Title: Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College
1Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College
- Music Education Development
- Sharing session
- Time 800-900
2Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College
- Music Education Development
- Programme Rundown
- Welcoming message 800-810
- Music sharing
810-820 - Music Ed Development sharing 820-850
- Q A
3Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College
- Music Education Development
- Importance of Music Education
- Framework
- strengths
- partners
4 The Value Of Music Education In MKP
Common language Transcends age and
cultures Ways to understandand share our
emotions Connects and promotes empathy among
- Music Education Helps Develop
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Memory Skills
- Concentration
- Problem Solving Skills
- Teamwork
- Self-Confidence/Self Esteem
- Standards of Excellence
- Time Management Skills
64 Categories of Benefits for Music Education
- Success in Society
- Success in School
- Success in Developing Intelligence
- Success in Life
7How Music Connects to the Core Subject Areas
Research Ideas Used in the Music Classroom
9Music and Math
- Spatial/temporal relationships in music exist as
pitch and rhythm patterns - The cognitive skills used to process music are
used in math as well - It can help students understand math concepts
such as number lines. - Gardiner, 1996
10Music and Math
- Young children were taught fractions using
concept of rhythmic notation-relationships
between different note values - Rauscher, 1999
12Music and Science
- Instruments and Science
- Size and Pitch
- Large instruments have low sounds
- Small instruments have high sounds
- The opportunities to connect music to science are
13Music and..
Liberal Studies
14 Music and Liberal Studies
- Happens often when teaching/learning songs about
- Countries
- Continents
- States
- Game songs from other cultures
- Folk dances from around the world
- While learning these songs, we also learn
- Games
- Dances
- Instruments-both Western and Chinese
- Rhythms
- Songs in native languages
- History of Western music and world music
15Music and..
16Music and Reading
- Both music and reading rely on the discrimination
of sounds from each other - When learning to read, we learn how to relate
letters to their spoken sounds
17In the Music /Band Room Your Child Has the
Opportunity to
- Perform for others
- Create rhythms and melodies,
- Listen to music from many cultures and time
periods - And much, much more!
- Learn how to sing
- Learn how to read music
- Learn how to play instruments
- Learn musical games
- Learn important musical terms
18Music Is
- Scienceit is exact, specific, and demands
acoustics. - Mathematicalit is rhythmically based on
subdivisions of time into fractions - Foreign Languageterms are often in Italian,
German, or French. Notation is a set of symbols
used to represent ideas that everyone, regardless
of language can understand
19Music Is
- Chinese History/History reflects the times,
country, and origin of its creation - Physical Education coordination of eyes, hands,
fingers, lips, voice, facial, and diaphragm
muscles in response to the sounds heard and
interpreted - Visual Art Use all of the technical aspects of
music to create emotion and beauty
20 Scientific Research Shows Music Study Helps
Young Brains Develop...
- Music is a basic building block of intelligence
- Playing music develops critical neural connections
21Benefits of Music Study...
- Improves Spatial Reasoning
- Improves Flexibility of Thought
- Builds Abstract Reasoning Skills
- Develops Good Work Habits
22High School Music Makers Test Scores Higher
- Dept. of Educ. tracked 25,000 students over ten
years - Music-making students outperformed non-musical
peers - Results same for all socio-economic groups
23Music Students Score Higher SATs
- Average 57 points higher in verbal
- Average 41 points higher in math
24Music Students Enjoy Greater College Success
- Music majors are better readers
- Music majors are most successful Medical school
applicants - Some advantages in applying JUPAS