Chemical Injury - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chemical Injury


Studies show many illnesses could have an environmental/chemical connection ADD/ADHD Asthma Autism ... nutritional supplements & serums to ... all natural wood ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chemical Injury

Chemical Injury
  • Bonita Poulin
  • Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION
    CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other
    Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases
    Injuryaffecting civilians and military 

Studies show many illnesses could have an
environmental/chemical connection
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Brain Central Nervous System Damage
  • Cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • Gulf War Syndrome (GWS)
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue
    Syndrome (ME/CFS)

  • Parkinsons
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Arterial Sclerosis
  • many forms of Arthritis
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Lupus
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Alzheimer's,
  • ALS (Lou Gehrigs)

How to know when youve had an exposure?
  • Whenever you can
  • Touch
  • Taste
  • Smell
  • a chemical
  • you have already been exposed!

Some chemicals/fumes cannot be seen or smelled
How do chemical injuries happen?
  • one or more large exposures or multiple smaller
    exposures over time via
  • Ingestion
  • Inhalation
  • skin contact
  • absorption through eyes

How I Got Sick
  • worked 10 years at a laundry detergent factory
  • responsible for making sure chemicals were being
    added things were flowing through the various
    pipes, pumps etc.
  • developed first case of Bronchitis during first
    week working in dept 5 more times during first
    2 ½ years
  • in 1991 the companys enzyme hygiene program
    found several employees were sensitized to

How I got sick
  • investigation revealed defective respirators
  • better respirators purchased for the entire plant
    with strict training maintenance program
  • were told to wear PPE and no health problems
  • 1994 I developed asthma using inhaler
  • 1995 department safety, enzyme and hazardous
    system coordinator - moved me into the office
    area still did tours, inspections

How I Got Sick
  • 1997 developed bilateral carpal tunnel and tennis
    elbows, - I did not do any repetitive work
  • carpal release surgeries on both hands
  • more carpal tunnel arthritic symptoms
  • diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • 1998 back to regular technician job in department
  • after 3 days of working with chemicals I started
    having some serious problems - left hand arm
    was swollen to twice the size of my right hand

How I got Sick
  • ordered by plant doctor to take 3 days off to
  • rheumatologist - only office work indefinitely
  • carpal tunnel symptoms continued Rheumatoid
    Arthritis spread worsened
  • short term disability for several months and my
    carpal tunnel healed by itself
  • back at work - trouble thinking clearly
    concentrating, severe fatigue spontaneous
    crying for no reason

How I Got Sick
  • carpal tunnel symptoms started up again
    Rheumatoid Arthritis got worse
  • discovered Brown Antibiotic Protocol for
    Mycoplasma as a cure to Rheumatoid Arthritis
    talked family doctor into trying it in fall 1989
  • worsening of symptoms from die-off so was
    referred to an Environmental doctor on Ottawa
  • provocation neutralization testing discovered
    many food environmental allergies chemical
    sensitivities that contributed to symptoms

How I Got Sick
  • list of things to avoid, strict diet, nutritional
    supplements serums to neutralize reactions and
    build up immunity
  • dr. advised me to stop working at factory but I
    refused pay benefits too good
  • avoidance serums worked well for while -
    asthma, carpal tunnel and Rheumatoid Arthritis
    got better
  • new symptoms - slurring speech, staggered gait,
    constant nausea, dizziness, reduced sensation on
    the left side of body occasional jerking of my
    right hand - couldnt read what I had written

How I Got Sick
  • environmental doctor discovered I was on verge of
    a stroke with thick sticky blood
  • dr. insisted I take a couple of weeks off work
  • advised us to remove all chemicals from home
    wash everything in Borax baking soda to
    eliminate residual chemicals
  • the more of this we did, the better I felt - no
    longer sick while at home
  • now I got nauseous dizzy from a whiff of
    perfume, woodsmoke or other exposures was
    constantly vomitting.

Living With MCS
  • no longer able to tolerate any environment other
    than my house totally disabled by MCS
  • for over a year I had to wear disposable mask
    everywhere to reduce exposures
  • we owned a hobby farm 5 miles east of Brockville
  • whenever wind blew from the town the factorys
    perfume would make me nauseous dizzy, even
    inside my home.
  • installed electronic air filtration - helped
    while inside but still sick when I went outdoors.

