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Outline 28.1 Messenger Molecules 28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System 28.3 How Hormones Work: Epinephrine and Fight-or-Flight 28.4 Amino Acid Derivatives and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Outline

  • 28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • 28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • 28.3 How Hormones Work Epinephrine and
  • 28.4 Amino Acid Derivatives and Polypeptides as
  • 28.5 Steroid Hormones
  • 28.6 Neurotransmitters
  • 28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
    Its Agonists and Antagonists
  • 28.8 Histamine and Antihistimines
  • 28.9 Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and Dopamine
  • 28.10 Neuropeptides and Pain Relief
  • 28.11 Drug Discovery and Drug Design

  • What are hormones, and how do they function?
  • Be able to describe in general the origins,
    pathways, and actions of hormones.
  • 2. What is the chemical nature of hormones?
  • Be able to list, with examples, the different
    chemical types of hormones.
  • 3. How does the hormone epinephrine deliver its
    message, and what is its major mode of action?
  • Be able to outline the sequence of events in
    epinephrines action as a hormone.
  • What are neurotransmitters, and how do they
  • Be able to describe the origins, pathways, and
    actions of neurotransmitters.
  • How does acetylcholine deliver its message, and
    how do drugs alter its function?
  • Be able to outline the sequence of events in
    acetylcholines action as a neurotransmitter and
    give examples of its agonists and antagonists.
  • Which neurotransmitters and what kinds of drugs
    play roles in allergies, mental depression, drug
    addiction, and pain?
  • Be able to identify neurotransmitters and drugs
    active in these conditions.
  • What are neurotransmitters, and how do they
  • Be able to explain the general roles of
    ethnobotany, chemical synthesis, combinatorial
    chemistry, and computer-aided design in the
    development of new drugs.

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • Coordination and control of vital functions are
    accomplished by chemical messengers.
  • Hormones that arrive via the bloodstream or
    neurotransmitters released by nerve cells
    ultimately connect with a target.
  • The message is delivered by interaction between
    the chemical messenger and a receptor.
  • The receptor acts like a switch, causing some
    biochemical response to occur.

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • Non-covalent attractions draw messengers and
    receptors together long enough for the message to
    be delivered, but without any permanent chemical
    change to the messenger or the receptor.

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • Hormones are the chemical messengers of the
    endocrine system, and are produced by glands and
    tissues often at distances far from their
    ultimate site of action.
  • Hormones travel through the bloodstream to their
    targets and the responses they produce can
    require anywhere from seconds to hours to begin,
    but action or actions they elicit, however, may
    last a long time and can be wide-ranging.
  • A single hormone will often affect many different
    tissues and organsany cell with the appropriate
    receptors is a target.

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in
    response to elevated blood glucose levels.
  • At target cells throughout the body, insulin
    accelerates uptake and utilization of glucose.
  • In muscles, it accelerates formation of glycogen,
    a glucose polymer that is metabolized when
    muscles need quick energy.
  • In fatty tissue, it stimulates storage of

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • The chemical messengers of the nervous system are
  • The electrical signals of the nervous system
    travel along nerve fibers, taking only a fraction
    of a second to reach their highly specific
  • Most nerve cells do not make direct contact with
    the cells they stimulate. A neurotransmitter must
    carry the message across the tiny gap separating
    the nerve cell from its target.

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • Because neurotransmitters are released in very
    short bursts and are quickly broken down or
    reabsorbed by the nerve cell, their effects are
  • The nervous system is organized so that nearly
    all of its vital switching, integrative, and
    information-processing functions depend on
  • Neurotransmitters are typically synthesized and
    released very close to their site of action.

