Establishing a Worldwide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Establishing a Worldwide


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Joan Severson Last modified by: matthe rizzo Created Date: 8/3/2004 6:38:47 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Establishing a Worldwide

Establishing a Worldwide Driving Simulator
Scenario Library Matthew Rizzo Division of
Neuroergonomics University of Iowa, Department
of Neurology Iowa City, Iowa USA HFES, New
Orleans September 22, 2004

  • This brief talk outlines advantages of developing
    a standardized shared library of driving
    simulator scenarios -- and hopefully serves as a
    call to action.
  • Having standards for driving simulator a common
    library of standardized driving simulator
    scenarios is essential.
  • Why?

  • Simulators are an important means for safe and
    objective assessment of performance capabilities
    in normal and impaired automobile drivers.
  • Yet, substantial problems that limit the utility
    of simulator research.

  • Simulation is advancing, yet it remains a cottage
    industry of home grown devices with little
    overall standardization. This is a major
    hindrance to research.
  • Key problems facing simulator users are related
  • simulator graphics, audio, and movement
  • scenario design and validation
  • subject adaptation and comfort
  • selection of performance measures
  • technical standards for reporting experimental
    set-up and results.

We Need Standard Scenarios
  • Standards for simulation and and simulator
    scenarios can facilitate comparisons of operator
    performance across different simulator platforms.
  • Availability of standards for simulation and
    simulator scenarios can facilitate collection of
    large amounts of data at different institutions
    with greater power for addressing worldwide
    public health issues related to driving.
  • Comparisons against standards can clearly reveal
    missing descriptors and other weaknesses in ever
    mounting numbers of driving simulator research

Issues in Standardization
  • How well can most simulator scenarios be
    described within a common framework?
  • Should researchers be expected to implement a key
    scenario just one way?
  • Can levels of fidelity be adequately specified
    for cross-platform comparisons?
  • How can we overcome vested interests and
    entrenched opinions on simulators?

Clinical Trials
  • We need simulator standards to implement clinical
    trials in drivers with a variety of medical
  • NIH definition A clinical trial .. is a
    research study in human volunteers to answer
    specific health questions. Clinical trials are
    the fastest and safest way to find treatments
    that improve health. Interventional trials
    determine whether experimental treatments .. are
    safe and effective under controlled environments.
    Observational trials address health issues in
    large groups of people or populations in natural
  • http//
  • A clinical has "some formal structure of an
    experiment, particularly control over treatment
    assignment by the investigator" (Piantadosi,
    1997, "Clinical Trials A Methodologic

Many dimensions to consider
  • Dr. Jeff Greenberg, Chief of VIRTTEX at Ford's
    Research Laboratory, reviewed issues in simulator
    fidelity relevant to standardization (SUG _at_ TRB,
  • http//  
  • Simulator fidelity and infidelitycan be
    characterized along 21 key dimensions along 3 key
  • Cueing systems Visual, Auditory, Haptic or
    Tactile, and Vestibular
  • Physical environment Cab, Laboratory, Virtual
  • Visual world Terrain and roadways, and Vehicle

There is hope
  • Some differences in physical fidelity may not
    affect psychological fidelity
  • The driver in the loop may behave similarly
    across a range of small physical differences in
  • Meaningful measures may even be had in a surreal
  • Standards are within our reach, with a promising
    payoff in new research.

Clinical trials in driving safety examples
  • Cervical immobility
  • Reduced visual fields
  • Ecstasy, marijuana and other illicit drugs
  • Parkinsons Disease
  • Shoulder (rotator cuff) surgery with sling, leg
  • Dialysis
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Cirrhosis
  • Detrussor spasm in women
  • Low back disorders
  • Ambulatory surgical/anesthesia restrictions
  • Post abdominal surgery
  • Anti-hypertensive medication effects
  • NPH pre and post-shunting
  • Post ambulatory anesthesia

Things to agree on
  • Scenarios
  • Measures
  • Standards of reporting in journals
  • Subject selection criteria
  • Reporting of independent measures
  • Standards for physiologic recording
  • Visuals, audio, haptic cues
  • Training criteria
  • Simulator adaptation
  • What is a simulation
  • Criteria for validation

HASTE effort
  • Mandatory driving performance measures
  •  Speed
  • Speed variation
  • Lateral position
  • Lateral position variation
  • Lane exceedences
  • Time to line crossing
  • Reversal rate
  • Time To Collision, Time headway and Distance
    headway Brake reaction time

HASTE effort
  • Optional driving performance measures
  • High frequency component of steering wheel angle
  • Steering entropy
  • High risk overtakings
  • Abrupt onsets of brakes
  • Post Encroachment Time

HASTE effort
  • Mandatory workload measures
  • Rating Scale Mental Effort (RSME)
  •  Glance frequency
  • Glance duration
  • S-IVIS performance
  • Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique
  • Optional workload measures
  • Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
  • Respiration
  • Skin Conductance

Rationale for selecting preliminary scenarios for
a standard library
  • Importance in the epidemiologic record -- focus
    on key situations conveying potential high crash
    risk, e.g.
  • Run off the road on curves
  • Rear end collision
  • Intersection incursion avoidance
  • Interaction with emergency vehicles/pedestrians
  • Merging with the potential for side impact
  • Scenarios that address behavioral effects of
    using in-vehicle devices, e.g., cell phone,
    information displays

