Artificial%20Intelligence%20CSC%20361 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Artificial Intelligence CSC 361 Dr. Yousef Al-Ohali Computer Science Depart. CCIS King Saud University Saudi Arabia ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Artificial%20Intelligence%20CSC%20361

Artificial Intelligence CSC 361
Dr. Yousef Al-Ohali Computer Science
Depart. CCIS King Saud University Saudi
Arabia http//
Intelligent SystemsPart II Neural Nets
Developing Intelligent Program Systems
  • Machine Learning Neural Nets
  • Artificial Neural Networks Artificial Neural
    Networks are crude attempts to model the highly
    massive parallel and distributed processing we
    believe takes place in the brain.
  • Two main areas of activity
  • Biological Try to model biological neural
  • Computational develop powerful applications.

Developing Intelligent Program Systems
  • Machine Learning Neural Nets
  • Neural nets can be used to answer the following
  • Pattern recognition Does that image contain a
  • Classification problems Is this cell defective?
  • Prediction Given these symptoms, the patient has
    disease X
  • Forecasting predicting behavior of stock market
  • Handwriting is character recognized?
  • Optimization Find the shortest path for the TSP.

Developing Intelligent Program Systems
  • Machine Learning Neural Nets
  • Strength and Weaknesses of ANN
  • Examples may be described by a large number of
    attributes (e.g., pixels in an image).
  • Data may contain errors.
  • The time for training may be extremely long.
  • Evaluating the network for a new example is
    relatively fast.
  • Interpretability of the final hypothesis is not
    relevant (the NN is treated as a black box).

Artificial Neural Networks
  • Biological Neuron

The Neuron
  • The neuron receives nerve impulses through its
    dendrites. It then sends the nerve impulses
    through its axon to the terminal buttons where
    neurotransmitters are released to simulate other

The neuron
  • The unique components are
  • Cell body or soma which contains the nucleus
  • The dendrites
  • The axon
  • The synapses

The neuron - dendrites
  • The dendrites are short fibers (surrounding the
    cell body) that receive messages
  • The dendrites are very receptive to connections
    from other neurons.
  • The dendrites carry signals from the synapses to
    the soma.

The neuron - axon
  • The axon is a long extension from the soma that
    transmits messages
  • Each neuron has only one axon.
  • The axon carries action potentials from the soma
    to the synapses.

The neuron - synapses
  • The synapses are the connections made by an axon
    to another neuron. They are tiny gaps between
    axons and dendrites (with chemical bridges) that
    transmit messages
  • A synapse is called excitatory if it raises the
    local membrane potential of the post synaptic
  • Inhibitory if the potential is lowered.

Artificial Neural Networks
  • History of ANNs

History of Artificial Neural Networks
  • 1943 McCulloch and Pitts proposed a model of a
    neuron --gt Perceptron
  • 1960s Widrow and Hoff explored Perceptron
    networks (which they called Adalines) and the
    delta rule.
  • 1962 Rosenblatt proved the convergence of the
    perceptron training rule.
  • 1969 Minsky and Papert showed that the
    Perceptron cannot deal with nonlinearly-separable
    data sets---even those that represent simple
    function such as X-OR.
  • 1970-1985 Very little research on Neural Nets
  • 1986 Invention of Backpropagation Rumelhart and
    McClelland, but also Parker and earlier on
    Werbos which can learn from nonlinearly-separable
    data sets.
  • Since 1985 A lot of research in Neural Nets

Artificial Neural Networks
  • artificial Neurons

Artificial Neuron
  • Incoming signals to a unit are combined by
    summing their weighted values
  • Output function Activation functions include
    Step function, Linear function, Sigmoid function,

Activation functions
Linear function
Sign function
Sigmoid (logistic) function
Step function
sign(x) 1, if x gt 0 -1, if x
lt 0
step(x) 1, if x gt threshold 0,
if x lt threshold (in picture above, threshold 0)
pl(x) x
sigmoid(x) 1/(1e-x)
Adding an extra input with activation a0 -1 and
weight W0,j t (called the bias weight) is
equivalent to having a threshold at t. This way
we can always assume a 0 threshold.
Real vs. Artificial Neurons
Neurons as Universal computing machine
  • In 1943, McCulloch and Pitts showed that a
    synchronous assembly of such neurons is a
    universal computing machine. That is, any Boolean
    function can be implemented with threshold (step
    function) units.

Implementing AND
Implementing OR
Implementing NOT
Implementing more complex Boolean functions
Artificial Neural Networks
  • When using ANN, we have to define
  • Artificial Neuron Model
  • ANN Architecture
  • Learning mode

Artificial Neural Networks
  • ANN Architecture

ANN Architecture
  • Feedforward Links are unidirectional, and there
    are no cycles, i.e., the network is a directed
    acyclic graph (DAG). Units are arranged in
    layers, and each unit is linked only to units in
    the next layer. There is no internal state other
    than the weights.
  • Recurrent Links can form arbitrary topologies,
    which can implement memory. Behavior can become
    unstable, oscillatory, or chaotic.

Artificial Neural NetworkFeedforward Network
Artificial Neural NetworkFeedForward Architecture
  • Information flow unidirectional
  • Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
  • Radial Basis Function (RBF)
  • Kohonen Self-Organising Map (SOM)

Artificial Neural NetworkRecurrent Architecture
  • Feedback connections
  • Hopfield Neural Networks Associative memory
  • Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART)

Artificial Neural NetworkLearning paradigms
  • Supervised learning
  • Teacher presents ANN input-output pairs,
  • ANN weights adjusted according to error
  • Classification
  • Control
  • Function approximation
  • Associative memory
  • Unsupervised learning
  • no teacher
  • Clustering

ANN capabilities
  • Learning
  • Approximate reasoning
  • Generalisation capability
  • Noise filtering
  • Parallel processing
  • Distributed knowledge base
  • Fault tolerance

Main Problems with ANN
  • Contrary to Expert sytems, with ANN the Knowledge
    base is not transparent (black box)
  • Learning sometimes difficult/slow
  • Limited storage capability

Some applications of ANNs
  • Pronunciation NETtalk program (Sejnowski
    Rosenberg 1987) is a neural network that learns
    to pronounce written text maps characters
    strings into phonemes (basic sound elements) for
    learning speech from text
  • Speech recognition
  • Handwritten character recognitiona network
    designed to read zip codes on hand-addressed
  • ALVINN (Pomerleau) is a neural network used to
    control vehicles steering direction so as to
    follow road by staying in the middle of its lane
  • Face recognition
  • Backgammon learning program
  • Forecasting e.g., predicting behavior of stock

When to use ANNs?
  • Input is high-dimensional discrete or real-valued
    (e.g. raw sensor input).
  • Inputs can be highly correlated or independent.
  • Output is discrete or real valued
  • Output is a vector of values
  • Possibly noisy data. Data may contain errors
  • Form of target function is unknown
  • Long training time are acceptable
  • Fast evaluation of target function is required
  • Human readability of learned target function is
  • ? ANN is much like a black-box
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