Title: By: Cicely Jones, Jennie Angle,
1The Space Race
- By Cicely Jones, Jennie
Angle, Dylan Hull
2What is the Space Race?
- An informal competition between the United States
and the Soviet Union. Both countries wanted to
explore outer space, send humans to space and
land on the moon. - Approximately 1957-1975
Sputnik was the first artificial satellite ever
launched. The USSR launched it on October 4,
1957. Sputnik was about the size of a
basketball, weighed 183 pounds and could orbit
the earth in about 98 minutes.
4THE U.S. IS THREATENED, Round 1 goes to the
Soviet Union
5 And NASA is born!!!
- Sputnik lead to the creation of
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, what we now know so well as
NASA Immediately after NASA was formed, the
U.S.A. began work on a new artificial satellite. - The Explorer, the first U.S. space
satellite, was successfully launched at Kennedy
Space Center on January 31, 1958.
6- The Race heats up as both countries strive to get
the first man in space..
7First Man in Space
In April 1969, Yuri Gagarin of the
Soviet Union became the first man to travel
in space. The United States had expected to be
the first to send a man To outer space. The U.S.
was very disappointed, while the U.S.S.R and
its people were extremely proud. At this point,
it looked as though the Soviet Union would
win the race. ..but JFK was ready to
8 Three weeks later, in 1961, the U.S. launches
Alan Shepard into space, and he became a
national hero
Whoever was winning the Space Race, was
winning the war.
9First Moon Landing
The USA lands Apollo 11 on the Moon (1969)
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Apollo 11 circles around behind the Moon and a
third rocket launches it into orbit around
the Moon.
Apollo 11 is launched into orbit. After one and
a half orbits, it heads toward the Moon.
The Lunar module Eagle makes its descent
towards the moon and touches down at 1056 p.m.
418 P.M. July 20, 1969
128 P.M. July 19, 1969
932 A.M. July 16, 1969
On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the
first man to set foot on the moon. The day
before, Apollo 11 had landed on the moon. Over
500 million people tuned in to hear Armstrong
say That's one small step for man, one giant
leap for mankind.
(hear original audio)
11Battles Won
First Artificial Satellite
First Man in Space
First Moon Landing
First Man on the Moon
12So who won?
13Its Up To You