28.1 Messenger Molecules
  • Homeostasis
  • Homeostasis is as important to the study of
    living things as atomic structure is to the study
    of chemistry.
  • Conditions such as body temperature, the
    availability of chemical compounds that supply
    energy, and the disposal of waste products must
    remain within specific limits for an organism to
    function properly.
  • Sensors track the internal environment and send
    signals to restore proper balance if the
    environment changes. If oxygen is in short
    supply, a signal is sent that makes us breathe
    harder. When we are cold, a signal is sent to
    constrict surface blood vessels and prevent
    further loss of heat.
  • At the chemical level, the concentrations of ions
    and many different organic compounds are
    maintained so they stay near normal levels.
  • The predictability of the concentrations of such
    substances is the basis for clinical
    chemistrythe chemical analysis of body tissues
    and fluids.
  • In the clinical lab, various tests measure
    concentrations of significant ions and compounds
    in blood, urine, feces, spinal fluid, or other
    samples from a patients body. Comparing the lab
    results with norms (average concentration
    ranges in a population of healthy individuals)
    shows which body systems are struggling, or
    possibly failing, to maintain homeostasis.

28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • The endocrine system includes all cells that
    secrete hormones into the bloodstream.
  • Some are found in organs that also have
    non-endocrine functions others occur in glands
    devoted solely to hormonal control.
  • Hormones do NOT carry out chemical reactions.
    Hormones are simply messengers that alter the
    biochemistry of a cell.

28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • The major endocrine glands are the thyroid gland,
    the adrenal glands, the ovaries and testes, and
    the pituitary gland.
  • The hypothalamus, a section of the brain just
    above the pituitary gland, is in charge of the
    endocrine system. It communicates with other
    tissues in three ways
  • Direct neural control A nervous system message
    from the hypothalamus initiates release of
    hormones by the adrenal gland.

28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • Direct release of hormones Hormones move from
    the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary
    gland, where they are stored until needed.
  • Indirect control through release of regulatory
    hormones Regulatory hormones from the
    hypothalamus stimulate or inhibit the release of
    hormones by the anterior pituitary gland. Many of
    these pituitary hormones in turn stimulate
    release of still other hormones by their own
    target tissues.

28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • Hormones are of three major types (1) amino acid
    derivatives (2) polypeptides, which range from
    just a few amino acids to several hundred amino
    acids and (3) steroids, which are lipids with
    the distinctive molecular structure based on four
    connected rings common to all sterols.

28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • Upon arrival at its target cell, a hormone must
    deliver its signal to create a chemical response
    inside the cell.
  • The steroid hormones are nonpolar, so they can
    enter the cell directly by diffusion.
  • Once within the cells cytoplasm, a steroid
    hormone encounters a receptor molecule that
    carries it to its target, DNA in the nucleus of
    the cell.
  • The result is some change in production of a
    protein governed by a particular gene.

28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
28.2 Hormones and the Endocrine System
  • Polypeptide and amine hormones cannot cross the
    hydrophobic cell membranes.
  • They deliver their messages by bonding
    noncovalently with receptors on cell surfaces.
    The result is release of a second messenger.
  • In general, three membrane-bound proteins
    participate in release of the second messenger
  • Interaction of the hormone with its receptor
    causes a change in the receptor.
  • This stimulates the G protein to activate an
    enzyme that participates in release of the second

28.3 How Hormones Work Epinephrine and Fight
or Flight
  • The main function of epinephrine in a startle
    reaction is a dramatic increase in the
    availability of. The time elapsed from initial
    stimulus to glucose release into the bloodstream
    is only a few seconds.

28.3 How Hormones Work Epinephrine and Fight
or Flight
  • Epinephrine acts via cyclic adenosine
    monophosphate (cyclic AMP, or cAMP), an important
    second messenger. The sequence of events in this
    action, illustrates one type of biochemical
    response to a change in an individuals external
    or internal environment.

28.3 How Hormones Work Epinephrine and Fight
or Flight
  • Epinephrine binds to a receptor on the surface of
    a cell.
  • The hormonereceptor complex activates a nearby G
    protein embedded in the interior surface of the
    cell membrane.
  • GDP (guanosine diphosphate) associated with the G
    protein is converted to GTP (guanosine
    triphosphate) by addition of a phosphate group.
  • The G proteinGTP complex activates adenylate
    cyclase, an enzyme that also is embedded in the
    interior surface of the cell membrane.
  • Adenylate cyclase catalyzes production within the
    cell of the second messengercyclic AMPfrom ATP.
  • Cyclic AMP initiates reactions that activate
    glycogen phosphorylase, the enzyme responsible
    for release of glucose from storage.
  • When the emergency has passed, cyclic AMP is
    converted to ATP.

