Title: Keystroke Biometric Identification Studies on Long-Text Input
1Keystroke Biometric Identification Studies on
Long-Text Input
- Mary Villani
- DPS 2006
- Fall 2007
- For long-text input of 600 keystrokes
- Determine the viability of the keystroke
biometric two independent variables - Different entry modes copy and free text
- Different keyboards desktop and laptop
3Secondary Tertiary Goals
- When subjects are Aware they are being observed
or Unaware - Identify Patterns or recognition based on subject
demographics (ie. handedness, gender, age,
4Biometrics / Biometric Technologies
- Biometrics
- identifying an individual based on his or her
distinguishing characteristics or the science of
identifying, or verifying the identity of a
person based on physiological or behavioral
characteristics Bolle et al. - Biometric Technologies
- Automated methods of verifying or recognizing the
identity of a living person based on
physiological or behavioral characteristic
Miller, B
5Keystroke Biometrics
- Keystroke identification of a person by their
personal typing style or keystroke pattern - Each individual has a characteristic typing
ability that is unique Bolle - Typing biometrics is the analysis of a users
keystroke patterns Conn et al
6Advantages of Keystroke Biometric
- Keyboards commonly used
- Not intrusive
- Inexpensive
- Can Frequently Re-authenticate the User
7Literature Search
- Copy Task
- Long Text
- Early studies
- About 5 majors (Gaines, Umphress, Leggert)
- Short Entry / Password Hardening
- At least 16, biggest focus
- Even noted the longer the word, the higher the
accuracy - Product BioPassword
- Free Text
- Song (continuous monitoring)
- Gunetti Picardi (August 2005)
8Literature Search
- Features Extracted
- Mostly means and standard deviations of press and
transition (diagraph) - Some trigraphs, 4graphs, 6graphs
- Most pre-process, remove errors or outliers
- Some applied difficulty factor, zones for the
keyboard, some factored length and overall
9Literature Search
- Classification Approaches
- KNN / Euclidean Distance
- Most popular, simples, highest accuracy,
complaint long processing time - Fuzzy Logic
- Neural networking/genetic algorthims
- Bayesian classification
- Combination thereof
- Copy Under Non Ideal Condition
- Copy Compared to Free-Text
- Desktop Compared to Laptop
- Features Fallback
- Length for Free-Text
- Impact of Outlier Distance of Outlier
- Optimized Performance Parameters Free Text
11Gleaned From Initial Experiments the Literature
- More features extracted from raw data yielded
better results - Falling back when no occurrence of a keystroke to
mean and standard deviation of all degraded
performance - Increasing of participants degrades performance
but made the experiment more robust
12These Experiments
- Increasing feature set to 259 from 58
- Staying with long passage
- Must use a larger participant pool for validity
of study - Testing entry in non-ideal conditions
- Different input type (free text vs. copy)
- Different keyboard type (desktop vs. laptop)
- User Awareness Level (aware vs. unaware)
13Updated Feature Set
14 Keystroke Biometric System Components
- Data Capture Applet
- Feature Extractor
- Pattern Classifier
15Data Capture
16Login Screen
17First Part of Demographic Questionnaire
18Second Part of Demographic Questionnaire
Note subject is asked to sign off for IRB
approval 16
19Subjects Could Choose Keyboard and Task
The feature files were named based on their
choices and entry
20Copy Task Entry Mode
21Free-Text Entry Mode
22Sample Raw Feature Data
Sample Raw Feature Data File Hello World
23239 Feature Measurements
- 78 Key Press Duration Measures
- (39 means and 39 standard deviations)
- 70 Key Transition Type 1 Measures
- (35 means and 35 standard deviations)
- 70 Key Transition Type 2 Measures
- (35 means and 35 standard deviations)
- 21 Other Measures (percentages and rates)
24 Type 1 and 2 Transition Measures
25Key Press Duration Features and Fallback
HierarchyWhat to do when key not used often
Hierarchy tree for the 39 duration features (each
oval), each represented by a mean and a standard
26Key Transition Featuresand Fallback Hierarchy
Hierarchy tree for the 35 transition features
(each oval), each represented by a mean and a
standard deviation for each of the type 1 and
type 2 transitions.
