Oil Spills - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oil Spills


Oil Spills Background Information Each year, millions of gallons of oil are released into the environment, either accidentally or intentionally. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: drilling | oil | onshore | spills


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oil Spills

Oil Spills
Background Information
  • Each year, millions of gallons of oil are
    released into the environment, either
    accidentally or intentionally.
  • Tanker accidents or blowouts
  • Spills at offshore drilling rigs
  • Run-off and dumping waste oil from cities and

  • In 1979, a huge blowout occurred at the Ixtoc I
    oil well in the southern Gulf of Mexico.
  • Over 184 million gallons of oil leaked into the
  • Took 8 months to cap the well

As horrendous as that seems, releases from
offshore wells during normal operations and
during transportation of the oil add much more
oil to the environment than such occasional
Accidents happen
  • Oil tanker accidents account for about 10 to 15
    percent of the annual input of oil into the
    worlds oceans
  • Leaks at wells
  • Purging of tanks
  • Seepage from natural sources

Oil Spills
  • Castillow de Bellver (1983) caught fire and
    relased 78.5 million gallons of ocean off the
    coast of Capetown, South Africa
  • Exxon Valdez (1989) hit a reef and released about
    11 million gallons of oil into the Prince William
    Sound of Alaska. The spill was the largest in
    U.S. history. Capt. Joe Hazelwood, who later
    admitted to having had several alcoholic drinks
    that day, (From Huntington, Long Island). In
    jail NOW!
  • More than 33,000 seabirds, 1,000 sea otters, 100
    bald eagles killed.

How much damage is done?
  • The type and amount of damage from an oil spill
    depend on a number of factors
  • Type of oil (crude oil most toxic due to benzene
    and toluene)
  • Weather conditions
  • Types of organisms in the area
  • Season
  • Oils spill cleanup is difficult and EXPENSIVE.
    It is very difficult to
  • save animals who have ingested
  • the hydrocarbons into their digestive tracts,
    especially aquatic birds who preen to insulate

  • On March 24, 1989, an oil tanker struck Bligh
    Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska, releasing
    more than 200 million liters (11 million) of oil.
  • The map outlines the oil-spill front as it
    expanded from 1 to 8 days after the spill it was
    compiled from aerial observations by the National
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Exxon,
    the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Alaska Department
    of Environmental Conservation.
  • Bottom sediments studied by the USGS more than 7
    weeks after the spill contained no clear evidence
    of oil pollution possible traces of
    contamination were found near the south end of
    the Sound, but the presence of oil could not be
  • Much of the oil was carried onshore by surface
    currents and deposited along the beaches.
    Long-term monitoring is needed to assess the
    effect of the spill on the marine environment.

So how do we clean it up?
  • Containment and Removal
  • Application of Dispersants
  • Bioremediation
  • Enzymes released by the microbe break the
    contaminant down into digestible pieces.
  • The contaminant is consumed as food by the cell.
  • Harmless biological wastes are all that remain of
    the contaminant.

  • In the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez incident,
    Congress passed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990,
    which required the Coast Guard to strengthen its
    regulations on oil tank vessels and oil tank
    owners and operators. Today, tank hulls provide
    better protection against spills resulting from a
    similar accident, and communications between
    vessel captains and vessel traffic centers have
    improved to make for safer sailing.
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