Living With MCS
  • started having more and more left sided weakness
    (partial paralysis) unable to look after my
  • 2005 decided we had to move away from area
  • used map to find area with few roads, very little
    farming and no industry
  • used website that tells all
    the polluters in area when postal code punched in
  • searched For Sale By Owner websites until we
    found our safe house in Quadeville

Living With MCS
  • house was 10 years old, built of century logs,
    sits high on hill surrounded by forest, no
    neighbours for ½ a mile
  • inside is all natural wood with hardwood and
    ceramic floors, no drywall and no basement
  • equipped with energy conserving Heat Recovery
    Ventilator with charcoal filter and humidity

People I Know Have Developed Multiple Chemical
Sensitivities From
  • pesticide application
  • carpet installation
  • construction and renovations
  • inhabiting a sick building (pesticides, moulds)
  • handling strong chemicals
  • burning CCA pressure treated wood and garbage
  • breathing polluted air

What is MCS? Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • a chronic condition
  • affecting multiple organ systems
  • symptoms recur reproducibly
  • in response to low levels exposures to unrelated
  • symptoms improve when incidents are removed
  • reactions may be immediate or delayed

Is MCS An Allergic Condition?
  • MCS is not an allergic condition although it is
    sometimes described that way in order to make it
    easier to understand.
  • Many of the immediate MCS reactions occur via the
    central nervous system rather than the immune
    system. i.e. migraine, numbness, nausea

Principals of MCS
  • Because the body is constantly exposed, the
    reactions become the normal state and so
    reactions to specific things go unnoticed.
  • However, the person never feels well and
    complains of various symptoms never relating them
    to exposures.
  • After several days of avoidance symptoms clear
    and then can be noticed when they reoccur after a
    new exposure.

  • Reactions to environmental stimulus can be
    emotional and often varies from depression to
    mania and can change from one to another very
    quickly. Patients are often misdiagnosed as

Biochemical Individuality
  • The total body burden from current and past
    illnesses and exposures and the immune system
    status of the patient as well as their parents.
  • Studies have shown that chemical exposures can
    cause changes for several generations.

Spreading or Kindling
  • One sensitivity leads to many more and to
    unrelated items.
  • MCSers usually also develop intolerances to foods
    eaten regularly and hypersensitivities to molds,
    pollen, algae, insect bites, and medications, all
    of which can be
  • life-threatening.

  • With repeated exposures symptoms become more
    severe and can become life threatening i.e.
  • anaphylactic shock instead of nausea

Why is it so important for an MCSers to avoid
  • Each exposure causes the MCSer to
  • . become less tolerant to exposures
  • . develop sensitivities to new things
  • . reactions can become more serious and even life

What causes MCS?
  • MCSers have defective detoxification pathways
    meaning their bodies accumulate toxins instead of
    removing them. These defects are caused by
    exposures to certain chemicals.
  • Many MCSers can pinpoint the exact time of their
    sensitization and most often it is linked to
    exposures to pesticides or solvents.

MCSers can develop symptoms from exposure to
  • Scented products
  • Solvents
  • Body care products
  • Construction materials
  • Furniture / Appliances
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • And more

Symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • . can affect any part of the body
  • Severity and duration of the reaction depends on
  • type of chemical involved
  • frequency, intensity and duration of the
  • history of past exposures, especially recent
  • biochemical makeup of the person i.e. immune
    system status, health and exposures of parents

Common MCS Symptoms
respiratory illnesses neurological
problems mental /cognitive capacity severe muscle
and joint pain mood swings extreme
fatigue Regardless of the form in which the
symptoms of MCS manifest themselves, it is a
reaction to the toxic chemicals in our
environment not to smells.
How prevalent is MCS?
  • . An alarmingly increasing public health problem
    worldwide especially in industrialized areas
  • . Millions of people of all ages, including young
    children, have become sensitized following
    exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment.
  • . Toxic pesticides that are used in schools,
    housing, offices, malls, lawns, public parks and
    facilities, contribute greatly to the incidence
    of MCS.  

