Analysis of Algorithms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of Algorithms


Analysis of Algorithms What does it mean to analyze? Strictly speaking analysis is the separation of an intellectual or substantial whole into its constituent parts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analysis of Algorithms

Analysis of Algorithms
  • What does it mean to analyze?
  • Strictly speaking analysis is the separation of
    an intellectual or substantial whole into its
    constituent parts for individual
    study. American Heritage Dictionary
  • Surely we're interested in studying individual
    parts of algorithms but the analysis of an
    algorithm is commonly used in a more restricted
  • Investigation of an algorithm's efficiency with
    respect to two resources
  • Running time
  • Memory space
  • The emphasis on these are because they define the
    usability of the algorithm (in case of bounded
    time/space) can be studied in a precise manner
    using analysis frameworks

Measuring Input Size
  • First the obvious
  • Almost all algorithms run longer on longer inputs
  • Therefore it seems logical to investigate an
    algorithm's efficiency in terms of its input
    size, but...
  • It is not uncommon to have algorithms that
    require more than one parameter (eg. Graph
  • The input size may not be well-defined as one
    would wish (eg. Matrix multiplication)
  • In these cases there normally is a relation
    between the candidate input sizes
  • In cases related to measuring properties of
    numbers sometimes we use the number of bits (b)
    in the number (n)b floor(log2n) 1

Units for Measuring Time Efficiency
  • We could simply use some standard unit for time
    measurement but we'd face serious drawbacks
  • Dependence on the speed of a particular computer
  • Dependence on the quality of the program
    implementing the algorithm
  • Dependence on the quality of the compiler used to
    generate the executable
  • Difficulty of clocking the time precisely
  • Since we want to measure algorithms we shouldn't
    suffer the effects of external factors such as
    the ones above
  • We could count how many times each operation in
    the algorithm is executed
  • But this may be difficult and also unnecessary

Basic Operation
  • The standard approach is to identify the
    basic/expensive operation and count how many
    times it is executed.
  • As a rule of thumb, it is the most time-consuming
    operation in the innermost loop of the algorithm
  • For instance
  • For most sorting, the basic operation is the key
  • On matrix multiplication, the basic operation
    consists of a multiplication and an addition
  • But since on most computers multiplications are
    more expensive we can count only multiplications
  • The established framework is
  • Count the time the algorithm's basic operation is
    executed for inputs of size n
  • Where n is clearly defined

Using the Framework
  • Here is an example. Let cop be the time of
    execution of an algorithm's basic operation on a
    particular computer and letC(n) be the number of
    times the operation needs to be executed.
    Then T(n) copC(n)
  • Now let's assume C(n) ½n(n-1).
  • The formula above can help us answer the
    question. How much longer will the algorithm run
    if we double the input size?
  • The answer is 4. Why?
  • More importantly, the framework allowed us to
    answer the question without knowing the value of

Answering the Question
  • We should first work a bit on the value of
  • Therefore

Orders of Growth
  • As we mentioned before the difference in the
    running times of two algorithms for small inputs
    is not a measure of how efficient the algorithm
  • Recall the example given for GCD
  • If we want to calculate gcd(12,5) is not that
    clear why Euclid's solution is more efficient
  • But let the two numbers be very large and you'll
    easily appreciate the difference
  • We've also seen that T(n) is a function
  • For very large values of n, it is only T(n)'s
    order of growth that counts

Orders of Growth
Appreciating Orders of Magnitude
  • Without additional discussions, the importance of
    the table in the previous slide may pass
  • Just to put some perspective on the numbers
  • It would take 41010 years for a computer
    executing one trillion (1012) operations per
    second (1 Teraflop) to execute 2100 operations.
  • Surprised? The above is incomparable faster than
    the amount of time it would take to execute 100!
  • By the way, 4.5 109 years is the estimated age
    of the planet Earth!

Appreciating Orders of Magnitude
  • Both 2n functions and n! functions are called
  • These are only practical for very small input
  • Another way to appreciate the orders of magnitude
    is by answering questions like.
  • How much effect a twofold increase in the input
    size has to the algorithm running time?
  • This is very much like the example we've seen

Common Growth Functions
  • 1 Constant time. Normally the amount of time
    that an instruction takes under the RAM model
  • log n Logarithmic. It normally occurs in
    algorithms that transform a bigger problem into a
    smaller version, whose input size is a ration of
    the original problem. Common in searching and
    some tree algorithms.
  • n Linear. Algorithms that are forced to pass
    through all elements of the input (of size n) a
    number (constant) of times yield linear running
  • n log n Polylogarithmic. Typical of algorithms
    that break the problem into smaller parts, solve
    the problem for the smaller parts and combine the
    solutions to obtain the solution of the original
    problem instance.

Common Growth Functions
  • n2 Quadratic. A subset of the polynomial
    solutions. Quadratic solutions are still
    acceptable and are relatively efficient for small
    to medium scale problem sizes. Typical for
    algorithms that have to analyze all pairs of
    elements of the input.
  • n3 Cubic. Not very efficient but still
    polynomial. A classical example of algorithms in
    this class is the matrix multiplication.
  • 2n Very poor performance. Unfortunately quite a
    few known solutions to practical problems fall in
    this category. This is as bad as testing all
    possible answers to a problem. When algorithms
    fall in this category, algorithmics goes in
    search of approximation algorithms.

