Controlling Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Controlling Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals


Title: Pesticides and Toxics Author: Janet M. Thomas Last modified by: Amy Cole Created Date: 1/18/2003 9:40:56 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Controlling Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals

Controlling Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals
  • Chapter 20

Pesticide Controls
Overview of Pesticide RegulationRulings on
Pesticide Use
  • Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
    Act (FIFRA) of 1947 and subsequent amendments
    regulate pesticide use
  • Controls storage, transportation, and disposal of
    pesticides, including labeling regulations
  • Controls use, disposal, refill, and reuse of
    pesticide containers
  • Chief regulatory instrument is registration of
    new pesticides and reregistration of those
    already on the market
  • Recent revisions made through the Pesticide
    Registration Improvement Act of 2003
  • Main objectives include promoting quicker
    decisions for reduced-risk pesticides and
    creating a new registration fee system

Overview of Pesticide Regulation Rulings on
Pesticide Residues
  • Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996
    amended FIFRA as well as the Federal Food, Drug,
    and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), which sets tolerances
    for pesticide residues left on food
  • FQPA provides consistency by establishing a
    single health-based standard for all pesticides
    in all foods and gives special attention to
    pesticide risks faced by infants and children

Registration of New Pesticides
  • Pesticide registration refers to formally listing
    a pesticide with the EPA based on risk-benefit
    analysis before it can be sold or distributed
  • Risk-benefit analysis is an assessment of risks
    of a hazard along with the benefits to society of
    not regulating that hazard
  • At registration, EPA sets the pesticide
  • A pesticide tolerance is the legal limit on the
    amount of pesticide residue allowed on raw or
    processed foods

Reregistration of Existing Pesticides
  • Pesticide reregistration is a formal reevaluation
    of a previously licensed pesticide on the market
  • At the final phase of reregistration, EPA issues
    a Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED)
  • An RED is a document that gives the results of
    the EPAs risk assessment of the pesticide
  • EPA must reassess each pesticide every 15 years

New Policy Direction
  • Objective of the Pesticide Environmental
    Stewardship Program (PESP) it to achieve
    pollution prevention
  • A voluntary program whose main objective is to
    reduce pesticide usenot just regulate it
  • PESP promotes Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Methods that foster more selective use of
    pesticides and greater reliance on natural
  • Sets up partnerships with pesticide users to
    implement preventive strategies

Analyzing FIFRA
Risk-Benefit Analysis
  • According to FIFRA, costs and benefits of
    pesticide use are to be considered in determining
    risk, suggesting risk-benefit analysis
  • Risks of using a pesticide should be weighed
    against benefits, such as greater crop yields
  • In practice, risks are the dominant factor in
    EPA's registration decisions

Assessing Risks
  • For new pesticides, risks are evaluated using
    data on health and environmental effects
    submitted by manufacturers as part of the
    registration application
  • If risks are negligible, EPA usually assumes that
    private benefits exist because manufacturer is
    willing to absorb high registration costs
  • If risks are greater than negligible, onus is on
    manufacturer to formulate a risk reduction
    strategy or show that benefits exceed risks
  • For existing pesticides, a formal benefit
    analysis is done by determining and monetizing
    biological gains, such as increased crop yields

Risk Assessment Problems
  • Scientists question EPA's risk assessment methods
  • Some argue risks are underestimated
  • Due to EPAs lack of attention to inert
    ingredients and cumulative effects from using a
    combination of pesticides
  • Some argue risks are overestimated
  • Due to findings from animal bioassays that
    overstate the potential harm to humans
  • Federal government's environmental priorities do
    not align consistently with expert risk ranking

Benefit Assessment Problems
  • Primary incremental benefits are reduced plant
    damage and increased crop yields
  • In theory would be modeled as a supply (S)
    increase, with incremental benefits estimated as
    change in consumer and producer surpluses
  • Problems in practice
  • Precise information is likely not available for
    demand, pre-pesticide supply, and post-pesticide
    supply for every market in which the pesticide
    were used
  • Difficult to estimate secondary benefits such as
    improved worker productivity linked to greater
    food supplies