Canadian MCS Statistics
  • Socio-economic impact of MCS study of Canadians
    in 2001 by the
  • Environmental Illness Society of Canada
  • 4 million Canadians (approximately 15) are
    affected by chemical sensitivity, half a million
    of whom are severe cases, with 5,000 being
    disabled by this condition.
  • 10 billion are lost in productivity,
  • 1 billion is lost in taxes,
  • 1 billion is used in avoidable health care
  • 1 billion in (avoidable disabilities) paid

MCS Causes Many Life-changing Losses
  • health
  • ability to work and support self/family
  • financial security and ability to buy
  • self-confidence and self worth
  • hobbies and enjoyment
  • social interaction (family, friends)
  • entertainment (movies, concerts, shopping,
  • marriage and relationships
  • ability to complete activities of daily living
  • home (live year round in cars, tents etc.)

What is it like to live with MCS?
  • Imagine a life in which you have to stay away
    from anyone using regular laundry and personal
    care products and places that use chemicals lest
    you become ill?
  • A teacher who cant be near books or photocopies
    or work in a portable classroom
  • A soldier that cant tolerate cleaning their gun
    or polishing their boots

Who Acknowledges MCS?
  • Canada Pension Plan
  • WSIB
  • CMHC
  • Nova Scotia Workers Compensation
  • Health Canada
  • Ontario Ministry of Health
  • Ontario Medical Association
  • Nova Scotia Medical Association
  • Nova Scotia Department of Health
  • Public Works Canada
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada
  • Ontario Human Rights Commission
  • Canadian Human Rights Commission

The Ontario Canadian Human Rights Acts state
  • Employers, schools, offices,
  • hotels, stores, Doctors and Dentists,
  • Health Care Facilities, other
  • public places and transportation
  • must make their premises accessible
  • and provide reasonable
  • accommodations.

MCS Disability
  • . Most disabled MCS patients are denied
    disability pensions because there are no tests
    to prove It because medical science cannot agree
    on test requirements.
  • . The chemical manufacturing industry has
    launched an anti-MCS campaign designed to create
    the illusion of controversy about MCS and cast
    doubt on its existence.
  • . The only diversity of opinion comes from the
    authors with industry affiliations.
  • http//

RISE Responsible Industry For A Sound Environment
  • . RISE is made up of executives from companies
    like Monsanto, Sandoz Agro, DowElanco, Dupont
    Agricultural Products, The Scotts Company,
    Procter and Gamble and other pesticide
    manufacturers, formulators, and distributors
  • . Keeping MCS controversial is a key task of the
    cigarette-science activities of RISE.
  • http//

Is There A Cure For MCS?
  • . There is no cure for MCS using allopathic
  • . Drugs administered to treat symptoms are
    usually not well tolerated and often end up
    making the patient worse.
  • . Until recently, General Practitioners had no
    training in toxicology or environmental health.
  • . The Ontario College of Family Physicians
    developed and is now conducting training on
    Environmental Health for new family doctors.
  • http//

Things That Do Help
  • avoidance to prevent severe reactions and
    worsening including eating only whole organic
  • supplementing with the required nutrients
  • detoxing to lower total body burden
  • keeping a positive attitude with activities
    that promote self-esteem
  • Great strides have been made with alternative
    health care approaches i.e. Environmental
    Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Orthomolecular
    Medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture

Can Avoidance Cure MCS?
  • Total avoidance is impossible. A person with MCS
    can only decrease exposures, not eliminate them
  • It is important to avoid toxic chemicals whenever
    possible to prevent worsening.

MCSers Fall Through The Cracks
  • Most of the treatments that help are not covered
    by OHIP or the Health Insurance Industry and are
  • Since many MCSers have no health insurance and
    have only small or no disability pensions, it is
    impossible for them to afford the help they need.

Hazardous Of Fragrances
  • up to 4,000 ingredients, mostly synthetic
  • many are human toxins and suspected or proven
  • in 1989, the US National Institute of
    Occupational Safety and Health evaluated 2,983
    fragrance chemicals for health effects
  • they identified 884 of them as toxic substances

Why A Scent Free Policy
  • fragrances are everywhere in everything
  • known to trigger asthma attacks
  • US Environmental Protection Agency found that
    100 of perfumes contain toluene, which can cause
    liver, kidney and brain damage as well as damage
    to a developing fetus.
  • is a common skin irritant.