Worst-case, Best-case and Average-case
  • We have now identified that it is a good idea to
    express the performance of an algorithms as a
    function of the input size
  • However, in some cases, the efficiency of the
    algorithm also depends on the specifics of a
    particular input.
  • For instance assume the Sequential Search
    algorithm (Similar to program 2.1 of Sedgewick's

SequentialSearch(A0..n-1,K) An K i
0 while (Ai ! K) do i i 1 if (i lt n)
return i else return -1
Worst Case
  • In the algorithm we just saw the running time can
    be quite different for the same list of size n
  • In the worst case there are no matching elements
    or the first matching element is in the last
    position in the list.
  • In this case the algorithm make the largest
    number of key comparisons
  • Cworst(n) n
  • The worst-case efficiency of an algorithm is its
    efficiency for the worst-case input of size n,
    which is an input (or inputs) of size n for which
    the algorithm runs the longest among all possible
    inputs of that size Levitin 2003

Worst Case
  • The Cworst(n) provides very important information
    about the algorithm because it binds its running
    time from the above (an upper bound).
  • It guarantees that, no matter how is the input of
    size n, it can't be worst than Cworst(n).

Best Case
  • The best-case efficiency of an algorithm is its
    efficiency for the best-case input of size n,
    which is an input (or inputs) of size n for which
    the algorithm runs the fastest among all the
    inputs of that size Levitin 2003
  • Note that the best case does not mean the
    smallest input.
  • Not nearly as useful but not useless.
  • One can take advantage of algorithms that run
    really fast in the best case if the sample inputs
    to which the algorithm will be applied is
    approximately the best input
  • For instance, the insertion sort of a list of
    size n will perform in Cbest(n), when the list is
    already sorted.
  • If the list is close to being sorted the best
    case performance does not degenerate much

Best Case
  • This means that insertion sort may be a good
    option for lists that are known to be nearly
  • If the best case of an algorithm is already not
    good enough you might want to forget about it.

Average Case
  • Neither the worst-case nor the best-case can
    answer the question about the running time of a
    typical input or a random input.
  • This is given by the average case efficiency of
    an algorithm
  • To get the average analysis of the sequential
    search algorithm we have to consider
  • The probability (p) of the search being
    successful, where 0 lt p lt 1
  • The probability of the first match occuring in
    the ith position is the same for every i.
  • If we assume p 1 (search must be successful)
    we're left with

  • A function f(n) is said to be in the O(g(n)),
    denoted by f(n) O(g(n)), if there exist some
    positive constant c and some nonnegative integer
    n0 such that f(n) lt cg(n) for all n
    gt n0
  • Let's prove that 100n 5 is O(n2)
  • First we can say that 100n 5 lt 100n n (for
    all n gt 5)
  • And then we can also say that 101n lt 101n2 (for
    all n gt 0)
  • Using transitivity we can say that 100n 5 lt
    101n2 (for all n gt 5)
  • In this case we took c 101 and n0 5
  • Could we have used c 105 and n0 1?

  • A function f(n) is said to be in the O(g(n)),
    denoted by f(n) O(g(n)), if there exist some
    positive constant c and some nonnegative integer
    n0 such that f(n) gt cg(n) for all n
    gt n0
  • Let's prove that n3 is O(n2)
  • In this case its simpler since n3 gt n2 (for all
    n gt 0)
  • In this case we took c 1 and n0 0

  • A function f(n) is said to be in the T(g(n)),
    denoted by f(n) T(g(n)), if there exist some
    positive constants c1 and c2 and some nonnegative
    integer n0 such that c2g(n) lt f(n) lt
    c1g(n) for all n gt n0
  • Let's prove that ½n(n-1) is T(n2)
  • First we prove the upper bound which is
    straightforward ½n2 ½n lt ½n2 (for all n gt 0)
  • Then we can also say that ½n2 ½n gt ¼n2 (for
    all n gt 2).
  • In this case we took c1 ½ and c2 ¼ and n0 2
  • To prove t(n) T(g(n)) we have to prove that
  • t(n) O(g(n)) and t(n) O(g(n)).

Using Limits for Comparing Orders of Growth
  • A much more convenient way of comparing orders of
    growth of two functions is based on the
    computation of the ratio of the two
  • Note that
  • the first two cases refer to big-Oh
  • the last two cases refer to big-Omega
  • The middle case refers to big-Theta

Introduction to Recurrences
  • Many efficient algorithms are based on a
    recursive definition
  • The ability to transform a problem into one or
    more smaller instances of the same problem.
  • Then solving these instances to find a solution
    to the large problem.
  • A recurrence is a relation describing a recursive
    function in terms of its values on smaller
  • It is widely used in the analysis of recursive
  • The recursive decomposition of a problem is
    directly reflected in its analysis via a
    recurrence relation
  • Size and number of subproblems
  • Time required for the decomposition

Understanding the Relation
  • Sedgewick 2003. Algorithms in Java. Parts 1-4.
  • American Heritage Dictionary
  • Levitin 2003. The Design and Analysis of
  • Cormen et al. Introduction to Algorithms.
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