Title: Tracking CMEs from Sun to Earth
1Tracking CMEs from Sun to Earth
- M. Temmer1, C. Möstl2, A. Veronig1,
O. Flor1, T. Rollett1,2 - 1 Kanzelhöhe Observatory/IGAM, Institute of
Physics, University of Graz, Austria - 2 Space Research Institute Graz, Austrian Academy
of Sciences - November 17, 2010 ESWW7 in Brugge, Belgium
STEREO Gallery
- Seamless obser-vations from Sun to Earth and
beyond - SECCHI instrument suite EUVI, COR1, COR2, HI1,
- Simultaneous obser-vations from two different
vantage points - STEREO-A(head) STEREO-B(ehind)
Howard et al., 2008
3 CMEs in 3D space
Vourlidas Howard, 2006
- Close to the Sun, we may assume all emission
comes from the plane of the sky (POS) - At large elongation angles the Thomson surface
becomes more and more significant - Differences in brightness and morphology
depending on the angle between observer and CME
See e.g., Cremades Bothmer, 2004
Vourlidas Howard, 2006 Manchester et al.,
2008 Harrison et al., 2010
4 From Sun to Earth
Rouillard et al., 2008
Elongation angle
Sheeley et al., 1999
For a single point having a constant speed, the
elongation appears different for various
longitudinal directions of motion
5 From Sun to Earth
Rollett, Möstl, Temmer et al., 2010
- Combining white light and in situ powerful
diagnostics - Valuable constraints on CME direction and
geometry can be made
Möstl, Farrugia, Temmer et al., 2009 Möstl,
Temmer, Rollett et al., 2010
- To derive the directivity of a CME we use
- close to the Sun
- Triangulation
- in IP space
- Sheeley fitting from single s/c measurements
7Triangulation method
Temmer, Preiss Veronig, 2009
Schematic LASCO and ST-A view observing the
leading edge of a CME.
lat(itude)d lon(gitude)f
- Method
- Perform classical leading edge measurements
(from at least two
different vantage points) - Transform LASCO distance-time (dt) measurements
to STEREO-A and STEREO-B view
(dependent on lat. and lon.) - Compare transformed dt with observed dt from ST-A
and ST-B - Vary lat. and lon. until best match
8Triangulation method
Example for the March 25, 2008 event
Temmer, Preiss Veronig, 2009
9Triangulation method
Temmer, Preiss Veronig, 2009
Distance-time measurements of CME LE. Solid
lines transformed d-t (based on
LASCO) Dashed lines resulting de-projected
distances (separately for LA and LB) Resulting
distribution of least square sum as a function of
the CME source region longitude f and a fixed
(best) value of the source latitude d.
10Comparison with HI
Selected events which could be tracked over an
elongation angle of more than 30 (HI1HI2)
- December 31, 2007
- January 2, 2008
- March 25, 2008
- April 26, 2008
- May 17, 2008
Separation angle between STA and STB range of
11Base difference images
Method of base difference images used for HI.
Shifting of images needed due to the proper
motion of the spacecraft. About 4 for a
typical minimum event (1/day).
Temmer, et al., 2011, in prep
Apr 26, 2008 (HI1)
Apr 26, 2008 (HI2)
12First results
Dec 31, 2007 (HI1)
13First results
Apr 26, 2008 (HI1)
14First results
Jan 2, 2008 (HI1)
15First results
Mar 25, 2008 (HI1)
16First results
May 17, 2008 (HI1)
17First results
June 1, 2008 event of a velocity of 300-400km/s
studied in Möstl et al. 2009 E45 close to the
Sun and E30 in IP space.
- Large differences are derived between
propagation direction close to the Sun and in IP
space - Best match for two fast events
(March 25, 2008 and May 17,
2008) - Slow events and fast ones that significantly
slow down during evolution show large deviation - Geometrical effects from fixed-phi method
(assumption of point like feature) Rollett et
al., 2010 for a comparison between the two
methods - Assumption of constant speed (but might be ok
for solar minimum events see e.g., Morrill et
al. 2008) - Compare with Möstl et al., 2009 - almost
constant direction was obtained for a slow CME