28.3 How Hormones Work Epinephrine and Fight
or Flight
28.3 How Hormones Work Epinephrine and Fight
or Flight
  • Epinephrine also increases blood pressure, heart
    rate, and respiratory rate. It also decreases
    blood flow to the digestive system and
    counteracts spasms in the respiratory system.
  • The resulting effects make epinephrine the most
    crucial drug for treatment of anaphylactic shock.
  • Anaphylactic shock is the result of a severe
    allergic reaction it is an extremely serious
    medical emergency.
  • The major symptoms include a severe drop in blood
    pressure due to blood vessel dilation and
    difficulty breathing due to bronchial
    constriction. Epinephrine directly counters these

28.4 Amino Acid Derivatives and Polypeptides as
  • Several amino acid derivatives classified as
    hormones because of their roles in the endocrine
    system are also synthesized in neurons and
    function as neurotransmitters in the brain.

28.4 Amino Acid Derivatives and Polypeptides as
  • Thyroxine is one of two iodine-containing
    hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
  • Thyroxine is a nonpolar compound that can cross
    cell membranes and enter cells, where it
    activates the synthesis of various enzymes.
  • When dietary iodine is insufficient, the thyroid
    gland compensates by enlarging. A greatly
    enlarged thyroid gland (a goiter) is a symptom of
    iodine deficiency.

28.4 Amino Acid Derivatives and Polypeptides as
  • In developed countries where iodine is added to
    table salt, goiter is uncommon.
  • In some regions of the world, iodine deficiency
    is a common and serious problem that results in
    goiter and severe mental retardation in infants

28.4 Amino Acid Derivatives and Polypeptides as
  • Polypeptides
  • Polypeptides are the largest class of hormones.
  • They range widely in molecular size and

28.5 Steroid Hormones
  • Sterol hormones, referred to as steroids, are
    divided according to function into three types
    mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids and the
    sex hormones.
  • The two most important androgens, are
    testosterone and androsterone.

28.5 Steroid Hormones
  • Estrone and estradiol, the estrogens, are
    synthesized from testosterone.
  • The progestins, principally progesterone, are
    released by the ovaries during the second half of
    the menstrual cycle.

28.5 Steroid Hormones
  • Anabolic steroids are drugs that resemble
    androgenic (male) hormones, such as testosterone.
  • Many serious side effects can arise from abuse of
    anabolic steroids.
  • Today, most organized sports have banned the use
    of these and other performance enhancing drugs.
  • Despite bans, the use of roids is widespread in

28.5 Steroid Hormones
  • Some athletes attempt to get around drug
    screenings by using designer steroidsidentificati
    on depends on knowing the compounds structure.
  • Analysis of a synthetic steroid to determine its
    structure is easily done, and tests can be
    quickly developed.

28.5 Steroid Hormones
  • Plant Hormones
  • Plants do not have endocrine systems or fluids
    that continuously circulate.
  • Phhytohormones affect the cells in which they are
  • They may also reach nearby cells by diffusion or
    travel upward with water from the roots or
    downward with sugars made by photosynthesis in
    the leaves.
  • A very simple alkene, ethylene gas, functions as
    a hormone in plants. At one time, citrus growers
    ripened oranges in rooms heated with kerosene
    stoves. When the stoves were replaced with other
    means of heating, the oranges no longer ripened.
    It turned out that ripening is hastened by the
    ethylene released by burning kerosene.
  • Plants turn toward the sun, a phenomenon known as
  • Charles Darwin observed that covering the growing
    tips of the plants prevented phototropism. The
    explanation lies in the formation in the tip of
    an auxin, a hormone that travels downward and
    stimulates elongation of the stem. Auxin
    concentrates on the shady side of the stem,
    causing it to grow faster so that the stem bends
    toward the sun.
  • Auxin is produced in seed embryos, young leaves,
    and growing tips of plants. Interestingly, plants
    synthesize auxin from tryptophan, the starting
    compound in the synthesis of several mammalian
    chemical messengers.
  • An excessive concentration of auxin kills plants
    by overaccelerating their growth. The most
    familiar synthetic auxin, 2,4-D, is an herbicide
    that is widely used to kill broad-leaved weeds in
    this manner.

