Title: The Cold War: Part II
1The Cold War Part II
- The Cold War Heats Up
- 1950-1970
2The Cold War in the 1950s
Soviet Union
United States
- Nikita Khrushchev takes over after Stalins death
in 1953. - attempts to separate Stalins crimes from true
communism. - Repression and Dissent
- Protests broke out in the communist bloc
(countries seek elections) - Soviets send troops into Hungary and Poland
- Eastern Europe remained under Soviet control.
- Dwight Eisenhower takes over from Truman in 1953.
- Democrats charged Republicans for missile gap
- Eisenhower responded.
- Increased defense spending
- What was the Marshall Plan? How was this supposed
to stop the spread of communism? - Explain the two alliances of the Cold War.
- What were the US goals in the Cold War?
- What were the Soviet Union's goals in the Cold
War? - Why was the location of Berlin problematic for
the democratic powers? - THINKER Why did people support Joseph McCarthy
if he didn't have any evidence or proof of
communism in the government?
4Senator Joe McCarthy (1908-1957)
- The Second Red Scare was at its height during
the 1950s, but one man popularized
anti-communist attitudes - Joseph McCarthy (Republican Senator from
Wisconsin) made it his goal to get rid of all
communists in American society the gov. - On February 9, 1950, he gave a speech claiming
to have a list of 205 Communists in the State
Department. - No one in the press actually saw the names on the
list. - Continued to repeat his groundless charges
changing the number from speech to speech - His efforts to get rid of the communist threat
became known as McCarthyism.
5McCarthyisms Effects on America
- Federal Loyalty Program (1947-1975)
- required all members of the US government to take
a loyalty oath - Supposed to prove they supported American
democracy and capitalism - HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee)
- Government agency created to investigate public
employees, private citizens and organizations
suspected of having ties to communism - Goal was to target the entertainment industry to
show that communist propaganda was in films, TV
shows, and books - Hollywood 10
- Group of ten Hollywood actors, directors, and
writers - Refused to cooperate with HUAC, and were found
guilty of contempt of Congress and sentenced to
prison - Once released, they were blacklisted, never to
work in Hollywood again
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9The Hollywood Ten
- Alvah Bessie- Objective Burma
- Herbert Bibermen- The Master Race
- Lester Cole- Born Free
- Edward Dymtryk- Crossfire
- Ring Lardner Jr- MASH
- John Howard Lawson- Blockade
- Albert Maltz- Pride of the Marines
- Samuel Ornitz- cofounder of the screenwriters
Guild - Adrain Scott- Oscar-nominated screenwriter and
producer - Dalton Trumbo- The Brave One
10McCarthyisms Effect on America
- Required pro-wrestlers to take a loyalty oath
before stepping into the ring. - In Indiana, a group of anti-communists protested
Robin Hood and forced librarians to pull the book
from the shelves - Socialist message that the books hero had a
right to rob from the rich and give to the poor - Baseball's Cincinnati Reds renamed themselves the
11McCarthys Downfall
- In the spring of 1954, McCarthy claimed the US
Army had hired a communist doctor. - Led to the infamous Army-McCarthy hearings
- For the first time, a television broadcast
allowed the public to see the Senator as a
closed-minded bully on a witch hunt - In December 1954, the Senate voted to censor him
for his conduct and to strip him of his
privileges. - McCarthy died three years later from alcoholism.
- The term "McCarthyism" lives on to describe
anti- Communist fervor, reckless accusations, and
guilt by association.
12The Cold War Arms Race
- After the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Japan,
the world wanted their own nuclear bombs. - This started an arms race competition between
two or more countries for the best/most armed
forces weapons. - Each country competes to produce larger numbers
of weapons, greater armies and military
technologies. - UK, France, US, Soviet Union, and Peoples
Republic of China all produced nuclear weapons.
13Soviet Power
- American experts had believed that the Soviet
Union would not have nuclear bombs until the mid
50s. However, the Soviet Union tested their first
atomic bomb in 1949 - Joe-One, the Soviets first nuclear bomb, was a
copy of the American bomb, Fat Man. (weaker) - The whole world watched in shock at the Soviet
Unions new weapon.
