Title: Food Label Trial Tutorial Two
1Food Label TrialTutorial Two
You have completed the first week of the
study! You will now be able to scan barcodes of
food items to retrieve nutritional information.
The style of the nutrition info will depend on
which trial group you have been randomly
allocated to. To continue, select SHOPPING NOW.
3Scan Label Information
While shopping, remember to use the app to access
the nutrition information. Open the app, you will
see the Scan for Label screen. Scan the barcode
of the food item. The app will then provide you
with nutrition information.
4Nutrition Label Other Choices
On screen you will see nutrition information and
other similar food items to choose from.
Nutrition information for other choices can be
seen by tapping the product name.
5Scan Label Information
If the product scanned isnt found in our
database, the app will ask you to take 3
photographs of the item. Instructions about how
to take the photos is available in the app.
Simply press Cancel if you wish to skip this
6Sending Purchased List
When you finish shopping, remember to scan
purchased items and photograph your
receipt. Then send us the purchase list and till
receipt photos just as you did in the first week
of the study.
7Send List Function
You can edit your purchase list by selecting the
Send List tab. Access more functions by
selecting More in the top right hand corner.
From here you can add or remove a product from
your list, add a till receipt photo or simply
send the purchase list to us.
Save hard copies of all the till receipts you are
given during the trial period. At the end of the
trial post them to us in the postage paid
envelope provided.
9More Functions
Select the "Menu" icon in the top left hand
corner (three horizontal lines) to access more
app functions. Here you can check your progress,
access technical support and tutorials, purchase
history and change app settings. You can also
re-read the participant information statement and
send us feedback.
10- Thank you for
- participating in our study