27Fallback for Few Samples
- Mean and Standard Deviation Computation when
number of samples n(i) is less than
kfallback-threshold - Similar to NLP backoff statistics for n-grams
28Two Preprocessing Steps
- Outlier removal
- Remove samples gt 2s from µ
- Prevents feature skewing from pauses
- Standardization
- Scales to range 0-1 to give roughly equal weight
to each measure
29Pattern Classifier
- Nearest Neighbor Classifier using Euclidean
30Experimental DesignSix Main Experiments per Six
31Experimental DesignKeyboards (independent
variable 1)
- Desktop Keyboards mostly (100) Dell desktops
in a classroom environment - Laptop Keyboards about 90 Dell laptops, some
IBM, HP, Apple - (greater variety of laptop
- than desktop keyboards)
32Experimental DesignInput Modes (independent
variable 2)
- Copy Task Input specified text of about 600
keystrokes corrections - Free Text Input creation of arbitrary emails
(at least 600 keystrokes)
33 Data Collection
34Subject Participation
35Participation By Experiment Each subject entered
5 texts in at least two quadrants A total of 36
participated in all four quadrants
52 Subjects
40 Subjects
47 Subjects
93 Subjects
Free Text
41 Subjects
40 Subjects
36Five Sub Experiments for Each of the Six Arrows
d e
- a. Training testing on data in quadrant at
first end of arrow (leave-one-out procedure) - b. Training testing on data in quadrant at
second end of arrow (leave-one-out procedure) - c. Combining data at each arrow end
(leave-one-out procedure) - d. Training on first end testing on second
- e. Training on second end testing on first
37Results Experiment 1 36 subjects participated in
all quadrants
38Results Experiment 2 36 subjects participated in
all quadrants
39Results Experiment 3 36 subjects participated in
all quadrants
40Results Experiment 4 36 subjects participated in
all quadrants
41Results Experiment 5 36 subjects participated in
all quadrants
42Results Experiment 6 36 subjects participated in
all quadrants
4336 Subject Summary
44All Subject SummarySupports 36 Subject Results
- Best accuracies for same keyboard and same input
mode - Accuracy dropped significantly for different
keyboards or for different input modes - Accuracy for different input modes better than
accuracy for different keyboards - Accuracy for copy mode somewhat better than
accuracy for free-text mode - Accuracy decreased as the number of subjects
46Long-Text Input Applications
- Identify the author of inappropriate email and
possibly even IM - Authenticate the student taking online exams
47Future Work
- Authentication
- Masters Students currently collecting more data
- Try more sophisticated classifiers
- Neural Networks
- Support Vector Machines
- Explore the data with data mining
- Identify patterns cross referencing demographics
- Aware/Unaware with Better Management
48Future Research Continued
- Observe keystroke patterns over time (ages 15,
20, 25, 30 25 same person) - Observe those who learned computer usage at a
very young age to those who learned in their
adult life, or different typing levels - Identify letters and letter pairs that provide
more value to the accuracy level - More work in free-text and how it differs from
49Unaware / Aware
50Demographic Studies
- Compared 1st half of 93 participant copy text to
2nd half - Train on One, Test on the other matching on
- Gender
- Age
- Language
- Handedness
- Ultimately Wacky results
- Code change at very end to accommodate, dont
trust the programs are processing correctly - Moved to Future Work
51Right Number of Entries Per Subject?
52Optimized Feature Extractor Parameters from
previous assignment Copy Task 30 Subjects
Below are the optimized parameters from copy-task
Outlier Dist. Real
Fallback 1 Yes 0 No
Outlier R,
54 Outlier Removal Significance
55Outlier Removal Significance
56Optimizing Outlier Distance Free Text 93
57Optimizing K1 Free Text 93 Subjects
58Optimizing K2 Free Text 93 Subject
59Optimized Feature Extractor Parameters from
previous assignment Copy Task 36 Subjects
Below are the optimized parameters from copy-task
Outlier Dist. Real
Fallback 1 Yes 0 No
Outlier R,
60Rerun of 93 Subject
Conclusion Optimal Settings are different for
Copy and Free-Text Entry Mode Note This result
is not yet in manuscript, it will be added
61 Significance of Input Text Length
62What Features Contribute Most?
63Feature Contribution Curves
64Accuracy as a Function of of Features
- Input Mode Analysis
- Keyboard Type Analysis
- Feature Set
- Fallback
- Optimizing Feature Extraction Parameters for
Free-Text - Minimum Input Length for Free-Text
66Contributions - Cont
- Minimum of Samples
- Features that contribute most
- Feasibility on Aware / Unaware
- Feasibility on Demographic