28.6 Neurotransmitters
  • Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of
    the nervous system.
  • They are released by neurons and transmit signals
    to neighboring target cells.
  • The target cells can be
  • other nerve cells,
  • muscle cells, or
  • endocrine cells.

28.6 Neurotransmitters
  • Nerve cells that rely on neurotransmitters
    typically have a bulb-like body connected to a
    long, thin stem called an axon.
  • Short, tentacle-like appendages, dendrites,
    protrude from the bulbous end of the neuron, and
    filaments protrude from the axon at the opposite
  • The filaments lie close to the target cell,
    separated only by a narrow gapthe synapse.

28.6 Neurotransmitters
28.6 Neurotransmitters
  • A nerve impulse is transmitted along a nerve cell
    by variations in electrical potential.
  • Chemical transmission of the impulse between a
    nerve cell and its target occurs when
    neurotransmitter molecules are released from a
    presynaptic neuron, cross the synapse, and bind
    to receptors on the target cell.
  • The postsynaptic neuron then transmits the nerve
    impulse down its own axon until a
    neurotransmitter delivers the message to the next
    neuron or other target cell.

28.6 Neurotransmitters
  • Neurotransmitter molecules are synthesized in the
    presynaptic neurons and stored in vesicles, from
    which they are released as needed.
  • After a neurotransmitter has done its job, it
    must be rapidly removed from the synaptic cleft
    so that the postsynaptic neuron is ready to
    receive another impulse.
  • Either an enzyme available in the synaptic cleft
    inactivates the neurotransmitter, or the
    neurotransmitter is returned to the presynaptic
    neuron and placed in storage until it is needed

28.6 Neurotransmitters
  • Most neurotransmitters are amines synthesized
    from amino acids.

28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
Its Agonists and Antagonists
  • Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter responsible
    for the control of skeletal muscles.
  • It is also widely distributed in the brain.
  • Nerves that rely on acetylcholine as their
    neurotransmitter are classified as cholinergic
  • Acetylcholine is synthesized in presynaptic
    neurons and stored in their vesicles.

28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
Its Agonists and Antagonists
28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
Its Agonists and Antagonists
  • A nerve impulse arrives at the presynaptic
  • The vesicles move to the cell membrane, fuse with
    it, and release their acetylcholine molecules.
  • Acetylcholine crosses the synapse and binds to
    receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, causing a
    change in membrane permeability to ions.
  • The resulting change initiates the nerve impulse
    in that neuron.
  • With the message delivered, acetylcholinesterase
    present in the synaptic cleft catalyzes the
    decomposition of acetylcholine.
  • Choline is absorbed back into the presynaptic
    neuron where new acetylcholine is synthesized.

28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
Its Agonists and Antagonists
  • Drugs and Acetylcholine
  • Many drugs act at acetylcholine synapses.
  • The action is at the molecular level, and it can
    be either therapeutic or poisonous.
  • Pharmacologists classify some drugs as agonists,
    while others are antagonists.
  • Many agonists and antagonists compete with normal
    signaling molecules for interaction with the

28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
Its Agonists and Antagonists
  • Botulinus toxin blocks acetylcholine release and
    causes botulism. 
  • The toxin binds irreversibly to the presynaptic
    neuron, preventing acetylcholine release and
    causing death due to muscle paralysis.
  • Black widow spider venom releases excess
  • The synapse is flooded with acetylcholine,
    resulting in muscle cramps and spasms.
  • Organophosphorus insecticides (antagonists),
    inhibit acetylcholinesterase. 
  • All of the organophosphorus insecticides prevent
    acetylcholinesterase from breaking down
    acetylcholine within the synapse.

