Title: Chapter 2 Bonding in Solids
1Chapter 2Bonding in Solids
2Types of bonding in solids
- Ionic bonding
- Covalent bonding
- van der Waals bonding
- Metallic bonding
3Ions and ionic radii
4Assignment of radii to ions is difficult
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6The radius ratio rule(2rx)2 (2rx)2
2(rMrx)22rx?2 2 (rMrx) rM/rx 0.414
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9Lattice energy of ionic crystals
10- Attractive energy
- Repulsive energy
- A Madelung constant
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and therefore
13Kapustinskiis equation
14The Born-Haber cycle
- Na(g) Cl-(g)? NaCl(s) , ?H U
- Na (s) 1/2 Cl 2(g)? NaCl(s) , ?H ?Hf
- Sublimation of solid Na ?H
S - Ionization of gaseous Na atoms ?H IP
- Dissociation of Cl2 molecules ?H
1/2 D - Formation of Cl- ion
?H EA - Coalescence of gaseous ions to give crystalline
- NaCl
?H U
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16Stabilities of real and hypothetical ionic
17Some examples
18d orbitals
19Octahedral complex and crystal field
20Tetrahedral and square planar
21Orientation of d orbitals in a tetrahedral field
22Crystal field splitting of energy level
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27Jahn-Teller distortions
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29Metallic bonding and band theory
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31Free electron theory (Sommerfeld)
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35Band structure of metals
36Overlapping band structure of Be
37Band structure of insulators
38Two types of conduction mechanism in
- Negative charge carriers (conduction band)
- Positive holes (valence band)
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40Band structure of inorganic solids
41Transition metal compounds
42Fullerenes and graphite
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