Hazardous Of Fragrances
  • Symptoms reported to FDA from fragrance exposure
    include headaches, dizziness, rashes, skin
    discoloration, violent coughing and vomiting, and
    allergic skin irritation.
  • Clinical observations show that fragrances can
    affect the central nervous system,
  • causing depression, hyperactivity,
  • irritability, inability to cope other
  • behavioural changes.

Analysis Of Eternity Perfume By 2 Independent
  • 41 chemical ingredients
  • 5 are skin irritants
  • 3 are skin sensitizers (cause contact dermatitis)
  • 6 are respiratory tract irritants
  • 2 are respiratory sensitizers (cause asthma)
  • 5 are nervous system irritants
  • 1 is toxic to central nervous system
  • 2 affect reproductive systems
  • 2 affect fetus
  • 3 are suspected carcinogens (cause cancer)
  • 27 have not been thoroughly investigated for
    health or toxicological properties
  • 11 have little or no data

Essential Oils - Tips Cautions
  • MCSers are often sensitive to even small
    quantities of essential oils, especially the
    stronger smelling ones like tea tree, lemon and
  • Strong smelling scents, even natural ones, are
    not appropriate for scent-free workplaces.

Where To Buy Scent-Free Products
  • Many products labeled as perfume-free actually
    use a masking fragrance to hide smells of other
  • Truly scent-free personal care products cannot be
    found in drug stores, grocery stores or
    department stores!

Air Freshener, Deodorizer
  • Freshen air by removing or diluting the
  • offending odour (cleaning, ventilation
  • absorption) not covering with other chemicals. 

Natural Air Freshening Tips
  • baking soda will absorb odours
  • zeolite will absorb odours heavy metals
  • simmer water and spices on stove
  • bowls of fragrant dried herbs flowers (not
    commercial potpourri)
  • open a window run central vacuum or use fan in
    another window to exchange air

Anti-bacterial soaps and cleaners are not
  • exposes us to harmful chemicals
  • high levels found in human breast milk
  • kill both beneficial and harmful bacteria leaves
    us more vulnerable to harmful ones
  • widespread use contributes to the development of
    resistant bacteria
  • children need exposure to some germs to develop
    their immune systems.

Pest Control
  • Free e-book on safe alternative pest control
    methods written by an ex pesticide applicator who
    developed MCS

Learn to Read Labels
  • In Canada, ingredients are listed in order of
    quantity. The first ingredient makes up the
    greatest amount of the product
  • Ingredient lists may not contain all ingredients
    i.e. inert ingredients are not listed
  • Inert ingredients can be just as hazardous

  • Manufacturers Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are not
    required to list ingredients which make up less
    than 1 of a product.
  • Manufacturers can cite trade secrets as an
    excuse not to list ingredients anywhere.
  • In Canada, manufacturers are not required to list
    ingredients at all on labels of personal care
    products or household cleaning products. This is

Things To Think About
  • . The Center for Disease Controls Body Burden
    report documents that everyones body contains
    many toxic chemicals that should not be there.
  • . Everybody is only one exposure away from
  • developing Multiple Chemical Sensitivities,
    Cancer or other Chemically Induced Illnesses.
  • . If you already react to one chemical, take heed
    because your body is warning you to be careful
    about exposures.

Rules For Your Protection
  • Do not rely only on Personal Protective Equipment
    to protect you. PPE can fail!
  • Educate yourself about MCS other chemical
  • Use less harmful chemicals/products where ever
  • Pay attention to what your body is telling you

Clean and Safe Environment
  • An environment which is free of smoke,
    pesticides, fabric softeners, air fresheners,
    commercial disinfectants and anti-bacterial
    cleaners will decrease exposures to many
    chemicals which have been linked to human health
  • Choosing less toxic products is an important part
    of providing a healthy environment that benefits

(No Transcript)
Dont be a stinker!
Chemicals in perfumes cause health problems!
The End
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