28.7 How Neurotransmitters Work Acetylcholine,
Its Agonists and Antagonists
  • Nicotine binds to acetylcholine receptors. 
  • Nicotine at low doses is a stimulant (an agonist)
    because it activates acetylcholine receptors. The
    sense of alertness and well-being produced by
    inhaling tobacco smoke is a result of this
    effect. At high doses, nicotine is an antagonist.
  • Atropine (an antagonist), competes with
    acetylcholine at receptors. 
  • Atropine can be used for acceleration of
    abnormally slow heart rate, paralysis of eye
    muscles during surgery, and relaxation of
    intestinal muscles in gastrointestinal disorders.
    Most importantly, it is a specific antidote for
    acetylcholinesterase poisons.
  • Tubocurarine (an antagonist), competes with
    acetylcholine at receptors.
  • The alkaloid is used to paralyze patients in
    conjunction with anesthesia drugs prior to

28.8 Histamine and Antihistamines
  • Histamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for
    the symptoms of allergic reaction.
  • Histamine is produced by decarboxylation of
  • Antihistamines are histamine receptor
  • Histamine also activates secretion of acid in the

28.9 Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine
  • The Monoamines and Therapeutic Drugs
  • Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are
  • All are active in the brain and all have been
    identified in various ways with mood, the
    experiences of fear and pleasure, mental illness,
    and drug addiction.
  • There is a well-established relationship between
    major depression and a deficiency of serotonin,
    norepinephrine, and dopamine.

28.9 Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine
  • Amitriptyline is representative of the tricyclic
    antidepressants, which prevent the re-uptake of
    serotonin and norepinephrine from within the
  • Phenelzine is a monoamine oxidase (MAO)
    inhibitor, one of a group of medications that
    inhibit the enzyme that breaks down monoamine
  • Fluoxetine represents the newest class of
    antidepressants, the selective serotonin
    re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI). They inhibit only
    the re-uptake of serotonin. Most antidepressants
    cause unpleasant side effects fluoxetine does

28.9 Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine
  • Dopamine and Drug Addiction
  • Dopamine plays a role in the brain in processes
    that control movement, emotional responses, and
    the experiences of pleasure and pain.
  • Cocaine blocks re-uptake of dopamine from the
    synapse, and amphetamines accelerate release of
    dopamine. Studies have linked increased brain
    levels of dopamine to alcohol and nicotine
    addiction as well. The stimulation of dopamine
    receptors by drugs results in tolerance, which
    contributes to addiction.
  • Marijuana also creates an increase in dopamine
    levels. The use of marijuana medically for
    chronic pain relief has become a controversial
    topic in recent years, as questions about its
    benefits and drawbacks are debated.

28.10 Neuropeptides and Pain Relief
  • Studies of opium derivatives revealed that these
    pain-killing substances act via specific brain
  • The pentapeptides Met-enkephalin and
    Leu-enkephalin exert morphine-like suppression of
    pain. Structural similarity between
    Met-enkephalin and morphine make it likely that
    both interact with the same receptors.
  • Natural pain-killing polypeptides that act via
    the opiate receptors are classified as

28.11 Drug Discovery and Drug Design
  • Today ethnobotanists work in remote regions of
    the world to learn what indigenous people have
    discovered about the healing powers of plants.
  • The technique of modifying a known structure to
    improve its biochemical activity was developed
    after cocaine was first used as a local
    anesthetic in 1884. Experiments with other
    benzoic acid esters in the early 1900s yielded
    benzocaine and procaine (novocaine), both still
    in use.

28.11 Drug Discovery and Drug Design
  • Combinatorial chemistry, arrived on the scene in
    1991. By combining reactants, dividing up the
    products, adding other reactants, and continuing
    this process, millions of related compounds can
    be synthesized.
  • If the tertiary structure of an enzyme has been
    found and the active site identified, a computer
    can consult a database of quantitative
    information about drugreceptor interactions.
  • Once potential inhibitors are identified, it is
    increasingly possible to design a molecule with
    just the right chemical and physical properties.

