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Weather & Circulation The ocean and its currents have a major influence on weather and climate on Earth. Background Image – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Background Image

Weather Circulation
  • The ocean and its currents have a major influence
    on weather and climate on Earth.

  • Air composed mostly of nitrogen and oxygen
  • Never dry always contains water vapor
  • Airs density determined by
  • Temperature
  • Water content
  • Weather - The state of the atmosphere at a given
    time and place, with respect to variables such as
    temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and
    barometric pressure.
  • Climate - The meteorological conditions,
    including temperature, precipitation, and wind,
    that characteristically prevail in a particular

Greenhouse Effect
  • Greenhouse effect - The atmosphere of our Earth
    traps heat
  • the energy from the sun also heats up the oceans.
  • 50 of radiation from the sun is absorbed by the
    Earths surface and then reflected back into the
    earths atmosphere.
  • Gases (carbon dioxide and water vapor) can stop
    this energy from escaping into space by keeping
    it here on Earth.

Global Warming
  • Scientists have noticed that the Earth is
    experiencing a warming trend.
  • In the past 100 years, the Earths mean global
    temperature has increased more than 1 degree
    Farenheit and ocean levels have risen
  • Global warming is the result, the gradual
    increase in Earths temperature.
  • Scientists measure polar ice caps to determine if
    their rate of melting continues to increase.

Measuring the Melt
  • The graph below shows total ice coverage since
  • As glacial ice melts, sea levels rise and ocean
    currents can change.

  • Average temperatures in the Arctic region are
    rising twice as fast as they are elsewhere in the
    world. Arctic ice is getting thinner, melting and
  • the largest single block of ice in the Arctic,
    the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, had been around for
    3,000 years before it started cracking in 2000.
    Within two years it had split all the way through
    and is now breaking into pieces.
  • The polar ice cap as a whole is shrinking.
  • Images from NASA satellites show that the area of
    permanent ice cover is contracting at a rate of 9
    percent each decade.
  • If this trend continues, summers in the Arctic
    could become ice-free by the end of the century.
  • The melting of once-permanent ice is already
    affecting native people, wildlife and plants.
  • When the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf splintered, the rare
    freshwater lake it enclosed, along with its
    unique ecosystem, drained into the ocean.
  • Polar bears, whales, walrus and seals are
    changing their feeding and migration patterns,
    making it harder for native people to hunt them.

Carbon Dioxide levels
  • The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
    has been steadily increasing.
  • As we continue to cut down trees for paper
    production, we are decreasing the plants that
    convert CO2 to oxygen, causing an increase in CO2
  • The burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, etc) also
    adds carbon dioxide to the environment.

Natural Air Pollution
  • Even clean air is not perfectly clean.
  • It contains many pollutants from natural sources
    like dust, volcanic gases and ash, smoke from
    forest fires, pollen, etc.
  • Most of the air pollution mentioned in the news
    is a result of human activities.

Natural Cycle?
  • natural phenomenon - climate has gone through
    periods of warmth and periods of extreme cold
    (often known as an Ice Age).
  • Some scientists claim that the warming trend is
    part of a natural cycle that will eventually
    reverse itself through CO2 uptake by
    photosynthetic marine and terrestrial plant life.
  • Others claim that the warming of Earths
    atmosphere is a real problem that can be reduced
    by decreasing the use of fossil fuels and finding
    alternative energy sources.

  • Ocean currents - moving water connecting major
    landmasses on Earth
  • global ocean currents largest currents that
    move across the ocean (like rivers that travel
    great distances)
  • affected by
  • global temperature
  • freshwater glacial ice melt
  • density differences due to salt concentrations
    and temperature differences.

Waters Density
  • Density is important to the currents which shape
    the planets climate.
  • Fresh water is less dense than salty water.
  • Warm water has a lower density than cold water

Effect of Salinity
  • Salty water will sink while fresh water will rise
    because of differences in density.

In the Mediterranean
  • The Mediterranean Sea, for example, has a higher
    salinity than the Atlantic Ocean, creating a
    current south of Spain that moves salty water
    deep into the Atlantic Ocean.

