Welcome COMP1070 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome COMP1070


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Title: Welcome COMP1070

Welcome COMP1070
  • Dr .Hayk Melikyan
  • Departmen of Mathematics and CS
  • gmelikian_at_wpo.nccu.edu

  • Computer Based Society
  • The Nature of Computers
  • Computer Usage
  • Basics of Computer Systems
  • Computer Hardware
  • Computer Software
  • History of Computers

Computer Literacy
  • Awareness as you study about computers, you
    will become
  • more aware of their importance, their versatility
  • pervasiveness in our society
  • Knowledge What they are and how they work. This
    requres learning technical staff but do nor
  • Interaction Being able to use a computer for
    some simple applications.

The nature of computers
  • Every computer has three fundamental
    characteristics and
  • each characteristic has by products that are
    just as
  • Important. The three characteristics are
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Storage capability
  • These characteristics have the following
  • Productivity
  • Decision making
  • Cost reduction

Where Computers Are Used
  • Computers can do just anything imaginable, they
  • everywhere. Here some of principle areas if
    computer use
  • Graphics, Retailing, Energy
  • Paperwork, Control, Money
  • Government, Education, Health and
  • The Science, Robotics.

An Overview of Computers
  • The computer System has three main components
  • Hardware, Software and people.
  • Hardware the equipment associated with a
    computer system ( things you can see)
  • Software a set of instructions that tells the
    hardware what to do.( also referred to as
  • People the most important component of system-
    uses power of computer
  • Program a set of step-by-step instructions,
    created by people, that directs the computer to
    do the task you want it to do.

What Is a Computer ?
  • A computer is a machine that can be programmed to
  • data ( input), process it into useful
    information ( output)
  • and store it away ( in a secondary storage
    device) for later
  • reuse.
  • The processing of input to output is directed by
    the software
  • but is performed by hardware
  • To function, a computer system requires four main
    aspects of
  • data handling
  • Input, processing, output and storage

Input and input devices
  • Input is the data that you put into the computer
    system for
  • Processing.
  • Here are some common ways of feeding input into.
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Scanner
  • Terminal device

  • In computer the processor is the center of
    activity. The
  • processor, is also called the central processing
    unit (CPU) .
  • It is the CPU that actually transforms the data
  • information.
  • data raw of symbols( input) to be processed.
  • Information that is processed data- it is
  • meaningful and useful.

Central Processing Unit
At the hart of computer lies the central
processing unit CPU. It consists of single chip
or a small number of chips. The Pentium chip is
composed of 3 million structural elements called
CPU in Details
Computer Memory,
  • also known as primary storage, is closely
    connected to the
  • CPU but it is separated from it.Memory is place
    where the
  • data is kept after it is being inputted into the
    system, as
  • well as the place where data are kept before it
    has been
  • released to the output device.
  • In addition memory holds the program ( compute
  • needed by the CPU
  • Memory can hold data only temporarily because it
    requires a
  • continuous flow of electric current if the
    current is
  • interrupted, the data is lost.
  • (volatile,not a permanent.)

  • The main memory is comprises a number of storage
  • locations with each location having an address.
  • The size is typically 1 byte, which is made
    up of 8 bit
  • And the bit is smallest unit of storage that can
    store a
  • 1 or 0
  • The address of location is positive integer first
  • have an address 0.

RAM Chips
  • The computers stores data and programs in memory.
  • are two kinds of memory
  • Primary storage (very fast but expensive )
  • RAM ( rendom access memort) and ROM ( read only
  • Disadvantages of RAM ,expensive and volatile.

Secondary storage( secondary memmory)
  • Provides additional storage separated from main
  • Two most common secondary storage media are
  • disks and ( usually 3.5 inch diameter )
  • hard disk, usually more storage capacity and
    offers fast
  • access to the data
  • optical disks, such as CD- ROMs, relatively
  • storage of large volume of data.
  • magnetic tape, which usually comes on a cartridge

  • The result produced by the computers CPU- is , of
    course, a
  • computers whole for being. It is a usable
  • Common for of outputs are
  • text,
  • numbers,
  • graphics,
  • sound
  • The most common output devices are computer
    screen ( the
  • display part of monitor) and printers. You can
    produce output
  • from a computer in other ways(film, voice output,

Complete hardware system
  • The hardware devices attached to the computer are
  • peripheral equipment. They includes all input,
    output, and
  • secondary storage devices. In personal computers,
    the CPU
  • and disk drives all all contained in a same
    housing, but in
  • large systems they may be separated

