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Upcoming: Quiz Friday, Nov 3 on EFP chapter 11&12 Course evaluations: October 29 through November 20. Go to wku.evaluationkit.com and use your WKU NetID and password. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Upcoming:

  • Quiz Friday, Nov 3 on EFP chapter 1112
  • Course evaluations
  • October 29 through November 20.
  • Go to wku.evaluationkit.com and use your WKU
    NetID and password.
  • Early access to grades and prizes for completing
    all course evaluations

Nuclear reactor
  • In a nuclear power plant, the energy to heat the
    water to create steam to drive the turbine is
    provided by the fission of uranium, rather than
    the burning of coal.
  • Fuel is 3 235U and 97 238U. 235U is an isotope
    of 238U. The chain reaction will only occur in
    the 235U, but naturally occurring uranium has
    both present in it.
  • The neutrons coming from a fission reaction have
    an energy of 2Mev. They are too energetic to
    sustain a nuclear reaction in 235U.
  • Need to slow them down to energies on the order
    of 10-2 so they can sustain fission in the 235U

Slowing the neutrons down
  • A moderator is used to slow down the neutrons and
    cause them to lose energy
  • The moderator could be water or graphite
  • The lower energy neutrons are called thermal
  • Some of the neutrons will be absorbed by 235U
    instead of causing a fission reaction or by 238U
    and resulting in the emission of a gamma ray in
    both cases.
  • Absorption of a neutron by 238U can result in the
    creation of 239Pu which is also fissionable

Creating Plutonium
  • So 238U captures a neutron creating 239U
  • 239U undergoes a beta decay (a neutron is
    converted to a proton and an electron) with a
    half life of 24 minutes and becomes 239Np
  • 239Np then beta decays with a half life of 2.3
    days into 239Pu.
  • 239Pu has a half life of 24,000 years
  • 239Pu can also undergo fission by the slow
    neutrons in the core, with an even higher
  • So as it builds up in the core, is contributes to
    the fission reaction

Breeder reactor
  • A reactor designed to produce more fuel (usually
    239Pu ) than it consumes.
  • 239Pu does not occur naturally, and it is more
    fissile than 235U.
  • Leads to the possibility of reactors that can
    create their own fuel, and only need limited
    mounts of naturally occurring uranium to operate.
  • Also leads to the danger of countries creating
    additional nuclear fuels for weapons development
  • Caution-reactor must be designed to produce
    weapons grade plutonium, jut because someone has
    a nuclear reactor does not mean they create
    weapons grade plutonium

Reactor design
  • PWR pressurized water reactor
  • Core where the action is. Fuel assembly is kept
    in here (fuel is usually in the form of fuel
  • Fuel rods are surrounded by the water which acts
    as the moderator. This water is kept under high
    pressure so it never boils-it heats a seconds
    water source which turns into steam
  • Control rods are slid in and out from the top to
    control the fission rate-in an emergency they can
    be dropped completely into the reactor core,
    quenching the fission
  • Once the steam is generated, this works just like
    a fossil fuel power plant
  • Can run without refueling for up to 15 years if
    the initial fuel is highly enriched
  • Used in submarines and commercial power systems

Reactor design
  • BWR Boiling water reactor
  • Core where the action is. Fuel assembly is kept
    in here (fuel is usually in the form of fuel
  • Fuel rods are surrounded by the water which acts
    as the moderator and the source of steam
  • Control rods are slid in and out from the bottom
    to control the fission rate-in an emergency they
    can be dropped completely into the reactor core,
    quenching the fission. Also, boron can be added
    to the water which also efficiently absorbs
  • Once the steam is generated, this works just like
    a fossil fuel power plant

Fuel Cycle
  • Fuel rods typically stay in a reactor about 3
  • When they are removed, they are thermally and
    radioactively hot
  • To thermally cool them they are put in a cooling
  • Initial idea was that they would stay in the
    cooling pond for 150 days, then be transferred to
    a facility which would reprocess the uranium and
    plutonium for future use.

Nuclear waste disposal
  • This idea ran into problems.
  • Fear that the plutonium would be easily available
    for weapons use halted reprocessing efforts in
  • Note that it is very difficult to extract weapons
    grade plutonium from spent fuel rods
  • Plan is now to bury the waste deep underground,
    in a place called Yucca Mountain, Nevada

Nuclear waste
  • The spent fuel rods are radioactive
  • Radioactivity is measured in curies
  • A curie is 3.7x1010 decays per second
  • A 1000 MW reactor would have 70 megacuries(MCI)
    of radioactive waste once it was shut down
  • After 10 years, this has decayed to 14 MCi
  • After 100 years, it is 1.4MCi
  • After 100,000 years it is 2000 Ci

Yucca Mountain
(No Transcript)
Transportation scenarios
Transportation scenarios
What can go wrong?
  • Nuclear power plants cannot explode like a
    nuclear bomb.
  • A bomb needs a critical mass in a confiuration
    which is not present in the reactor core.
  • Even a deliberate act of sabotage or terrorism
    could not cause such an explosion.
  • The worst that can happen is a core melt down.
  • 2 classes of accidents-Criticality and Loss of
    Coolant (LOCA) accidents

Criticality accident
  • If the control rods were removed and/or the
    control systems failed, a runaway reaction would
  • The tremendous heat produced would melt the
    containment system and the reactor core would
    sink into the Earth
  • Radioactive material would enter the ground and
    be released as steam (a radioactive cloud) into
    the air
  • The area around the reactor would be highly
    contaminated with radioactivity
  • The cloud could travel for hundreds or even
    thousands of miles, and could spread dangerous
    levels of radioactivity around the world.

Loss of coolant accident
  • After a reactor is shut down, it is still hot
    enough to experience a core melt down if cooling
    system fails.
  • Emergency coolant systems are in place to prevent
  • Big part of reactor design is the prevention of
    such accidents

  • To determine the likelyhood that such an accident
    would occur something called an event tree is
  • This determines the consequences of a particular
    event occurring
  • Each component (pump, valves etc) has a failure
    probability assigned to it
  • Bottom line-most recent studies indicate that for
    all 104 reactors operating the US, over their 30
    year operating lifetime, there is a 1
    probability of a large release of radioactivity
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