Chapter Summary
  • What are hormones, and how do they function?
  • Hormones are the chemical messengers of the
    endocrine system.
  • Under control of the hypothalamus they are
    released from various locations, many in response
    to intermediate, regulatory hormones.
  • Hormones travel in the bloodstream to target
    cells, where they connect with receptors that
    initiate chemical changes within cells.

Chapter Summary, Continued
  • What is the chemical nature of hormones?  
  • Hormones are polypeptides, steroids, or amino
    acid derivatives.
  • Many are polypeptides, which range widely in size
    and include small molecules such as vasopressin
    and oxytocin, larger ones like insulin, and all
    of the regulatory hormones.
  • Steroids have a distinctive four-ring structure
    and are classified as lipids because they are
    hydrophobic. All of the sex hormones are
  • Hormones that are amino acid derivatives are
    synthesized from amino acids.
  • Epinephrine and norepinephrine act as hormones
    throughout the body and also act as
    neurotransmitters in the brain.

Chapter Summary, Continued
  • How does the hormone epinephrine deliver its
    message, and what is its mode of action?
  • Epinephrine, the fight-or-flight hormone, acts
    via a cell-surface receptor and a G protein that
    connects with an enzyme, both of which are
    embedded in the cell membrane.
  • The enzyme adenylate cyclase transfers the
    message to a second messenger, a cyclic adenosine
    mono-phosphate (cyclic AMP), which acts within
    the target cell.

Chapter Summary, Continued
  • What are neurotransmitters, and how do they
  • Neurotransmitters are synthesized in presynaptic
    neurons and stored there in vesicles from which
    they are released when needed.
  • They travel across a synaptic cleft to receptors
    on adjacent target cells.
  • Some act directly via their receptors others
    utilize cyclic AMP or other second messengers.
  • After their message is delivered,
    neurotransmitters must be broken down rapidly or
    taken back into the presynaptic neuron so that
    the receptor is free to receive further messages.

Chapter Summary, Continued
  • How does acetylcholine deliver its message, and
    how do drugs alter its function?
  • Acetylcholine is released from the vesicles of a
    presynaptic neuron and connects with receptors
    that initiate continuation of a nerve impulse in
    the postsynaptic neuron.
  • It is then broken down in the synaptic cleft by
    acetylcholinesterase to form choline that is
    returned to the presynaptic neuron where it is
    converted back to acetylcholine.
  • Agonists, such as nicotine at low doses activate
    acetylcholine receptors and are stimulants.
  • Antagonists, such as tubocurarine or atropine,
    which block activation of the receptors, are
    toxic in high doses, but at low doses are useful
    as muscle relaxants.

Chapter Summary, Continued
  • Which neurotransmitters and what kinds of drugs
    play roles in allergies, mental depression, drug
    addiction, and pain?
  • Histamine, an amino acid derivative, causes
    allergic symptoms. Antihistamines are antagonists
    with a general structure that resembles
    histamines, but with bulky groups at one end.
  • Monoamines (serotonin, norepinephrine, and
    dopamine) are brain neurotransmitters. A
    deficiency of any of these molecules is
    associated with mental depression.
  • Drugs that increase their activity include
    tricyclic antidepressants (for example,
    amitriptyline), monoamine oxidase (MAO)
    inhibitors (for example, phenelzine), and
    selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI)
    (for example, fluoxetine).
  • An increase of dopamine activity in the brain is
    associated with the effects of most addictive
    substances. A group of neuropeptides acts at
    opiate receptors to counteract pain all may be

Chapter Summary, Continued
  • What are some of the methods used in drug
    discovery and design?
  • Ethnobotanists work to identify the medicinal
    products of plants known to native peoples.
  • Chemical synthesis is used to improve on the
    medicinal properties of known compounds by
    creating similar structures.
  • Combinatorial chemistry produces many related
    molecules for drug screening.
  • Computer design is used to select the precise
    molecular structure to fit a given receptor.
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