Sample Format presented at SUG 1/13/04
  • Sample Format for Describing a Simulator
    Scenario Lane Change with Slow Traffic (SUG
  • Specifications
  • Script
  • Cognitive constructs stressed
  • Dependent measures
  • Independent variables
  • Implementation challenges
  • Testing Validity of Scenario
  • Bibliography

Sample Scenario Description
  • Script The driver is traveling on a road with
    two lanes of traffic, each moving at different
    speeds. At different times, one lane of traffic
    is moving more advantageously (faster) although
    overall this may be the slower lane. The drivers
    task is to pass through traffic as quickly as
  • This task would be similar to the Gambling Task
    (Bechara et al, 1994) in which an individual has
    to overcome an immediate reward to ensure
    long-term benefit.
  • Variations can be made on this script the two
    lanes of traffic could average the same speed or
    could even be moving at the same speed. The
    drivers perception that one lane is moving
    faster may be a visual and cognitive illusion.

Sample Scenario Description
  • Cognitive constructs stressed Attention,
    perception, and decision-making.
  • Dependent measures Time it takes the driver to
    maneuver through the traffic to arrive at a
    destination, number of navigation errors, and
    number of moving violations or safety errors
    (e.g., excessive speed, near misses, and
    collisions) could be recorded.
  • Independent variables The number of vehicles
    involved, number of lanes, speed of the different
    lanes and final destination, and travel
    contingencies could be manipulated (e.g., the
    driver could be instructed to get off at a
    specific exit for a hospital).

Sample Scenario Description
  • Implementation challenges
  • It may be difficult to create a realistic feel.
    The problem may be lessened by giving the driver
    external instructions, thus altering driver
    expectations and rewards or incentives. For
    instance, the instructions could be to drive as
    if you were taking a pregnant woman or a
    critically sick person to the emergency room.
  • Is it possible for the driver to be able to
    change lanes when desired?
  • How will the surrounding cars respond to the

Sample Scenario Description
  • Measurement challenges
  • Some drivers will not try to get in the faster
    lane, if they think it makes little difference in
    the long run.
  • A questionnaire following the task may be helpful
    in assessing how fast the driver felt each lane
    was moving, and whether or not they the driver
    have changed lanes if given the opportunity.
  • Variations in personalities would have to be

Sample Scenario Description
  • Testing Validity of Scenario An instrumented
    vehicle could be used to study lane change
    behavior during times of high- density traffic,
    yet the environmental variables could not be
    easily controlled.
  • Bibliography
  • Bechara , A., Damasio, A. R., Damasio, H.,
    Anderson, S. W. Cognition , 50, 7-15 (1994)
  • Redelmeier, D.A. Tibshirani, R.J. Nature 401,
    35 (1999).

Sample Scenario Description
  • Testing Validity of Scenario An instrumented
    vehicle could be used to study lane change
    behavior during times of high- density traffic,
    yet the environmental variables could not be
    easily controlled.
  • Bibliography
  • Bechara , A., Damasio, A. R., Damasio, H.,
    Anderson, S. W. Cognition , 50, 7-15 (1994)
  • Redelmeier, D.A. Tibshirani, R.J. Nature 401,
    35 (1999).

Value of scenario plots for visualizing driver
What would you do if you saw a police car parked
on the side of a 2-lane highway with no vehicles
coming in the other lane?
Value of task analysis Response to darting dog
ahead, honking SUV behind
Brake application
Honking SUV in rear view
Gas reaction 0Nothing, 1 Release, 2Press
At-fault safety errors Quantitative vehicular
control measures
Brake reaction 0Nothing, 1 Release, 2Press
Dog darts to road from right
Parkinsonism 0No change, 1Worse, 2Better Frame
Frame, speed
Gas reaction 0Nothing, 1 Release, 2Press
At-fault safety errors Quantitative vehicular
control measures
Brake reaction 0Nothing, 1 Release, 2Press
Steering reaction 0Straight, 1 Right, 2Left
Parkinsonism 0No change, 1Worse, 2Better Frame
Outcome (Frame, speed) 1Avoids dog, no crash
with oncoming traffic 2Hits dog, no crash with
oncoming traffic 3Avoids dog, but crashes with
oncoming traffic 4Hits dog and crashes with
oncoming traffic
  • General standards are lacking for scenario design
    and dependent measures.
  • Lack of standards limits research and testing
  • Representations of simulator scenarios in a task
    analysis format help to clarify the logical
    structure of scenarios and related issues such as
    operational definitions and measurements of
  • Joint consideration of these issues will aid in
    the creation of a proposed driving scenario
  • The effort will contribute to an infrastructure
    for worldwide research on critical public health
    issues concerning driver performance and vehicle
    design, with the support of major funding
    agencies such the NIH and NHTSA.

How shall we proceed?
  • We for your expert opinions and advice
  • Which key scenarios are most worth implementing
    across different simulator platforms for clinical
  • How should these scenarios be represented?
  • Please Contact
  • Matt Rizzo ( or
  • Jeff Caird (

Action Items
  • Continue to examine key topics on
    standardization, physical and psychological
    fidelity, reporting of methods, selection of
    variables and scenarios, and simulator discomfort
    in simulation research.
  • Identify funding sources for addressing these
    concerns in anticipation of future research
    trials (e.g., involving impaired drivers or
    patients and on board safety devices).
  • Prepare a white paper outlining suggestions for
  • Continued efforts to spread the word
  • TRB Simulator Workshop 2005 (Fisher, Mourant,
  • Driving Assessment 2005, including SUG meeting
  • (Rockport ME, June 27-30).
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