Title: Hepatic%20insufficiency
1Hepatic insufficiency
- Wang Jing-jing
- Department of Pathophysiology
- Shandong University
2- Introduction
- Concept
- Etiology and classification
- The functional and metabolic changes
- Hepatic encephalopathy
3- Introduction
- 1. Blood Supply
- Portal vein 3/4 of the
- blood flow (which drains
- the stomach, intestine,
- spleen, and pancreas)
- Hepatic artery 1/4 of
- the blood flow
4- 2. Internal Structure Liver lobule
- A central vein (coalesce into
- hepatic veins, which empty
- into the vena cava)
- 4-6 portal triad (branches of
- hepatic artery, hepatic portal
- vein and bile duct)
5Rows of liver cells (Hepatocytes, hepatic
stellate cells, sinusoidal endothelial cells,
Kupffer cells and liver-associated lymphocytes
which are in close contact with blood-filled
6Hepatic cirrhosis pseudolobule
73. Functions
- Excretion bile (help the absorption of vitamin
K) - Clearing the blood of particles and infections
including bacteria - Synthesis albumin, lipoproteins, coagulation
factors, as well as protein C, S and
antithrombin. - Metabolism protein, lipid, carbohydrate
- Neutralizing and destroying drugs and toxins
- Manufacturing, breaking down and regulating
numerous hormones including sex hormones
8- Concept of Hepatic insufficiency
- Severe damage in liver cells result in
degeneration, necrosis, fibrosis and cirrhosis,
manifesting as jaundice, bleeding, infection,
renal dysfunction or encephalopathy, termed all
together the syndrome of Hepatic insufficiency
91. Infections hepatitis virus (HBV), bacteria,
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10HBV ????????????? HbsAg ? HbeAg ? HBcAg ? T
11 Cirrhosis
HBV multiplies, spreads and eventually leads to
scarring, liver damage, cirrhosis and cancer.
12(No Transcript)
13Some bacteria, such as Escherichia coli ( E. coli
) or staphylococcus (staph), tubercle bacillusor
amoeba caused Liver abscesses
15(No Transcript)
16- 2. Medicines Industrial toxins, drugs are
modified or degraded in the liver - Hepatic cytotoxicity Degeneration and necrosis
of hepatic cells or synthesis of some proteins.
????,??,???,???????? - Cholestasis inhibit Na-K ATP, fluidity of
cell membrane ????
17(No Transcript)
183. Alcohol
19Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Normal liver
20(No Transcript)
21- 4. Nutritional causes
- everything we eat must be refined and detoxified
by the liver - liver disease are always found among starving
- populations.
- good nutrition - a balanced diet can actually
help the damaged liver to regenerate new liver
cells. - .
225. Inherited conditions Wilson's disease a
rare inherited condition. inability to excrete
copper into bile. resulting in the toxic
accumulation of copper in the liver and nervous
236. Immunosuppression SLE, rheumatoid arthritis,
Crohn's disease, Systemic infections, such as
tuberculosis, may spread to the liver.
24- Classification of hepatic insufficiency
Acute short course of onset? acute extensive
necrosis chronic long course ? late-staged
chronic liver disease
Hepatic encephalopathy Hepatorenal syndrome
Hepatic failure
25??????? ??????????
- The functional and metabolic changes
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26- 1. Substance metabolism
- (1) Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Glycogenolysis, Glycogenesis, Gluconeogenesis
- Hypoglycemia, abnormal glucose tolerance
- (2) Fat metabolism synthesises lipoproteins,
- cholesterol, phospholipids, lipogenesis and
lipolysis - ???,???,???,??????
27- (3) Protein metabolism CRP, urea ,albumin ?
- ??,????,??????
- (4) Vitamine metabolism
- Absorption of liposoluble vitamine ?
- Storage of Vit A, Vit D, Vit E, Vit K ?
- Synthesis of vitamine ?
- ??,????,????
- (5) Energy metabolismATP ?
28Ecchymosis of skin
29- 2. Disorders of bile and hormone
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Elimination of bilirubin ? ?serum bilirubin? ??
- (2) Intrahepatic cholestasis
- Production of bile salts ?
- ?fat and fat soluble vitamins ?
- ? Endotoxemia
- (3) Elimination of hormone ? ? estrogen ?
aldosterone ?, ADH ?
30Jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin and
whites of the eyes
31the liver plays important roles in hormonal
modification and inactivation. Estrogen?? body
Spider angioma
32- 5. Disorders of blood coagulation
- Production of Blood coagulation factors ?
- Anticoagulin?
- (3) Fibrinolytic system ?
- (4) Plt ?
- 6. Function of detoxication ?
- 7. Immunological function ?
33- 8.metabolic disorders of water and electrolytes
- (1)Hepatic ascites accumulation of fluid that
fills and distends the abdomen.