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15Soviet Program VS American Program
- Both parties believed that more nukes more
power! - Soviet Union built more nuclear weapons with
cheaper quality. - Americans built fewer nuclear weapons, but with
better quality.
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17Hydrogen Bomb
- Both countries worked frantically to produce the
first hydrogen bomb. - The US detonated the first H-Bomb in November
1952. - The Soviets exploded their H-Bomb in August 1955.
18Hydrogen Bomb Explosion 1000 times more powerful
than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
19Global Nuclear Confrontation
- The Soviet army had command over 260 divisions of
the armed forces. - The United States, in contrast, had reduced its
forces by 1947 to a little more than a single
division. - American military planners were forced to adopt a
nuclear strategy in face of the overwhelmingly
superiority of Soviet forces. - They would deter any Soviet attack by setting in
place a devastating atomic counterattack. - For the next quarter century, the U.S. and the
USSR would engage in a nuclear arms race that
constantly increased the destructive capability
of both sides.
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- Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
- The most important development in terms of
nuclear delivery in the 1950s. - Missiles delivered bombs instead of bomber
aircrafts. - Missiles could now reach areas thousands of miles
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24Strategic nuclear missiles, warheads and
throw-weights of United States and USSR,
Year Launchers Launchers Warheads Warheads Megatonnage Megatonnage
1964 2,416 375 6,800 500 7,500 1,000
1966 2,396 435 5,000 550 5,600 1,200
1968 2,360 1,045 4,500 850 5,100 2,300
1970 2,230 1,680 3,900 1,800 4,300 3,100
1972 2,230 2,090 5,800 2,100 4,100 4,000
1974 2,180 2,380 8,400 2,400 3,800 4,200
1976 2,100 2,390 9,400 3,200 3,700 4,500
1978 2,058 2,350 9,800 5,200 3,800 5,400
1980 2,042 2,490 10,000 6,000 4,000 5,700
1982 2,032 2,490 11,000 8,000 4,100 7,100
25Arms Race Clips
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v-2kdpAGDu8s (Duck
Cover) - First H-bomb test http//www.youtube.com/watch?vN
NcQX033V_M - Johnsons Campaign Ad http//www.youtube.com/watch
?vdDTBnsqxZ3kfeaturerelated - Dr. Seuss Butter Battle Book
- What led to the end of McCarthyism?
- What was the difference between the Soviet and
American nuclear programs? - Who was the first to explode the Hydrogen bomb?
- What are ICBMs?
- THINKER In your opinion, who won the arms race?
27The Cold War in the 1950s Space Race
- October 4, 1957 USSR launched the first
satellite, Sputnik, into orbit. - The Sputnik launch confirmed the Soviet Unions
superpower status. - Became first artificial satellite into geocentric
orbit on October 4, 1957. - The race to control space had begun!
- Khrushchev We will bury you!
28US Response NASA
- In 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) was created.
29Achievements in the Space Race
- Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first
person to orbit the Earth in 1961 - Later in 1961, Alan Sheppard, Jr. became the
first American astronaut in space. - In 1962, John Glenn, Jr. became the first
American astronaut to orbit the Earth. - The first woman to reach space was Soviet
astronaut Valentina Tereshkova in 1963.
30Yuri Gagarin
Alan Shepard
John Glenn
Valentina Tereshkova
31New President attempts to win Space Race
- In 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected President.
- First Catholic president
- Youngest president ever at age 43
- First televised presidential debate- 70 million
viewers thought that Kennedy won. Radio listeners
Nixon won - Increased government spending on defense, and
math/science education - Created the Peace Corps
- On May 25,1961, Kennedy gave a speech challenging
America to land a man on the moon by the end of
the decade.
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34Man On The Moon!!!
- In 1969, U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin
"Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins made it to the
moon. - Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon,
followed by Buzz Aldrin.
