    Mother .. It has never happened to me to pray
    and not get what I prayed for, there are some
    things nobody would imagine you could do
    something like that and lo and behold I have
    thought the thought and God has helped me. There
    used to be days without money and no sooner had I
    thought .. (Ecaterina, RO, 85 years)

The oldest old in Bulgaria and Romania being old
with God
  • Sometimes its cold, I say, Dear Lord, when
    will the bus come? And in a minute it comes. He
    helps me, its again God that helps me. Thank you
    Lord! Im on the bus! Besides, every morning I
    wake up, I believe its the first day of the rest
    of my life, its the first day, the next day .
    my life that belongs to God (Andon, BG, 87
  • I know that nothing happens without the will of
    God, and if God let this happen, then we shall
    bear it
  • At night, lying in bed with his wife both
    frail and feeling their physical powerless,
    praying May Your gaze descend upon us, O most
    pure and eternally virgin Mother Mary
    (Aurelian, RO, 96 years)

Dimana, 91 years old, Bulgaria
  • Early socialisation Wed been brought up to
    fear God. Family (of husband) was even better.
    My mother-in-law lived for God only . Hand in
    hand, the two of us, wed go to church
  • During communism When my husband died, they
    invited me to the Cathedral. The years were such
    that men were afraid to serve in church. So they
    even asked me to help at the altar In communist
    times baptisms werent allowed but I have about
    70 godchildren because I worked in the cathedral.
    Whoever secretly came to be baptized
  • Life Every morning when I get up, the first
    thing I do is to cross myself in front of the
    icon, I wash and I say Dear Lord, you first, I
    follow Now that I cant see so well and I cant
    hear, Dear Lord , send me guidance
  • Death Ive prepared everything. The incense,
    the candles, the basil, a bunch of flowers.
    Everything has to be ready, so the children dont

Conclusions and hypotheses for further
  • On most indicators Eastern Europeans appear to
    practise religious rituals more than Westerners.
    This practice appears to have been more
    effectively transmitted across generations, even
    in the period of persecution, and to continue to
    have strong emotional valence across the
  • Religious transmission is more effective when it
    is based in family centred ritual from an early
    age with its resulting associations of secure
    attachment and bonding.
  • Ritual is also more influential (than didactic
    teaching) because it expresses transcendent
    mystery. Engagement in physical acts of ritual
    continues to confirm faith into late old age.
  • The development of expertise in ritual practice
    leads to greater ownership and thus to some
    measure of independence from ministers of
    religion, and thus protection from the effect of
    disillusionment with their weaknesses.
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