Title: Bibles for Oral Communities
1Bibles for Oral Communities
- The word of God for those who cannot read or
prefer to communicate orally
266 of the world are oral communicators
66 of the world are oral communicators
390 of all Christian ministry today is done
through literate communication styles
4What does this have to do with Bible translation?
- Bible translation is about communicating biblical
truth in all the worlds languages. - Bibles in written form may not clearly
communicate to oral communicators. - Orality strategies aim to bring the stories and
truths of Scripture to life in non-written forms.
5How can you present the Bible orally?
- Audio Bibles
- Oral Bible Storying
6Audio Bibles
Audio Bibles
7Faith Comes By Hearing
Faith Comes By Hearing
8Oral Bible Storying
Oral Bible Storying
9(No Transcript)
10The majority of the remaining unreached peoples
of the earth cannot read or write, so the word of
God will be most effectively communicated to them
through oral means and storytelling. Bob
Creson, President Wycliffe USA
11Bibles for Oral Communities Produced by Wycliffe
Bible Translators UK Frontline Prayer 2014