35U-2 Incident
- On May 1, 1960 a U.S. spy plane piloted by CIA
Agent Francis Gary Powers was flying over the
USSR and was shot down. - Powers mission was to take aerial photos of two
major missile test sites in the Soviet Union. - Powers was unable to activate plane's
self-destruct mechanism before he parachuted to
the ground, right into the hands of the KGB.
36- When US learned of Powers' disappearance over
USSR, it issued a statement claiming that a
"weather plane" crashed after its pilot had
"difficulties with his equipment." - US officials did not realize
- Plane crashed intact
- Soviets recovered its photography equipment
- Captured Powers, whom they interrogated
extensively for months before he made a - "voluntary confession" and public apology for his
part in US espionage
The U-2 Incident
- What is Sputnik? How did the US respond to this?
- What were the space race achievements made by the
US? - What were the space race achievements made by the
USSR? - Who became the new US president in 1960? What was
one of his first priorities? - THINKER How did Americans benefit from Cuba?
381960s Foreign Policy Cuba
- Background under Eisenhower
- In the 1950s, Americans owned 90 of Cubas
mines, ranches, oil, and sugar. - Caused Cubans to be extremely poor and demand
change! - In 1958, Fidel Castro led a revolt and overthrew
the pro-American leader (Batista) - Once Fidel Castro became dictator, he seized
property owned by foreign corporations, including
U.S. businesses.
- A Revolution is a struggle between the future
and past
39Bay of Pigs Invasion
- When JFK became President, he made a goal to
solve the problem of a communist satellite on
our very doorstep. - The U.S. refused to accept Castro as leader
- Castro developed close ties with the Soviet
Union. (SU offered economic aide) - Kennedy agreed to a CIA plan that involved
training a group of Cubans to invade Cuba and
overthrow Castro. - The CIA trained these Cubans in Guatemala
Kennedy addresses La Brigada (anti-Castro Cubans)
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41Bay of Pigs
- The Bay of Pigs invasion took place on April 17,
1961. - An airstrike failed to destroy Cubas air force
and Cuban troops proved to be a strong match
against the 1,500 U.S. invaders. - The invasion was a total disaster and eventually
Kennedy accepted defeat.
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43Cuban Missile Crisis
- By 1962, the Soviet Union had missiles stationed
in Cuba. - The U.S. had missiles stationed in Turkey.
- This brought the world on the brink of nuclear
war. - After 10 days of caution, President Kennedy and
Khrushchev agree to remove their missiles.
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47Mutual Assured Destruction
- At the end of the Kennedy Administration, both
the US and the USSR admitted their vulnerability
because of nuclear equality. - Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) One country
couldnt attack the other because they would be
attacked in return. - Whoever shoots first, dies second.
48End of the Arms Race
- Economic problems led to arms control agreements
beginning in the 1970s. This period of time,
known as détente. - Détente Both countries reduced their nuclear
spending and stockpiles. - Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) limited
the amount of nuclear weapons produced. - Limited Test Ban Treaty banned nuclear testing
above ground to prevent radiation poisoning
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50Berlin Wall
- In the dark on August 13, 1961, a low,
barbed-wire barrier rose between East and West
Berlin. Within days, workers cemented concrete
blocks into a low wall, dividing neighborhoods
and families, workers and employers, the free
from the repressed. - The USSR called the wall a barrier to Western
imperialism, but it was meant to keep its people
from going to the West where there were more
rights and freedoms. - The West Germans called it Schandmaur, the "Wall
of Shame." - Over the years, it was rebuilt three times. Each
version of the wall was higher, stronger,
repressive, and impenetrable. Towers and guards
with machine guns and dogs stood watch. - No one was allowed to enter the zones. Anyone
trying to escape was shot on sight.
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54Berlin Wall
- 41 miles long (28 on border)
- 12 feet high
- Fortified with guards and weapons
- Included anti-vehicle trenches
- Supposed to prevent East Berliners from fleeing
into the West. - Over 5,000 escape attempts
- Why would people want to leave East Berlin?
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