Title: Building the Shining City On A Hill
1Building the Shining City On A Hill
2Liberal Conservative
- Favor laws that protect minorities
- Active federal govt
- Value social programs for poor
- Favor regulation of industry
- Favor cooperation with the UN
- Reduce taxes
- Limit govt regulation of industry
- Reduce involvement of the federal govt
- Strong national defense/military
- Traditional religious values less freedoms
3Why A Conservative Mood?
- Democrats unappealing
- Vietnam, Urban Riots during the Great Society,
counterculture, the oil crisis, high taxes,
stagflation Iran Hostage Crisis - Failures of Welfare- perpetual underclass
- Failed black family
4Conservative Activists
- Sagebrush Rebels wanted Feds to give control of
land to the states (Greens mad) - The Moral Majority angry at Federal stands on
social issues. (Pro-life, pro-religion in school,
anti-ERA, anti-gay)
Jerry Falwell founder of the Moral Majority
5enter Ronald Wilson Reagan
- Goldwater conservative
- Opposed big government, wanted a strong
military, believed in traditional values - The Great Communicator radiated optimism
6The Appeal of Reagan, the Man
- Sportscaster Hollywood Movie Actor
- GREAT speaker
- Pres. of SAG then Gov. of CA
- STRONG anti-communist, led Hollywood against
7The 1980 Election
- Reagan asks, Are you better off than you were
four years ago? - Can Do attitude sweeps Reagan to victory
8The Reagan Inaugural
- Read excepts from his address.
- Highlight all examples of conservative values
- Supply-Side Economics
- Major tax cuts to individuals and businesses
(from 70 down to 28) - More federal revenue projected from new sales
payroll taxes in lieu of income taxes - Cut regulations size of Fed Goverment
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11Effects of Reaganomics
- Inflation drops from 11.83 to 3.8 by 1982
- 16 million Jobs Added
- GDP grows at average rate of 3.4
- Total Family wealth income surge
12Critiques of Reaganomics
- Though jobs added in total, overall average 7.5
unemployment - 25 jump in poverty as Social net cut
- Median income drops as people forced off welfare
into lower paying jobs - Budget swells (militarism)
13Reagans America
14Things Begin To Look Up
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16Reagan Gets Tough
- 1981- Illegally, Air Traffic controllers went on
strike - Reagan fired them all after 48 hour warning
hired new workers - Labor HATES Reagan, US admires his strength
- Union power broken in the US
17CRACKED!!!The War on Drugs
- Crack cocaine hit Americas cities
- surge in addiction, homelessness, murder, theft,
robbery, and long-term imprisonment. - Nancy Reagan started Just Say No program
- Fed. cut 4 druggies (housing, college)
- Random Drug Tests for Fed. workers
- Treatment Facilities
Should we tax legalize them?
18The War on Drugs
- Spurred on by the crack epidemic in the
inner-cities, Reagan increases funding for the
Drug War. - Nancy Reagans Just Say No Campaign
19The Racism of Drugs
- Rock or Crack cocaine common among blacks.
Powdered cocaine common among whites - Courts sentence crack abusers MUCH more harshly
(1001) - More jail time for blacks. ANGER!!!
- Ghettoization of cities
Crack Babies have smaller heads and brains,
birth defects more.
20Social Changes for Women
- Increasingly involved in politics
- 1981 - Sandra Day OConnor 1st woman on Court
- By 1989, 20 states have equal pay laws
- Cuts for federally funded daycare
21Social Changes for Blacks
- More elected to public office
- Jesse Jackson runs for President in 84
- Split in black community between educated /
wealthy poor / uneducated
- 1981 disease hits US
- Called Slim Disease, the gay disease, the 4H
Disease (Haitians, homosexuals, heroin users,
hemophiliacs,) - By 1990, myths separate from fact
- Transfusions (Ryan White), toilets, touching
- Now hetero, too
23The AIDS Epidemic
- Reagan is criticized for remaining silent on AIDS
for years as it ravages America - Controversy over its impact in the gay community
- Controversy over sex education in schools
24H.I.V. Discovered
25A Global Issue Sort Of
- In US today, AIDS now seen as something one can
live with. Lifestyle - On the rise again as sexual caution disappearing
- 2009 DC sees 22 jump in AIDS
26Triumph DisasterThe Space Shuttle
- 1981 new, reusable, cheaper vehicle created
- 1986 Challenger explodes
271984 Election Reagan Rocks Mondale
28Scandal Hits Wall Street
- The SL Scandal
- Federally Insured banks hit by 2.6 billion theft
- Deregulation of banks blamed
- Reagan uses tax-payer to pay off
- Americans angry
29Reagans Foreign Policy
30Afghanistan A Secret War
- 1973 communists seize Afghanistan
- Peasants fear anti-religious message, organize
Mujahideen - Soviets fear spread of Holy War into southern
USSR - Enter the US
31The Triumph of Reagan
- -1980, Reagan runs to oppose communism
- Massive Raises Defense Spending
- Star Wars (SDI)
- Liberals see him as dangerous whats he doing?