34(No Transcript)
35- Cirrhosis, scar tissue, thrombosis in the portal
vein ?Obstruction blocks the flow of blood
through the liver?Portal hypertension ?
?capillary pressure? - Obstruction of lymph ?capillary pressure?
- Liver insufficient ?synthesis of albumin??
osmotic pressure? - Hepatic failure ?aldosterone ?ADH ?
- Renal failure ? Water and salt rentention
36(2) Hyponatremia Intake? Lose ? ADH, Diuresis,
ascites (3) Hypokalemia Intake? Lose ?
aldosterone (4) Alkalosis PaO2 ? anemia,
Hyperammonemia 9. Disorders of organs HE,
hepatorenal syndrome
37Hepatic encephalopathy
- General Concept
- Classification
- Clinical Features
- Pathogenesis
- Precipitating Factors
- Principles of Treatment
38?. General Concept, Classification Clinical
- A complex disturbance in central nervous system
that occurs as a consequence of severe liver
diseases. - hepatic coma portal systemic encephalopathy
(PSE) HE - Hepatic coma refers only to a terminal stage of HE
39Endogenous HE spontaneous No apparent
pricipitating factor, the final consequence of
extensive liver cell destruction. Exogenous HE
Have apparent pricipitating factor, (the
development of portal-systemic shunts,
electrolyte ,acid-base imbalances, bleeding
,ingestion of large amounts of dietary protein,
40Portal-systemic shunts
1. Portal hypertension ?collateral circulation
41- At the lower end of the esophagus
42- 2. At rectal venous plexus
- 3. At periumbilical venous rete
- 4. Portal-retroperitoneal anastomosis
432. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
46Clinical features of HE generally divided into 4
slight altered mood or behavior including
reversed sleep pattern
Coma, no response to painful stimuli
Coma but arousable slurred speech
Drowsiness, personality changes intermittent
flapping tremor
47Flapping tremor
48Precipitating factors in HE
- 1.Nitrogenous overload a frequent cause of HE.
- 2. GI bleeding The presence of blood in the
upper gastrointestinal tract results in increased
ammonia and nitrogen absorption from the gut.
Bleeding may predispose to kidney hypoperfusion
and impaired renal function.
49- 3. Infection Infection may predispose to
impaired renal function and to increased tissue
catabolism, both of which increase blood ammonia
levels. - 4. Constipation Constipation increases
intestinal production and absorption of ammonia. - 5. Renal failure Renal failure leads to
decreased clearance of urea, ammonia, and other
nitrogenous compounds
50- 6. Medications Drugs that act upon the central
nervous system, such as opiates, benzodiazepines,
antidepressants, and antipsychotic agents, may
worsen HE. - 7.Diuretic therapy Decreased serum potassium
levels and alkalosis may facilitate the
conversion of NH4 to NH3.
51?. Pathogenesis of HE
- Ammonia intoxication hypothesis
- False neurotransmission hypothesis
- Amino acid imbalance hypothesis
- GABA hypothesis
521. Ammonia intoxication hypothesis
- (1) History
- 1877 Eck, Russian physiologist who created
portal-systemic shunts in healthy dogs - The beginning of the surgical treatment of portal
hypertension - the first vascular anastomosis
53- Ivan Pavlov Eck-Pavlov fistula
- In 1893 Observed that these dogs promptly became
comatose after eating meat. - meat intoxication
- in 1904 received Nobel Prize
54(3)Supporting evidence
- 6080 of HE show increased plasma ammonia level
- Patients with hepatocirrhosis have elevated
level of ammonia - Symptom of HE and alteration in
electroencephalogram (EEG) after high protein
55(4) Contents
NH3 clearance ( urea cycle )
NH3 production
NH3 production
Under normal condition, the production and the
clearance of NH3 is in balance
56Severe hepatic dysfunction
571) NH3 production
- AA deaminization amine oxidase
- Intestine unabsorbed aa or diffused urea that
are broken down by bacterial amino acid oxidases
or ureases. pH? NH3 absorbed? - Renal tubular epithelial cells Hydrolysis of
glutamine - Skeletal muscles Deamination of other amino
582) NH3 clearance
- Liver Urea cycle
- CO2 2HN3 3ATP 3H2O H2N-CO-NH2 2ADP
4Pi AMP - Brain and muscle Formation of glutamine by
glutamine synthetase - ammoniaglutaminic acid glutamine
593) Why does the NH3 increase in HE?
- ? NH3 production ?
- Portal hypertension Capillary blood presure ? ?
- Congestion and edema of gastrointestinal tract ?
- AA digested and absorbed ?
- Bile ? Intestinal bacteria ? ? ureases ? ? NH3?
