Title: Cyber Security In the Global Marketplace
1Cyber Security In the Global Marketplace
Emergent, Inc. 6650 Rivers Avenue Suite 132 North
Charleston, SC 29406 T 843-576-1850 F
843-576-1879 www.emergentcorporation.com
- Introduction
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Warfare
- Platforms
- Conclusion
3Curtis Merriweather
- Graduate of USC 2003
- BS in Computer Engineering
- Government Tenure with SSC 2004
- Business Development, Dir. 2010
- President of Mid-Atlantic Region
- 2011 MBA candidate The Citadel
- Manage(d) a Cyber Security Portfolio
- Founded in 2008 as a professional services firm
- Cleared Facility and personnel
- Composed of three primary Business Units
- Research and Development
- Information Technology
- Intelligence Operations
- 8(a) pending
Executive Vice President
Senior VP, Operations
Research Development
Intelligence Community, SPAWAR, US Army
Intelligence Community, SPAWAR, VA
Information Technology
Intelligence Community, US Army
Centers of Excellence
Intelligence Operations
6Research Development (RD)
- Innovating solutions with a cyber security focus.
- Partnered with Academia
- Supporting several federal agencies to solve NEW
problems - Technology Transfer process
7Information Technology
- Any-time, anywhere, ubiquitous access to
information - Cyber Security
- Computer Forensics
- Media Exploitation
- Computer Network
- Attack
- Defense
- Exploit
8Intelligence Operations
- Emergent provides support in the following ways
- Collections
- All-Source Analysis
- CIDNE Operators and Managers
- Collection Managers
- HUMINT Analysis
- SIGINT Analysis
- Processing
- Exploitation
The maxim 'nothing avails but perfection' can be
spelled 'paralysis' -- Winston Churchill
9Core Capabilities
Research Development (RD)
- Customers
- Intelligence Community
- US Army
- Services Provided
- Commercialization
- ATCD/JTCD Support
- Technology Transfer
- Services Provided
- Collections
- Processing
- Exploitation
Intelligence Operations
- Customers
- Intelligence Community
- Services Provided
- Tier 1 Service/Help Desk Support
- Tier 2 Technical Support
- Tier 3 Network Engineering and IT System
Information Technology Management
- Customers
- Intelligence Community
Cyber Security
- Services Provided
- Computer Forensics
- Computer Network Defense/ Attack/Exploit
- Media Exploitation
- NIST 800 Series Certification Accreditation
- Customers
- Intelligence Community
Application Development
- Services Provided
- Architecture Development EA, Use Cases, etc..
- Software Engineering and Development
- Web Portal Design, Implementation and
Maintenance - System Implementation, Training and
Documentation Support
- Customers
- Intelligence Community
- US Coast Guard,
- Veteran Affairs
10Cyber Security
- Cyber Security - measures taken to protect a
computer or computer system (as on the Internet)
against unauthorized access or attack - Cyber Security Standards are security standards
which enable organizations to practice safe
security techniques to minimize the number of
successful cyber security attacks. - ISA 99, NIST, etc..
11Cyber Warfare
- "actions by a nation-state to penetrate another
nation's computers or networks for the purposes
of causing damage or disruption. Richard A.
Clark - The Fifth Domain of warfare, The Economist
- The DoD has formally recognized cyberspace as a
new domain in warfare . . . which has become
just as critical to military operations as land,
sea, air, and space. - Defense Secretary
12World Events
- Adobe
- Google
- Intel
- Juniper
- Yahoo
- Government Institutions
- State Department, etc..
13Exploited Platforms
- Computers
- Mobile Phones
- Android
- IPhone
- Blackberry
- Satellite Systems
- Social Networking
- GPS Technologies
- OnStar, ENav
- Video Game Platforms offensive and defensive
- Bluetooth Hijacking
- Brute Force Attack Methods
- Software Exploits
- War Driving
- Wireless Exploits
- Pushed Advertisements - Phones
- Hotspots
- Trojan/Virus Generators
- Phishing Schemes
15Defensive Strategies
- Increased Awareness
- Common Defense Measures
- Information Assurance
- Patching
- Secure Coding Methodologies - Developers
- Software Updates
- Active Defense Strategy
- Cloudshield
- IBM Analytics Engine
- Defense-in-Depth Strategy
- Multi-Phase Authentication vs. Single Sign-On
16Situation Awareness Defense Strategies
- Honeypot Projects
- Collection Agent
- Hopefully uncover motives
- Computer Forensics
- Encase v.6
- Log Collector
- Media Exploitation
- Specialized tools
17Defensive Strategies
- Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH)
- White Hats
- Complete Penetration Testing
- Inside
- Outside
- Security Experts
- Real World Experience
- Certification Programs
- Security, CWSP, CISSP, etc
- Academia
- Government
- Industry
- Industry and Academia have to lead the charge