Signs INF Treaty destroys 2500 nukes
32Afghanistan and Reagan
- Afghan War spending, combined with new US arms
race, cause Soviet economic disaster. - Social programs cut
- Soviets cant buy bread and guns at the same time
Soviet Bread Line
33Taking on the Evil Empire
- Reagan approved a 40 increase in defense
spending from 1981 to 1985. - Peace Through Strength (Deterrence)
34Mikhail GorbachevA Last Ditch Soviet Effort
- Perestroika
- Economic restructuring
- Capitalism?
- Glasnost
- Social Openness
- Freedoms of press and speech
35The Summits with Gorbachev
- A moderate, Mikhail Gorbachev, was someone Reagan
could work with. - Perestroika and Glasnost
- Solidarity leads Poland (Lech Walesa)
- In wake of Gorbachev renouncing Brezhnev
- Backed by Pope John Paul II (assassination
attempt b/c threat) - Berlin Wall falls 11/9/89
37Other States Fall
- Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia (Velvet
Revolution and Vaclav Havel), Romania
(Ceausescu), etc. - FREEDOM!!!!!
38Christmas 1991 The world gets a present
- August 1991, hardliners seize power and Gorbachev
- Boris Yeltsin (Pres. of Russian Republic) leads
people to freedom - USSR bans communism 12/25/91
Yeltsin on a tank leading the people
39The Cold War Is Over
40A Poor Start 1982s War in Lebanon
- Civil War in Lebanon threatened regional peace
security - US sent in troops as peacekeepers with
multi-national force - 1983 US Marine barracks bombed, 220 killed
- US leaves
-Iranian funded Hezbollah did it -Now seen as
early Islamic terror event
41The Bombing in Beirut - 1983
- 241 Americans are killed by suicide bombers in
barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. - Hezbollah (backed by Iran) claims responsibility
- US Libya dispute international H20
- Libyans attack US Navy US crushes
- Libya contracts for W Berlin disco bombing. 2 US
soldiers killed - April 86, US bombs Libya
- Dec. 88, PanAm Flight 803 blown up over Scotland.
Linked back to Libya.
43Bombing of Libya - 1986
- Reagan launches air strikes on Libya in
retaliation for state-sponsored terrorist
bombings - Colonel Muammar Gaddafi
44Iran-Contra Affair
- Reagan alleged to have secretly illegally sold
weapons to Iran (to get Iranian aid in pressuring
Lebanon to release US hostages) funneling to
anti-Sandinista Nicaraguan rebels (Contras) - Oliver North took the fall, but many blame
45George H.W. Bush
Considered the last Cold War PresidentFamous for
the Quote Read my lips No New taxes
-had to raise taxes (S L Crisis) 1988 Election
defeats Michael Dukakis Upset Conspiracy
Theorists when he talked about Creating a
New World Order -felt that the U.N. was
going to take over
Bush Sr.
46Savings and Loan Crisis
- President Bush authorizes the bailout of the SL
Industry to the tune of 125 billion. - Contributes to large deficits
- Causes by deregulation
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48Tiananmen Square - 1989
- Chinese students push for democracy in Communist
China - Student uprising is crushed by Red Army Tanks
49Tianamen Square
Bush Sr.
50Who were the protestors?
What country did this take place In?
What American monument was the Goddess of Liberty
fashioned after?
Statue of Liberty
Bush Sr.
What did the students want?
51Fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989
- The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall collapse in
Europe - Mikhail Gorbachev refuses to resist the force of
history - Bush plays it cool
52Nelson Mandela Freed
Bush Sr.
53What was the name given to the type of racial
segregation that was practiced in South Africa?
What organization did Nelson Mandela founded and
was the largest black political party in South
Bush Sr.
ANC- African National Congress
54Operation Desert Storm
- President George H.W. Bush leads a UN coalition
to expel Saddam for Kuwait - The war lasts about 5 days and is a complete US
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57The 1992 Recession
- Causes
- Black Monday (1987) DOW lost 22
- SL Crisis
- Oil Spike during Desert Storm
- Budget Deficits
- Bush must raise taxes