Toxic Chemical Controls
Overview of Toxics Regulation
  • Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 is
    aimed at identifying and controlling chemicals
    that present a health or environmental risk
    before they are introduced into commerce
  • Gives EPA authority to collect data on chemical
    risks from producers, to call for testing on
    existing chemicals, and to review new chemicals
    before they are made available for use
  • Requires compilation of the TSCA Inventory
  • A database of all chemicals commercially produced
    or processed in the U.S.

Controlling Chemical UseNew Chemicals
  • For new chemicals, TSCA requires producers to
    notify government at least 90 days before they
    plan to produce or import the substance
  • A new chemical is one not listed in the TSCA
  • Notification is done via a premanufacture notice

Controlling Chemical UseExisting Chemicals
  • For existing chemicals, manufacturers must
    notify the EPA if any chemical is found to
    present a substantial risk to health or the
  • An existing chemical is one listed in the TSCA
  • EPA response can vary and may include labeling
    requirements or outright ban

New Policy Direction
  • Green Chemistry Program promotes the development
    and use of innovative technologies to prevent
    pollution by minimizing or eliminating production
    of hazardous substances
  • Extended Product Responsibility (EPR), also known
    as product stewardship, calls for commitment by
    all participants in the product cycle to reduce
    environmental effects

Analyzing TSCA
Risk-Benefit Analysis
  • TSCA's objectives are to regulate chemicals
    posing an unreasonable risk
  • Use of risk-benefit analysis in the chemical
    approval process is implied in a Congressional
    report discussing how unreasonable risk is
  • Therefore, TSCA empowers the EPA to ban or
    restrict use of toxic chemicals that do not pass
    the risk-benefit test

Risk Assessment Problems
  • Testing is done only upon formal request by EPA,
    so some risks are not discovered until after a
    chemical has been introduced into commerce
  • Reportedly, risk assessments have been done on
    relatively small proportion of registered
  • Government's environmental priorities do not
    always align with expert risk rankings

Benefit Assessment Problems
  • Estimating social benefits is particularly
    difficult for chemical use because the benefits
    accrue in various ways and across multiple
  • Expected benefits are difficult to measure
    because of so many substances to assess
  • Over 76,000 chemicals are registered
  • Over 1,000 premanufacture notices (PMNs) are
    filed each year

Bias Against New Chemicals
  • Bias exists because government is more efficient
    at testing new substances than it is for existing
  • Analysis of existing chemicals is complex and
    time-intensive relative to rules for reviewing
    new substances
  • Result is that chemical producers have an
    incentive to continue selling existing, and
    possibly more dangerous, substances, to avoid
    costs of introducing new substances that will be
    subject to governments more efficient testing

Economic Analysis and Market-Based Solution
Inefficient Outcomes
  • Nothing in FIFRA or TSCA assures efficiency
  • In both the pesticide and chemical markets,
    source of inefficiency is a negative consumption
    externality associated with use
  • Modeled as a negative marginal external benefit
    (MEB), that causes marginal social benefit (MSB)
    to lie below marginal private benefit (MPB)
  • Without government intervention, the negative MEB
    is ignored, so competitive equilibrium output,
    QC, where MPB MPC, is higher than efficient
    output level, QE, where MSB MSC
  • Result is overallocation of resources to

Market-Based SolutionProduct Charge
  • To internalize the consumption externality, a
    product charge could be implemented as a unit tax
    (t) on the chemical.
  • To achieve efficiency, t must equal MEB at QE
  • Modeled as a shift up of MPC, by the amount of
    the tax, raising effective product price to (PE
  • Product charges are used by some state
    governments to discourage chemical use, and by
    other countries, such as Belgium, Denmark,
    Norway, and Sweden

Modeling the Product Charge
Price ()
Q of Chemicals
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