Title: Contemporary%20Psychology
1Contemporary Psychology
2Scientific reasons for the decline of behaviorism
- Findings began to occur that were inconsistent
with learning theories - Behaviorist began to argue among themselves about
the need to develop learning theories
3The Zeitgeist
- Psychologist became involved in WWII
- Behaviorist psychology could not address
important questions being asked - Psychologists were working with other
professionals who contributed new tools for
looking at human behavior
41950s The beginning of the cognitive movement
- 1954 P. W. Bridgman, who gave psychology the
concept of operational definitions renounced
strict behaviorism - Jean Piaget most of his studies done in 1920s
and 30s, but not translated until 1950s
51950s The beginning of the cognitive movement
- Two people instrumental in the resurgence of
cognitive psychology - George Miller and Ulric Neisser
6George Miller
- Introduction to psychology mostly self-taught
- 1950s all textbooks were purely behaviorist
- Latter part of the 1950s he became interested in
computers and computer simulations of the mind - Also encouraged to abandon behaviorism when he
developed allergies to animal hair
7Miller at Harvard
- 1960 Hr and Jerome Bruner given William James old
house to set up a lab to study the human mind - Miller chose the name cognition as the name for
their subject
8Center for Cognitive Studies
- Developed to be against behaviorism
- Behaviorism the ruling authority, they were
anti-establishment (1960s) - Topics studied language, memory, perception,
thinking, development, etc. - All basic parts of cognitive psychology and
forbidden topics for behaviorists
9Ulric Neisser
- Physics undergraduate who took a psychology
course from Miller - M.A. degree from Kohler and in 1956 received his
PhD from Harvard - Found behaviorism to be very peculiar if not
10Ulric Neisser
- 1st academic position was at Brandeis University
Abraham Maslow was chair of the dept. - 1967 he published Cognitive Psychology in which
he defined what it was - He was proposing a new way of studying human
behavior not trying to start a new school of
psychology - In 1976, he published a new book Cognition and
Reality in which he criticized cognitive
psychology for too much reliance on laboratory
11Cognitive psychology today
- The information processing and computer model of
Miller and others has been abandoned for a brain
model - The basic topics have remained the same although
the immense increase in knowledge has created
more specialized areas of study - Cognitive psychology like behaviorism has
impacted all disciplines in psychology
12Humanistic psychology
- Basic ideas of Humanistic psychology were not new
- Humanistic supporters developed the ideas at a
time it when it could be accepted - Greatly effected by the unrest and
dissatisfaction of young people in the 1960s
13Humanistic criticism of Behaviorism
- 1. too narrow, sterile, and artificial approach
- Emphasis on overt behavior was dehumanizing
- Rejected the concept of humans functioning in a
deterministic manner - Behaviorism did not address human characteristics
that made us different than nonhumans
14Humanistic criticism of Psychoanalytic theory
- Too deterministic and ignored the role of
consciousness - It only studied disturbed individuals
- It ignored positive human qualities
15Basic concepts of Humanistic psychology
- Study all aspects of the human experience
- Study normal healthy humans
- Help normal people grow
16Abraham Maslow
- A staunch behaviorist who became influenced by
Wertheimer and Ruth Benedict, an American
anthropologist - Developed his hierarchy of need with
self-actualization at the pinnacle of the pyramid - Humans seen in a very positive light always
striving to improve
17Criticisms of Maslow
- Subjective criteria for a person to be
self-actualized - Very little empirical support for his theory
- Based on very few subjects
- Limited research failed to support his theory
- Theory found to have a low degree of scientific
validity and a very limited application to
business and industry
18Carl Rogers
- Person-centered or client centered therapy
- Personality was the result of a motivation
similar to self-actualization - Studied people with mental disorders because he
was treating people - People can rationally change their thoughts and
behaviors from undesirable to desirable
19Influence of Humanistic psychology
- Rogers person centered therapy still popular and
frequently used - Never replaced behaviorism and psychoanalysis and
never developed into a school of psychology - Most humanist were in clinical practice not
academic positions - Continued to attack behaviorism and Freudian
psychology long after their influence was gone - They never truly defined what it was, just what
it wasnt
20Growth of Professional psychology in the U. S.
- 1930s almost all people calling themselves
psychologists worked in universities and colleges - 1950s only half were in academic positions
21Influence of WWII
- Need to treat war large number of war casualties
and others created a large need for psychologists
working outside academia - 1950s APA set up the Board of Professional
Psychologist to test and license professional
psychologists - 1950s and 1960s demand for clinical
psychologist much greater than the demand now
supply has caught up with demand
22Changes in the nature of professional psychology
- The result of other professions recognizing that
knowledge of human behavior can be applied to
many situations - Industrial settings
- Management consulting
- Quantitative applications surveys, opinion
polls etc.
23Outside influences on psychology
- Computers that revolutionized statistical
analysis Multi-variant statistics - Combining psychology with biological sciences
Cognitive Neuroscience - Psychology and medicine behavioral medicine and
health psychology
24Has parapsychology (ESP) earned a place in
psychological science?
- Attempts of scientific study of psychic
phenomenon date back to 1882 the Society for
Psychical Research in London - Proponents argue that parapsychology was once
tangles up with astrology, numerology, magic and
the occult, but it no longer is associated with
these forms of mysticism. It now only includes - Precognition
- Clairvoyance
- Psychokinetics
- Mental telepathy
25Advocates of ESP
- There are now experimental techniques that
conform to strict scientific methodology - History is full of examples of phenomenon which
at one time were caused by unknown factors - Their science is being held up to standards
that no science could pass
26Criticisms of ESP as a science
- Gullibility of humans we easily fooled
- Inaccuracy of our sensory systems
- Inaccurate perception of probability of events
- Illusion of control
- No acceptable theory of what ESP is and how it
works only what it isnt
27Examples of criticism
- Probability there are 22 people in a room. What
is the probability that 2 of them have the same
birthday? - What we perceive as a rare event isnt always
- Deja vue
- Dreams and other premonitions of things that will
28Bottom line
- The study of ESP will probably not be considered
as a science by most until they can describe what
it is and the system that underlies it. - Does this mean that it does not exist?
- No, only that current evidence does not seem to
support it now. It is necessary to be highly
critical of their existence until the mechanisms
have been identified.