Global Ocean Currents
Radiant Energy
  • The sun, the source of all energy on Earth, gives
    off radiant energy and influences the climate
    that we experience.
  • Angle of Isolation - the angle at which the rays
    of the sun strike the surface of the earth.
  • Determines the amount of radiant (or solar)
    energy that reaches any part of the planet
  • Areas farthest away from the suns rays (the
    poles) receive slanted rays with a larger angle,
    and are therefore less intense
  • Caused by
  • The Earths curved surface
  • the tilt of its axis

Ocean Temperature
  • The uneven heating of the Earth due to the rays
    of the sun causes ocean temperatures to vary with
  • The ocean is warmest at the equator.

Coriolis Effect
  • The coriolis effect - the spinning Earth causes
    the winds and surface waters to move in a
    specific directions.
  • northern hemisphere - the currents deflect
    clockwise to the east.
  • southern hemisphere - currents move in the
    opposite direction, counter clockwise to the

  • Gyres - giant circles created when the water
    moves and hits the continent which deflect the

Gulf Stream
  • The gulf stream current flows from the
    southwestern Atlantic to the northeastern
  • it is the major factor in favorable (warm)
    weather on the eastern coast of the United
  • Benjamin Franklin was the first to chart the
    temperature and speed of the gulf stream back in
    the 1700s.

Subsurface Currents
  • Subsurface currents - move because of differences
    in temperature and salinity.

Downwelling Upwelling
  • Downwelling - After warm water has risen to the
    surface, it will eventually cool off and
    therefore sink again near the poles
  • Upwelling - When currents rise to the surface,
    they bring nutrient-rich sediments from the
  • Nutrients found on the floor of the ocean (such
    as phosphates nitrates) are important for all
    organisms in aquatic food webs.

Coastal Currents
  • Waves when currents eventually meet coastal
  • After a wave breaks on a beach, the forward
    momentum transports water up the slope of a
  • The returning current or backwash is called the
  • Currents that move parallel to the beach are
    called longshore currents.
  • Spaces between islands off the coast of a
    continent, like Galveston and South Padre, cause
    a rush of water called a rip current that moves
    quickly out into the ocean.

Tidal Currents
  • The movement of the moon around the Earth and
    its gravity causes tides
  • the daily rise and fall of the ocean seen along
    the shore.
  • When a tide enters and leaves and area, the tidal
    change produces swift-moving tidal currents that
    run parallel to the shore.
  • important to aquatic food chains because they
    carry nutrients and small organisms back and
    forth between the bays and the offshore waters.

Ocean Wind
  • Convection currents occur in many different media
    (liquid, air, magma).
  • Day Time
  • Often, the wind around the ocean creates a sea
  • due to differences in temperature of the air over
    the ocean versus over land.
  • Water heats up slowly, while land heats up
  • A convection current is created because the
    cooler air over the ocean sinks and travels
    inland while the warm air over the land rises up.
  • Night Time
  • The opposite occurs
  • land cools very quickly, but water has a very
    high specific heat and takes longer to cool.
  • The air over the water is warmer and wind travels
    out to the ocean in the reversed convection

  • Humidity- amount of water vapor into the
  • Coastal regions often have a higher level of
    humidity than inland areas because they are
    exposed to the moisture that evaporates from the

Fog Dew
  • Fog - Air saturated with moisture creating clouds
    near the ground
  • forms when warm, moist air makes contact with a
    cold surface.
  • The mirror in your bathroom often fogs when
    warm moist air from the shower hits the cold
    surface of the mirror.
  • Dew - When water condenses (changes from a vapor
    to a liquid) on a solid surface

  • A hurricane -a coastal storm with a wind velocity
    exceeding 120 km/hr
  • Form in warm tropical seas where there is hot,
    moist air
  • As hot, moist air rises, it cools in the upper
    atmosphere and condenses into ring shaped clouds.
  • During condensation, a great deal of heat energy
    is released, which causes more hot air to rise
    even quicker.
  • This whirlwind of rising air moves in a spiral
    direction around calm air knows as the eye of a

El Nino
  • El Nino - Oceanic warming
  • Begins in the western Pacific Ocean
  • Warm currents are normally carried northwest due
    to trade winds.
  • El Nino reverses the currents because of a
    decline in southeast trade winds
  • causes a change in the climate of South America
    (bringing floods and stormy weather).

La Nina
  • La Nina - Unusually cold currents causing cooler
    surface temperatures
  • winters are cooler than normal in the northwest
    United states and warmer than normal in the
  • The cycles for El Nino/La Nina often last 1 to 2
    years and occur every 4 to 6 years.
  • Click on the graphic to view an animation
    depicting the differences between El Nino and La
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