- Foods full of high protein or hemorrhage
60- Severe liver disease?renal failure?the urea in
blood defuses into intestine ? NH3? - Tic of the muscles? NH3?
- ? NH3 clearance?
- Liver Urea cycle ? ? NH3 clearance?
- ATP ? Function of enzyme ? Substrates ? and shunt
61Normal metabolism
62Brain NH3?
Liver failure
Shunting Circulation
Blood NH3?
63The reasons of NH3?
clearance ?
GI tract
urea syntheses
Portal-systmic shunts
644)How does the NH3 lead to HE?
- 1.Decreasing energy production
- In normal conditions Because glycogen reserves
are less in the brain, brain needs much of energy
from oxidation of glucose. - Excess ammonia ultimately may cause cerebral
energy failure due to inhibition the energy
65 Pyruvate decarboxylase
Krebs cycle
66- 2. Changing neurotransmitters
- increasing glutamine and GABA
- decreasing glutamic acid and
acetylcholine - The neurotransmitters include excitatory
transmitters (acetylcholine, glutamic acid, etc )
and inhibitory transmitters (GABA, glutamine,
etc) . - The correct balance of neurotransmitters is
critical to the brain. - HE?NH3??GABA, glutamine?, glutamic acid and
acetylcholine ?? disorder of CNS.
67 Krebs cycle
68The reasons of NH3?
clearance ?
GI tract
urea syntheses
Portal-systmic shunts
69 Decreasing energy production
Krebs cycle
Changing neurotransmitters
Disturbing the ions transfer of the nervous cells
703. Ammonia disturbs the ions transfer of the
nervous cells membrane.
- Na-K-ATPase which is located in the surface
membrane of cells is responsible for the active
transport of Na and K between extracellular
fluid and cytoplasm. - NH3 ?ATP?? Na-K-ATPase ?? inhibits excitatory
postsynaptic potentials?depressing CNS function.
71- However, not all data are consistent with the
ammonia toxicity theory. - Plasma levels of NH3 correlate poorly with HE
- Acute NH3 intoxication may be characterized by
seizures which are unusual in either acute or
chronic HE. - NH3 does not induce the EEG changes of HE.
724. Astrocytic swelling (1) Glutamin (2)
Oxidative Stress (3) Permeability of
mitochondrion (4) AQP4?
73?.False neurotransmission hypothesis
74False neurotransmission(FN) hypothesis
- What is FN? And what is true neurotransmission(TN)
? - History of FN hypothesis?
- Why FN is increased in hepatic insufficient
patients? - What is the mechanisms of FN in hepatic
insufficient patients?
75- 1. What is FN? And what is TN ?
What is neurotransmitters? Information is moved
around the brain, from nerve cell to nerve cell,
by means of chemical substances, called
761.A message travels along the nerve and when it
approaches the nerve ending a neurotransmitter is
released. 2.The neurotransmitter is received by
the next neuron 3. some of the neurotransmitter
gets reabsorbed 4.When enough neurotransmitter
is received by the next nerve cell the message
moves forward.
The roles of NT
77- 1. What is FN? And what is TN ?
Excitatory neurotransmitter Ach, Aspartic
acid Inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA,
Neuro- transmitters
78 The structure of FN and TN
79Excitation of secondary neuron
Excitation of secondary neuron
FNT compete receptor
True NT
Hepatic failure
Mode shown replacement of TN to FN in HE
80Supporting evidence
2. False neurotransmitter (FN) hypothesis
- FN accumulates in liver failure.
- In the corpus striatum of rats with
encephalopathy, concentrations of
noradrenaline(NA) and dopamine(DA) decreased,
octopamine increased.
81- In 1970, Parkes first reported bendopa treat HE
succesfully. - Fischer et al proposed FN hepothesis
- In the pateint with hepatic failure, FN
(phenylethanolamine and octopamine) is
accumulated in the synapse of the ascending
reticular activating structure (ARAS) in the
brain stem. - The FN can compete with true Neurotransmitter
(TN) noradrenaline (NE) and dopamine (DA)
because their chemical structure is similar to
the TN. - When FN replaces TN in RAS of brain stem,
disorders of CNS occur.
82(No Transcript)
83- 3. Why FN is increased in HE patients?
- Congestion and edema of gastrointestinal
tract?disorders of the function (motion,
secretion, absorption, digestion) ? inadequate
digestion of protein?Phe (phenylethylamine) and
Tyr (tyramine) ? - Tyr and phe cant be cleared by the process of
enzymatic degradation in liver. - Potal-systemic shunt make Tyr and phe flow in
blood directly.
84Brain Tyr and phe ?
Liver failure
Shunting Circulation
Blood Tyr and phe ?