Schematic Diagram of a Personal Computer
Classification of Computers
  • Computers come in size from tiny to monsters.
  • Supercomputers the mightiest, the most
    expensive( XX millions of dollars ), the fastest
    ( trillions instructions per second)
  • Mainframes large computers, fast (millions
    instructions per second), expensive ( several
    hundred thousand to several millions)
  • Minicomputers next step down from mainframe
    computers- primarily use by businesses and
  • Personal Computers ( PCs) these desktop
    computers are also known as microcomputers or
    home computers.
  • Workstations the upper-end machines used by
    workers .
  • Notebook Computers - that fits in a brafecase (
  • Personal Digital Assistant ( PDA) pan based

Pentium Chips
At the hart of computer lies the central
processing unit CPU. It consists of single chip
or a small number of chips. The Pentium chip is
composed of 3 million structural elements called
Hard Disk
Secondary storage, usually a hard disk less
expensive and permanent nonvolatile
A High-Capacity Floppy Disk and Its Drive
A CD-ROM Drive
Tape Backup Drives and Data Tape
A Personal Computer
A Motherboard
Alan Turing

Turing introduced the theoretical model of
computer the Turing Machine while he was at
Princeton in 1936. A Turing machine is a simple
specification that defines what a computer is. A
digital cellphone is a Turing Machine
Computing History
  • The early years The first "computers" were
    people. Their job was to perform various
    scientific calculations as rapidly and error-free
    as possible.
  • One of the first and most important computer
    scientists was an English mathematician, Alan
    Turing. He discovered the mathematics of

  • The first large-scale digital computer built
  • in the U.S. was developed at the Moore School
  • of Electrical Engineering of the University
  • of Pennsylvania around 1946. This machine was
  • named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator
  • and Computer). Its original purpose was to
  • calculate tables of ballistic trajectories.
  • WWII had just spread to North Africa and the
  • desert terrain was making existing tables
  • obsolete.

The ENIAC / 1946 ( electronic numerical
integrator and computer)
  • Hungarian scientist John von Neumann came up
  • with the idea of storing the program in the
  • computer itself. von Neumann did most of his
  • early work on stored programs and on
  • organization of computing machines while he
  • was at Princeton in the 1940s. We still use
  • The "von Neumann Architecture" today.

John von Neumann
  • He solved one of D. Hilbert's 23 theoretical
    problems and
  • collaborated on developing an algebraic ring with
  • applications in quantum physics. During World War
    II he
  • participated in the development of the atomic
    bomb. After
  • the war he made major contributions to the
    development of
  • high-speed computers one of his computers was
    essential to
  • the creation of the hydrogen bomb. As coauthor of
    Theory of
  • Games and Economic Behavior (1944), he was one of
  • founders of game theory. He coined the term

1970s until today
  • In the late 1970s Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
    built the first Apple computers in Jobs' garage.
  • Bill Gates revolutionized the world of computing
    by providing a simple operating system, MS-DOS to
    IBM for personal computer
  • In the early 1990s, the internet went public.
    Marc Andreessen, a student at the University of
    Illinois, released the first version of "Mosaic
    for X". Mosaic was a browser for the World Wide
    Web Mosaic was the forerunner of Netscape and
    Andreessen was one of its founders.

Pre 90 facts
  • 1945 Grace Hopper showed the world the first
  • known programming bug
  • 1953 IBM shipped its first electronic computer,
  • the 701
  • 1957 FORTRAN was created. It was the first major
  • language to support loops.
  • 1960 LISP was created, with major applications in
  • artificial intelligence
  • 1964 BASIC was created by Kurtz and Kemeny at
  • Dartmouth
  • 1968 Data General introduced Nova, a 32K computer
  • with a selling price of 8000
  • 1970 The first bank ATM was introduced in Georgia

  • 1974 The first computer mouse 1976
  • Wozniac shows the world Apple I
  • 1981 IBM came out with the IBM PC, which
  • used DOS as its operating system
  • 1984 Apple came out with the Macintosh
  • computer
  • 1985 Bjourne Stroustrup introduces C
  • 1990 Microsoft introduces Windows 3.0
  • 1995 SunMicrosystems(James Gosling)
  • announces Java as a new programming
  • language

HW 1 Read lecture and look for more information
on web.
  • Please send the your comments via email to
  • gmelikian_at_wpo.nccu.edu
  • and hand in hard copy by the beginning of the
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