Tyr and phe
Tyr and phe
854. How does the FN compete with TN?
86?. Plasma amino acid imbalance hypothesis
- 1.What is branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and
aromatic amino acids (AAA)? - 2.What is the contents of Plasma amino acid
imbalance hypothesis? - 3.Why plasma amino acids are imbalance in HE
patients? - 4. What is the mechanisms?
871.What is BCAA and AAA?
89- 2.What is the contents of Plasma amino acid
imbalance hypothesis? - In HE patients, blood BCAA is decreased, AAA is
increased, so, AAA enters in to the brain more
and form FN. - Decreased ratio of BCAA/AAA relates to HE due to
FN formation in CNS. - So, this hypothesis is an extension of False
Neurotransmitter Hypothesis.
90- 3.Why plasma amino acids are imbalance in HE
patients? - BCAA?
- Hepatic dysfunction?degradation of glucagon?
- Portal systemic shunts? glucagon enter into blood
directly - ? glucagon ?? BCAA is excessive used by skeletal
Brain Tyr and phe ?
Liver failure
Shunting Circulation
Blood Tyr and phe ?
Tyr and phe
Tyr and phe
FNT, Phe, Try
AAA/BCAA??AAA enter into brain??TN??FNT?
93- 4. The mechanisms of Plasma amino acid imbalance
- The decrease in BCAA is caused predominantly by
their excessive use by skeletal muscle. - The increase in AAA is caused predominantly by
failure of hepatic failure or shunt. - BCAA/AAA?in CNS may interfere with normal
neurotransmission by competitively inhibiting TN
(DA, NA) and favoring formation of FN
(octopamine, phenylethanolamine)
94? GABA hypothesis
- In the 1980s, Basile and Jones promoted
- gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major
inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS, as a
cause of HE. - Of all brain nerve endings, 24-45 may be GABA
ergic. - Increased GABA ergic tone is observed in patients
with HE
95Brain GABA?
Blood GABA ?
Shunting Circulation
Liver failure
bacteria in intestine ?
Foods full of glumatic acid
Edema, congestion ? digestion?,absorb?
Liver failure
96- GABA crosses the blood-brain barrier?released by
Vesicle of excited presynaptic neuron cell ? GABA
receptors( in conjunction with receptors for
benzodiazepines and barbiturates) ? Cl- channel
opens ? Cl- influxs into the postsynaptic neuron
? membrane hyperpolarization ? inhibitory
postsynaptic potential.
Liver failure
Post-synapse inhibition
- 1. Identification and Removal of Precipitating
Factors - (1)Dietary protein should be eliminated
- (2)Oral lactulose should be given
- Lactulose is degraded by colonic bacteria and
converted to - lactic acid and other acids, with resulting
acidification of - The gut lumen. This favors conversion of NH4 to
NH3 and - The passage of NH3 from tissues into the lumen.
98- (3) Gastrointestinal bleeding must be stopped.
The intestines must be emptied of blood. Blood
breaks down into protein components that are
converted to ammonia. - (4)Treatment of infections, renal failure, and
electrolyte abnormalities (especially potassium)
is important.
99- 2. reducing plasma ammonia and other toxins
- levodopa, a precursor of normal neurotransmitters
- bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist
- infusions of branched chain amino acids
- flumazenil, a benzodiazepine antagonist
- 3. Liver transplantation
100Risk Factors
- 1. Risk Factos in People with Alcoholism
- Only 10 of heavy drinkers develop advanced liver
disease. Not eating when drinking and consuming a
variety of alcoholic beverages are factors that
increase the risk for liver damage. - Obesity is a major factor for all stages of liver
disease. - Women develop liver disease at lower quantities
of alcohol intake than men. The reason for this
may be due to women's inability to metabolize
alcohol as quickly as men, so it stays in the
bloodstream longer. - Genetic factors that regulate the immune
responses in the intestine also play role in
increasing the risk for liver injury from
101- 2. Risk Factors in People with Chronic Hepatitis
- Hepatitis C at higher risk for liver damage,
especially Co-infection with hepatitis B or HIV. - Being diabetic and overweight, particularly if
fat is distributed in the abdomen (an
apple-shape). This condition poses a higher risk
for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH),
which in turn is apt to become scarred and
cirrhotic. - High exposure to toxic chemicals or
environmental contaminants.
102Weight gain in the area of and above the waist
(apple type) is more dangerous than weight gained
around the hips and flank area (pear type). Fat
cells in the upper body have different qualities
than those found in hips and thighs.
1033. Risk Factors for Cirrhosis in Autoimmune Liver
Diseases 4. Obesity and Other Risk Factors for
Cirrhosis obesity increased the risk of death
from cirrhosis in those who drank little or no
alcohol, but not in alcoholics. Men are at higher
risk than women and African Americans have a
higher risk than Caucasians.
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